Meet the Maknae/Sub Vocalist: Kang Jee-Sun

넌 내게 반했아 -You've Fallen For Me-

Kang Jee-Sun

Character Name: Kang Jee-Sun

Other Names:  English-Sarra Parker

Nicknames: Gujee Gujee - No actual reason as to why she has it, it was given my Ji-Yeon though.

BirthDate: December 30, 1997 16

Age: 16

Ethincity:Korean-American (as she was born in America)

BirthPlace: Downtown Los Angeles, California

Hometown: Thousand Oaks, California

Blood Type: B

Height: 175.02 cm

Weight:  50 kg

Languages: English-Fluent, Korean-Fluent, German-Fluent, KSL-Fluent, ASL-Fluent, Japanese-Conversational Only

Personality: She is very random to the point where most will look at her like she's crazy but she knows when to be serious. She is very obedient to their leader, Ji-Yeon, due to the fact that they're both from America and speak English.  

Background: She grew up in Thousand Oaks family happily with her mother and brother, Ki-Bum, before they moved to Seoul when she was younger. She got separated from her brother because he had to watch over their grandmother. While going to school she was teased often for her height, her weight, or for the fact she was born in America. But she pushed through it and eventually got past it, the teasing stopped once she lost some weight as well. During her second year of middle school she auditioned for SM and was taken in.

Style: Tomboyish

Likes: Drawing, Playing the Flute, Making Youtube videos

Dislikes: Spicy foods, teasing, and obnoxious people

Hobbies:  Drawing and making Youtube videos


Beards - Something about them just irks her

Color Orange - It's not much of a fear as it is a preference. She can't stand being around the color orange because of someone she used to know.

Habits: When she's nervous, she bites her nails, when she's angry she begins to mutter things in English and has a habit of being very clumsy.


Likes to make Youtube videos

Likes to wear different colored eye contacts

Also likes to be alone a lot


Name: Kang Jin-Hyuk
Age: -Unknown-
Occupation: -Unknown-
Relationship: She doesn't know who her father is

Kim Hye-Mi
Age: 54
Occupation: Stay at home mother
Relationship: Close as can be

Name: Kim Ki-Beom also known as Key of SHINee 
Age: 21
Relationship: He often likes to baby her and protects her often

Best Friends;

Name: Park Ji-Yeon
Age: 20
Occupation: Leader in Bronze Hearts
How You Met: Met during Trainee days

Name: Amber
Age: 20
Occupation: Member of f(x)
Hoy You Met: Met when she became a trainee, the two often make jokes about other workers in the company


Rivals: None

Group: -N/A-

Age: -N/A-

Reason: -N/A-

My Love~


Love Interest: Kris

Group: EXO

Age: 20 -for the sake of the story-

Relationship: The two of them are good friends

Personality: Determined, Innocent, Naive, and Obedient despite his appearance 

How You Met: She met him as a trainee along with the other EXO boys

How You Treat Each-Other: There is a lot of friendly skinship but she still treats him with respect. He calls her shortie despite the small height difference and she calls him giant just to get back at him.

The Rival in Love

LoveRivalName: Choi Min-Ho

Group: SHINee

Age: 21

Relationship: Just Friends.

Personality:Competitive but also very caring towards others and is often the adult in most situtations. 

Reason: He has a crush on Jee-Sun

How You Treat Each Other: She treats him like a friend and also with respect, he treats her as a close friend and often likes to hug her in front of other guys.

The Life of an Idol

How'd You Get Into SM: Audtioned second year of Middle school

Trainee Life: Was fine, she made friends with Ji-Yeon, Kris, and the members of her brother's group

Trainee Years: 3 Years

Stage Name: Sarra

Persona:  Just random....

Position: Maknae/Sub-Vocalist

Fanclub: SunSHINe

Fanclub Color: Blue and yellow


Jewel [x]

SingingTwin: - Park Shin-Hye

DancingTwin; - CL of 2NE1

RappingTwin: - CL of 2NE1

TalkingTwin - - Jessica of SNSD

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Chapter 3: Yay~ Can't wait for the first chapter~ ^^
CrystalizedAmber #2
sounds good