Epi 1

Days of our lives....



“I’m sorry, Dongwoon… I just feel that we don’t have any chemistry between us anymore. Let’s break up then….” She smiled bitterly.

He frowned. “Are you sure about this?? We can still work it out instead of doing this… We don’t have to break up like this.” He looked at her deeply.

She then crossed her arms. She shook her head. “No… This is the only way. Besides, I met someone else and you’re such a bored person.” She removed her ring and pushed towards his chest. “I think you should take this back.” He took it and she walked away. He sighed heavily. He then stepped back and walked away. His hand was still holding the present. He was about to give it to her. But instead, she broke up with on her birthday. Such a day… He sighed again and looked around him. He bit his lips.

“Maybe it just my unlucky day… I lost the game and a break up. It’s really a too much for me.” He murmured. He walked towards the bench and slammed himself down. And again, he sighed. He rubbed his forehead and gave a deep thought about how unlucky he was. Suddenly, he screamed frustratingly.

“Will you be quiet?”

Dongwoon startled. Slowly, he turned his head to his left side. His eyes widened as he saw a beautiful creature. It had this golden wavy hair, with a sharp features and chin. And she turned to him with an irritatingly eyes. She then put the cigarette on her lips and inhaled it. That beautiful creature elegantly blew the smoke from .


Dongwoon’s eyes wiggled. He then pressed his lips tightly but he didn’t utter a single word. That beautiful creature began to get irritated with Dongwoon’s eyes.

“What are you looking at? Haven’t you ever seen anyone before?!” she wailed and turned her head away while crossed her legs.

Dongwoon leaned back and sighed. “Sorry… I just can’t fix my head right now. I had a bad day…” And again, sighed. “So, what are you doing here?”

Silence… The beautiful creature totally ignored him. Instead, continuing to smoke. Dongwoon broke the silence. “You know, I had this wonderful girl. She is beautiful, sweet, loving and caring. But you know, just now she broke up with me. Saying that I’m a boring kind of guy… Isn’t that even a relevant excuse? After all she did say she meet another guy… How is that possible? Don’t you think so?” Dongwoon asked curiously.

“Whatever you do, it’s none of my concern… Stupid…”

Dongwoon his lips while rubbing his chin. He then wiggled his eyes and then looked away. Then he smirked…“You know… You’re a beautiful lady… And I think smoking is not proper for someone like you….” He spilled out.


Dongwoon continued his talking. “Well yeah… I mean, my mother used to say that a lady shouldn’t do improper thing like this…” He pointed out at the cigarette innocently.

“For your information, I’m not even a lady…” He turned to Dongwoon with a stern look on his face. He dropped his cigarette and stepped on it. He stood up and walked away. Dongwoon who was still surprised, sat up and turned to him.

“Then, you’re a guy???!!!” He shouted shockingly. His jaw dropped. That ‘girl’ turned to him again and showed him a middle finger sign, and then walked away again.

That was really the worst of his day… It really was…



Dongwoon rested his chin on his palm and sighed heavily. He kept mumbling to himself how stupid he was. The more he made a deep thought, the more he became frustrated. Without him realizing his surroundings…

“Yo!!!” Dongwoon got a big smack on his forehead.

“Ouch!!!! It’s hurt…!!” He rubbed painfully. He then looked up. It was Sungyeol. He laughed happily. Sungyeol was one of his good buddies since his high school days. He might be annoying sometimes but he was the right person to be trusted after Yoseob… Well, sometimes he could be just like person who was living in his own world.

“What’s wrong, Dongwoon? Your face is so wrinkled….” He tumbled on the chair next to Dongwoon. Soon after that, his other friends joined them.

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” Yoseob chuckled. Yoseob… Well, he was slightly different from his other friends. He was the most trusted friend and cousin of Dongwoon. Reliable and sometimes can be random. He loves sweets and someone that Dongwoon couldn’t leave on his own. In other words, Yoseob was awfully stuck to him all the time.  

