
Minho's Tribulations






“There you go” Jonghyun said as he placed me on the bed.  Jonghyun had carried me bridal style from the car till the bed and yet Anna did not seem worried at all.  If I had a boyfriend like him, I would not let a girl even one meter next to him, sick or not.

He gave me a killer smile and pulled the covers.  “Rest well little one” he said and walked out of the room.

Little one? Why was I being treated like a little girl again?  I realize that I am younger than anyone here, but still!

“Easy, I know he can be insufferable, but he means well” Anna was suddenly by my side, smiling down at me.

“And you love a high handed guy like that” I could not bite back the remark.  She colored and sighed. 

“I can’t help it, I love him to pieces” she said then turned to me mischievously, “And I have a feeling you like the high handedness too.”

I crossed my arms and shook my head.  “Never, I like my own freedom!” I said with full determination.

“Oh my!” I heard her say and she looked confused for a moment.  She had a smile on her face that made me feel strange.

“I guess now we should stop bothering her” Ji Ara said, while key and Taemin looked at Yumi. 

“Am fine” I said, but I could not fight back the yawn.  “Am sorry”

Key chuckled and came to ruffle my hair.  “Don’t worry about it, rest up we’ll still be here when you wake up” he said and I frowned up at him, trying my hardest to fight back sleep.

When Ji Ara chuckled and nodded, I finally gave in to the land of dreams, but not before I hear Ji Ara say “don’t worry we won’t let Minho take his anger out on you”





When I opened my eyes, I found the same white room.  I frowned and glanced around me.  They were all gone!

I started to stir to get up.  I needed to lock that door in case Minho decided I was all better and ready for a good lecture.

As soon as I made noise while getting up though, I felt hands restraining me.  I glanced up and saw Minho there, a disheveled Minho.  He looked as though he had spent the night here…on the couch.

“Stay.  You need to rest” he said with a yawn and straightened.

“What do you want?” he asked in a deep voice.

Looking for a distraction I cleared my throat.  “Water please” I said and I watched him walk out of the room.  I could not have told him I was about to close the door so that I could not see him!

However, I feared his anger, and I did not see any of that in his eyes, something else…compassion I guess.


He returned with the water and a tray.  He handed me the glass and sat in the chair beside me. As I sipped, I glanced at the box.

“What's that?” I asked, knowing it was my medicines.

“It’s your-“

“I hate medicines.  I know I am being difficult but I really hate them”


He looked angry that I was opposing again.  “Good then,” he said with formidable control, “That it is not medicines to drink.  Just to change your dressing”


I made a face as I examined my hand.  It did not look bad at all, so I doubted the dressing would hurt much. 

But I was so very wrong.  At the first contact, I flinched and nearly shouted.

When he rubbed something else, I lost it and cried.  Following this, Key burst into the room. “What have you done to her? I told you, you cannot vent your anger on her|” he said and Minho’s eyes hardened.

“Jesus, does no one use their head anymore! It’s her medicines.  I didn’t do anything” he said that glaring daggers at key.

I was just happy that he did not seem angry anymore.  However, I wished too soon as he turned to me, eyes narrowed and said “at least for now” he said and walked out the room, but not before trusting the box to key.




Short update but I hope you liked it.

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Chapter 15: Woah!!! This story was actually really daebak!!!! Keep up and update please author nim!!!!
Yeaaa I like this!!