
You're For Me

“Kikwang!” I shout and he whips his head up from the girl he’s kissing. Hara. I stomp over to them and punch Kikwang in the face. I can’t believe I didn’t see this coming. Why didn’t I notice this? I should have known. I feel so stupid but that doesn’t matter.

“Lindi, I’m sorry! Let me-“he starts shouting. I interrupt him with a punch to the face again. His nose starts bleeding and I feel content. I roll my eyes and run to Jungkook’s house. I catch him just as he’s at the gate of his house.

“Lindi?” He asks surprised even though he can see me clearly. I put my arms around him and hug him tightly.

“You were right. I need a friend right now Jungkook. Kikwang cheated on me with Hara,” I tell him. His eyes widen and he seems speechless.

“I-I’m sorry. Come inside,” he invited. He took my hand and let me inside. A little boy who I’m guessing is his little brother runs across the room but stops when he sees me.

“Mom! Jungkook brought his girlfriend home!” He shouted out.

“Sam!” Jungkook yelled, jumping at him and giving him a playful noogie. Jungkook’s mother came into the room with a bright smile on her face.

“Oh, hello hun,” she greeted. I bowed to her with a smile and she left the room after telling Jungkook to get me dinner. Jungkook led me to his room and sat on the floor across from me when I sat on his bed. He had a stress ball in his hand and threw that around in his hands. I explained how I felt about Kikwang in the past and in the moment, about how I found out he was cheating and told him about how he treats me. Jungkook listened to me talk the whole time and gave me his responses. I let out a deep breath when I finished talking. I’m so glad he’s here for me to talk to.

“Lindi,” he starts as he takes my hand. “I’ve told you before that I think you’re beautiful. I haven’t met a girl more perfect than you and I may not be good enough for you but I need to have you be a part of my life. A bigger part. I’m gonna tell you again. I really like you. You’re smart and strong. You’re different than other girls. If anybody throws a racist joke at you, I’ll be there to protect you. I won’t rush you for anything you’re uncomfortable with. I can respect you more than he did from now on. Weeks ago, I would have used you without knowing what an amazing girl you are but I’m different now. I’m yours to have Lindi. I want you to be my girlfriend, Lindi. I want you to be the girl for me. I want to be able to look at your face and stare when I want. I want to not be judged if I reach for your hand or grab you by the waist. I want you to be mine.”

I watch him say that all to me and I start tearing up. Never has anybody said something so sweet to me. Even if I had only gotten to know him for a few weeks, I know that he’s for me.

“Jungkook, yes,” I reply. “I would love to be your girlfriend. The past few weeks, I’ve been happier with you than I had ever been with Kikwang. I can feel comfortable with you, tell you anything and you will listen. Don’t say that you’re too good for me. You’re an amazing person. I fell for you a long time ago but I would deny it. I like you so much; it was hard for me to stay with Kikwang anyway. That was a bad choice but I’m already prepared to give my heart to you. Yes, I will go out with you Jungkook.”

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teddiebears #1
popping in to visit older fics and say hi. .u.