“Come on guys… He just had a heart break… Am I right, Dongwoon?” Hoya laughed. And him, typical playboy who loved to play around with girls whenever he liked. He might be just like that, but he was typically a nice guy. He wasn’t a sweet talker or cool or something but his weird personality just made girls cling to him for some reason.

Dongwoon sighed heavily and slowly nodded. “Yeah, a huge heart breaks… I still can’t believe that she said she had met someone else. And then she blamed on me for being a bored person… Can you guys believe that?” he irritated.

Everyone laughed out loud. “Yah!!! Stop laughing!!! I’m in pain right now!” Dongwoon wailed angrily.

“I told you, she’s not a nice person… She was just using you…” Kikwang smiled proudly. This guy here was typical cool guy. Sweet talker and smart. He was popular with the girls with his seductive wink. One wink could give them a drools over him. But then, he was one soft hearted guy.

“Yah!! Back then, I was in love… I don’t know she was like that…” Dongwoon snapped annoyingly.

“Well-Well my friend… Just forget about it, okay? Besides, she’s not suitable for someone like you…” Woohyun comforted him while patted his back. Woohyun is someone who was known as a quiet person. Compose and diligent. He used to be so cold towards Dongwoon back in high school days. Well, he was totally opposite from Hoya and Kikwang. He wasn’t a friendly type because he had this human interact diseases, thus made him a cold person.

Dongwoon sighed and shrugged his shoulder. He then looked away from them and suddenly something locked his eyes to the front gate. His eyes widened. “Ahh!! That guy!!!” He shouted while pointed out at the gate.

Everyone looked at the gate where Dongwoon pointed out. Kikwang narrowed his eyes. “Dongwoon-ah… What is it?”

“That guy… You know, after we broke up, I stumbled upon this guy when I was sitting on the bench. He sat beside me and here I thought he was a girl. And it turned out that it is a ‘he’ not a ‘she’…” Dongwoon looked up at them. They laughed even louder.

“Seriously?” asked Hoya, tried to control his laugh.

“Of course I am… He’s so beautiful and he has a sharp features. And of course I will make that kind of mistake…” He pouted.

“So what happened?” Yoseob chuckled curiously.

“I made him angry… And he showed me his middle finger sign.” Dongwoon said sadly.

And again, they laughed even louder than before. “What’s with that face? You looked sad…” Woohyun ruffled Dongwoon’s hair.

“Aish…I’m not sad..!!!” Dongwoon wailed irritatingly. “He didn’t have to show me that.”

“Well, Dongwoon-ah… When I looked at him this far, he is a beautiful guy. Too beautiful to be a guy…” Sungyeol raised his eyebrows while he was using his hands to focus the view. “Just look at him, he has a chin of a lady, and his body too… That curve of his and that great golden wavy hair… those puffy lips of his… isn’t that perfect?” asked Sungyeol animatedly.

“Yah… Are you some kind of ert or what?” said Dongwoon annoyingly. Then, he swatted his forehead violently. Sungyeol who was still in his fantasies, winced in pain but he was back to his fantasies again.

Woohyun looked his watch and tapped Kikwang’s shoulder. “Guys, let’s go… It’s time for our class now. Hurry up or else we will be late…” They stood up and slowly walked away. Then Woohyun turned to Sungyeol who still in daze, and shook his head side to side. He sighed. Immediately, he pulled Sungyeol’s shirt, which made him jumped out from his seat.

Dongwoon stood up and grabbed his bag; his eyes were still eyeing the person who had just calmly walked towards the main door. Somehow, Dongwoon became curious about him. From the way he looked at him, it some sort of…

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kagamin29 #1
UPDATE!! =) <br />
I want to know what will SungJong do to Dongwoon! <br />
Thank you for writing such a nice pairing! <br />
oh my. beast and infinite. my bias groups. xD goodluck on this fic. :D