A day with Minho

Minho's Tribulations



Yumi’s POV

“So what do you think?” I asked Minho one evening.  Surprisingly he was home.  No schedules.  He was reading something on his iPad when I showed him my designs. 

He glanced at them and there was a faint smile.

I sighed.  What the hell was wrong with him? He has been behaving weirdly for the past two days.

I thought he would be glad after I gave him the good news that day.


Josh had finally succeeded with my passport and I would be having it tomorrow.  He should be glad I am not going to annoy him anymore.

He stood up and walked to his room and gently closed the door.  I sighed.  Maybe he was fed up from now itself.




I looked at the table before me and saw the huge mess I made.  Was that what he was mad about?

I quickly cleaned up and sat down again.  He came to me, looking weird and very very nervous.

I frowned.  “What’s wrong?”

He looked at me for a moment then pulled something from behind him.

It was a gift box!

I smiled and took it from him with haste, thanking him while opening it hastily.  I loved presents! I loved the surprise of not knowing what it is.

I heard him chuckle.  “Careful or you will get yourself a paper cut” he said and i just nodded at him.

It was a teddy! It was the teddy I saw weeks ago in the mall.  I did not have money then and because I did not want to be indebted I did not say anything.

I looked at it for a moment, tears welling up in my eyes.  “You knew I wanted the teddy?” I asked, incredulous that he would still remember.  I myself forgot all about it.

He shrugged.  “I passed by and saw this.  So I bought it for you”

I grinned and stood up to him and hugged him.  “Thanks, I totally love it!” I said and went back to admire the cute teddy.




Minho’s POV

I glanced at her for the last time before closing the door.  She did not realize she just hugged me.  She was so excited by the gift.

I felt weird feelings in the pit of my stomach.  Her hug was brief but it felt like ages to me.  I chuckled.

I walked to my couch and started watching football.  I really thought it was a waste when Onew hyung bought me a TV, as I already had one in the living room, but now it seemed more fitting.


It was weird watching TV with a girl.  I preferred my comfortable room.

I recorded an arsenal match and was about to press play when I heard a loud noise.

I hurried outside to find it coming from the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” I asked, part horrified, part surprised. 

There she was, the little trouble maker, on the floor, with flour all over her.  She looked like a wet mouse…if that even makes sense.

“Am sorry.” she muttered.  “I wanted to give you something in return, and since I know guys like to eat, I thought I’d make you something.” She said as she got up.

I glanced at the mess she made.  I have not seen a clean living room since she has been staying and today she inaugurated the kitchen as well.

I sighed and walked to get the broom.

She hurried to me “No, I should do that” I sidestepped her.

“Go get cleaned first.  You look like a ghost” I said and she nodded.

However, within a few minutes she came back, hands and face washed.

“You should change” I suggested as I put the mess in the trash.

She shook her head with resolution. “I WILL make you something” she said with determination, though it was more so for herself.

I sighed.   Girls were strange creatures. 

“Have you ever cooked before?” I asked, though I could guess the answer.

Predictably, she shook her head. 

However she brightened right up and produced a huge book.  “Everything is in here” she said.

She opened the book and showed me what she wanted to make.  A vanilla sponge cake.

I sighed.  “You don’t need to make that” I did not want another accident.

She shook her head again.  “I need to!” she said and I gave up.  Girls really were weird.  Logic seemed to be foreign to them.

She walked up to me and dragged me out of the kitchen. “Off you go now, I will call you when its done”

I stood firmly so she won’t be able to budge me, which seemed to irritate her.

“I can’t let you alone.  Who knows what might happen.  I’ll help” I said with an air of finality.  She really might hurt herself.  She was so clumsy.


Yumi’s POV

I glanced at him wearing the apron.  It did not make sense.  I was making the cake for him, so how could he help out?

But what could I do against a man who seemed to have made up his mind?

However, his definition of ‘help’ was asking me to sit at the counter, and just mixing things.  He kept all knives and sharp objects far away from me.

“What are you doing?” I asked, irritated.

“Making sure no other accidents happen.” He said with a straight face and I did not know whether he was joking or serious.

I groaned and concentrated on mixing things. Well if that is what he wants me to do, I’ll mix the hell out of it.  I decided and went on to mix it at high speed.

When Minho turned, he quickly switched off the mixer. “Too much mixing makes it bad too” he stated and took it safely out of my reach.

I sat there, like a child, while he transformed the ingredients into a single mix.

“There you go, now into the oven” he said and closed the oven.

“Wait 20 minutes and it will be done” he said and took off the apron.  I watched him take it off in a sleek way.  I shook my head.  I was thinking about him and clothes again.

He turned and gave me a sharp look.  “Wait for me when it’s done.  Don’t open it on your own” he ORDERED before her left.

I frowned.  Why the hell did people around me always boss me around?  Ok I was not always super careful and but accidents do happen, not like i caused them



Hope you liked this one :)

The next chapter gonna be revealing XD

Stay tuned for more.


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Chapter 15: Woah!!! This story was actually really daebak!!!! Keep up and update please author nim!!!!
Yeaaa I like this!!