Meet the Leader: Park Ji-Yeon

넌 내게 반했아 -You've Fallen For Me-

Park Ji-Yeon


Character Name: Park Ji-Yeon

Other Names:  English-Eliza Park, Japanese-Mitsuki Otonashi,Chinese-Meng Fu-Ning

Nicknames: Tokki (Bunny), she was given the nickname because she resembles rabbit when she smiles like Him-Chan of B.A.P. Also it was given because she often hops in her steps.

BirthDate: January 20th, 1993

Age: 20

Ethincity:Korean-American (as she was born in America)

BirthPlace: Downtown Los Angeles, California.

Hometown: Rosemead, California 

Blood Type: B

Height: 160.02 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Languages: English-Fluent, Japanese-Conversational Only, Mandarin-Fluent, Korean-Fluent, Spanish-Conversational Only

Personality: Often acts like a child when she's very excited but can do a 180 when it comes to something serious. She also is known for being a bit of a trickster amongst many of the SM trainees and stars. And although she may seem immature, she often carries the roll of "Eomma" in her group or just with the people around her. This comes from the mothering instinct within her and she does it so much that her friends will call her "Tokki Eomma" which means Rabbit Mother. She is also known for having a great poker face in public but it is usually washed away when she spots something that suits her fancy or even if it's just some flower boy across the street.

Background: She grew up in Rosemead in which there are many people of Asian descent living there. But despite being Asian herself, she was teased because she was the only one out 26 Korean children at her school. But despite that she often put on a brave face and smiled. During her middle school years she and her family moved to South Korea where she found her passion for sing and dancing. And from then she began to join whatever music-related activities at her school. And then when she got into high school she auditioned for SM Entertainment and was taken in. As a trainee she went through many struggles but was able to pull on through with the friends she had made.

Style: A cross between Tomboyish and Cutesy

Likes: Drawing, Playing tricks on people, Dancing, Cooking, playing with people's hair and fingers

Dislikes: Sour foods, teasing -as harassment, playful is fine-, people who are stuck up, messy people

Hobbies:  Drawing and Cooking


Dolls - as a child she never liked dolls so when she stayed home one night alone, she stumbled upon Child's Play on accident and watched it thinking it would be a fun movie. As a result of that night she became deathly afraid of dolls.

Being Alone - she fears this because she was often alone in elementary school. Whens she first enrolled she was had a dream as a child where everyone she knew left her. Even though her parents consoled her, the dream continued to haunt her which lead to her fear.

Habits: When she's nervous, she bites her bottom lip, when she's confused she begins to mutter things in English and has a habit of being very clumsy in front of her crush.


Can trip over almost anything.

 Can finish a rubix cube in just 1 minute and 30 seconds. 

Can write with both her left and right hands. 
Her signature consist of rabbit face on both sides of her name. 
Does weird/cute aegyo for fun
To mess with others she'll string together sentences that all have words from all the languages she knows. 

Of Friends & Family


Name: Park Jin-Hyuk
Age: 58
Occupation: Accountant
Relationship: Very close with each other

Kim Hye-Mi
Age: 54
Occupation: Stay at home mother
Relationship: Close but not as close as her father

Name: Park Sang-Hyun also known as Thunder of MBLAQ
Age: 22
Relationship: He often likes to baby her and protects her often

Name: Park Sandara also known as Dara of 2NE1
Age: 28
Relationship: The two are so close they can almost finish each others sentences, also when together they are unstoppable with their tricks

Best Friends;

Name: Rose Kim
Age: 19
Occupation: College student
How You Met: Met in elementary school. Rose was the first other Korean she had met at her school and the two formed a bond like a Big Sister-Little Sister.

Name: Cho Kyu-Hyun
Age: 25
Occupation: Member of Super Junior
Hoy You Met: Met when she became a trainee, the two often battle against each other with pranks and thus resulted in becoming friends.


Name: Choi Min-Ah
Occupation: Trainee

Name: Kim Yu-Bin -male-
Occupation: Swimmer

Name: Lim Jin-Soo
Occupation: College Student/ B-Boy

The Rival

Rivals: Sulli

Group: f(x)

Age: 19

Reason: Sulli once as a trainee for her lack of practice time and she took it to heart but then Sullie would continue to and Ji-Yeon had enough and vowed that she would be better than her one day.

The Competitors of her Love

Love Interest: Kim Jong-Hyun

Group: SHINee

Age: 23

Relationship: The two are close friends. 

Personality: Determined, Goofy, Looks like a Dinosaur -it's true- Very flirty and loves skinship

How You Met: She bumped into him in the hallway looking for Kyu-Hyun.

How You Treat Each-Other: There is a lot of friendly skinship, often Jong-Hyun will flirt with her and to which she flirts back -jokingly of course-. And the tease each other with him calling her "Tokki Eomma" and her calling him "GongLong Appa" -dinosaur father-

Other Love Interest: Jung Young-Hwa

Group: CNBlue

Age: 24

Relationship: The two of them are very friendly towards each other but often just keep it as friends

Personality: Very sweet and somewhat awkward around most girls that are younger than him.

How You Met: She met him at a park during the fall when he was playing with his band for a free concert.

How You Treat Each Other: He often teases her with little things but is very caring as well. She likes to poke him randomly or just hug him because she feels like it.

The Rival in Love


LoveRivalName: Lee Joon

Group: MBLAQ

Age: 25

Relationship: Just Friends.

Personality:Somewhat cocky but also very funny when begins to do the girl group dances with Ji-Yeon

Reason: He has a crush on Ji-Yeon but when he found out through Thunder that she liked Jong-Hyun (or Young-Hwa) he got jealous and did what any other guy would do.

How You Treat Each Other: She treats him like a friend and also with respect, he treats her as a close friend and often likes to hug her in front of other guys.

The Life of an Idol

How'd You Get Into SM: Audtioned first year of High School

Trainee Life: Was somewhat okay although she did get teased by Sulli sometimes but she got through it with the help of Amber and Kyu-Hyun

Trainee Years: 6 Years

Stage Name: JiJi

Persona:  Bold yet random

Position: Leader/ Lead Rapper/Main Dancer

Back-Up Position:

Fanclub: UsagiTeam

Fanclub Color: Light Purple and Sky Blue

Sub-Units/Solo Unit: SnowAi-along with Jung-Ah,

Jewel -along with Jee-Sun 

SingingTwin: - Suzy of Miss A

DancingTwin; - Min of Miss A

RappingTwin: -Jia of Miss A

TalkingTwin - - Suzy of Miss A 

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Chapter 3: Yay~ Can't wait for the first chapter~ ^^
CrystalizedAmber #2
sounds good