

           He blames it on himself for the most part. Always being so distracted by his phone, never paying attention to the world around him. If he had then maybe he wouldn't have lost it. If he had just pocketed his phone and took out his earphones then he would have hear it drop. Would have noticed that it wasn't in his hoodie pocket anymore, but nope he was so busy listening to music and texting that he didn't feel it fall. Now it could be anywhere because he had no idea what way he took to get his room. . The only things he did know were that Chanyeol was busy trying to get into Jongin's pants so there was no one in the room to open the door for him and that Chanyeol had already lost his key yesterday so there was no spare to go and get. .

            So he was stuck sitting on the floor by his door. And what could be worse, well, his phone was pretty much dead. He sighed and slammed his head back against the wall he was leaning on right as Minseok opened the door just to the right and across the five feet of space.

            "Oh, Wufan, what are you doing?" the tiny man asked, a little shocked to see his classmate perched on the floor, long legs pulled into his chest.

            "Wondering why I'm such an idiot," was his mumbled reply.

            "You really need to wonder?" Minseok chuckled, "No, but really why are sitting in the hall? It's an awesome night, why aren't you down by the pool? We're on summer vacation live a little," Minseok tried again.

            "I lost my room key, and Chanyeol is busy trying to get laid with the spare," Wufan sighed as he finally met eyes with the older boy.

            "Yeah, it was kind of dumb to let you two clueless giants room together."

            "Hey! I'm not clueless just distracted easily. Chanyeol on the other hand, well I don't think anyone knows what his deal is."

            "He's a certified dumb ; I saw the boy eat a candy bar with the wrapper still on it."

            "Yep Snickers are his favorite," Wufan chuckled.

             "Hey come on, come with me to the pool. Worry about your room later," Minseok said, holding out his hand for the taller boy to take.

            Wufan looked at the hand offered to him for a couple of seconds before replying, "I don't have a swimsuit."

"Well that is a problem. Hmmm, just borrow one of mine!" he piped happily.

"Uh, yeah, problem. I'm like twice your size."  

"Heightwise. Now you are going to quit moping, put on the swimsuit and come to the pool with me," Minseok stated, placing his hands on his hips and taking advantage of the situation to loom over Wufan.

            His eyes left no room for argument and Wufan grumbled as he pushed himself up to his feet.

            "I look ridiculous!" Wufan exclaimed, "There is no way in hell I'm going out there in these! Forget it! no! Not happening!" he bellowed, crossing his arms in front of his chest still looking in the mirror.

            "Oh, come on! I bet it's fine and you're just complaining. Let me see," Minseok chided, trying to get Wufan to open the bathroom door.

            "If you laugh I swear I'll shove my fist down your throat and rip out your vocal chords," Wufan swore as he unlocked the door.

            "Geesh, violent much?"

            Minseok shivered from the mental image and opened the door. He was not expecting the sight that greeted him. Wufan was standing in front of the full length mirror clad in his T-shirt and hoodie from earlier but his bottom half (more like two-thirds) was "covered" in Minseok's yellow and white checkered swim shorts. Now, Wufan didn't normally wear shorts but Minseok had seen him in them before, that wasn't the surprising part.


            What was shocking was the fact that Wufan had a bubble . The checkered shorts were stretched pretty damn tight over his and upper thighs (which were where they ended) and Minseok found it odd that he liked seeing Wufan dressed as a gay British boy. Minseok thought

 that the Converse and slouchy socks really set off the whole 'I'm a queer' look.

            "It's not as bad as you made it sound," Minseok said after an awkward pause of Wufan almost blushing and Minseok staring at his .

            "You're ing joking right? I look gayer than Luhan when he drinks appletinis. There is no ing way I'm leaving this room," Wufan stated defiantly.

 "Oh you're leaving alright," Minseok chuckled as he lunged and grabbed Wufan's pants.

Before the taller could react, Minseok was out the door and scampering down the hall toward the elevators. Wufan stood for a second debating if he should chase the man or mope around in his room instead. The thought that Jongdae could come up and catch him like this alone, made him dash out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

 Meanwhile Minseok was just pressing the button for the first floor on the elevator. Wufan had arrived just in time for him to see the doors close so he booked it down the stairs, taking three at a time. To be honest he was a little surprised he could move in the shorts and that they didn't rip.

            Once he reached the first floor, and spotted Minseok he was highly disappointed to find the rest of his friends with the older boy and sadly, his pants were nowhere to be seen.

            "Minseok!" Wufan growled, "Where the hell are my pants!" and when everyone turned to look at the man it took exactly one second for seven of them to be on the ground laughing, three of them whipping out their phones to take pictures, and one to be smirking while trying (and failing) to discreetly check out Wufan's . But Wufan being Wufan strode over to his so called friends and put his hand on Minseok's shoulder.

            "Well, shall we go to the pool?" Wufan asked because he couldn't let his cool factor be blown, and with that five of the seven on the floor stopped laughing and looked up at the man like he was some alien. The other three, Chanyeol, Jongin, and Jongdae, were still laughing their asses off.

 "How can you even move in those things?" Sehun finally asked, wiping some of the snot from under his nose.

 "It's really easy actually," Wufan replied deciding to not let it get to him because if he didn't bite, then they would give up and he could have his pants back.

            "Wow who knew you had an , man?!" was Tao's comment. Wufan just ignored that one.

            "Well looks like we all know what Wufan likes to do on his free time now, don't we buddy? I think my sister has those in a smaller size if you want. They look a little loose," Chanyeol stated finally able to breathe again.

            "Really, I thought they fit just fine," Wufan said as he let go of Minseok's shoulder and did the awkward neck turn to try and see his .

             "What do you think Minseok?" he questioned turning so the older man could get a full view of his checkered .

            "I, um, well, they....suit you," he finally replied a little disappointed that Wufan wasn't letting them have fun.

            "I agree! Let's go to the pool now!" Wufan said, fake smile in play as he grabbed Minseok's hand and headed for the pool, ignoring the cat calls and wolf whistles from behind them.

            Opening the door to the pool Minseok leaned up and whispered into Wufan's ear, "You should wear my clothes more often, you really work them."

            "Yeah I know but maybe something in blue next time, yellow really isn't my color," he smirked.

            Minseok smacked his as he bent over to untie his shoes, "I'm keeping your pants," he whispered before he proceeded to retrieve towels from the other side of the pool just as the rest of his classmates walked through the door.

            He should lose his key more often Wufan thought before canon balling into the deep end.

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Chapter 1: Ok stop me! I’m wheezing! I love this fic! Great job! KrisMin are just adorable especially Kris can be a real dork sometimes
Chapter 1: uGH i love this soooo much <3
finally a well-written krismin crack!
omg pls pls pls write more for krismin i would love to read it ;_;
Chapter 1: pffffffffffffft booty booty booty booty~~ xiumin is just too precious <3
Chapter 1: Yay for xiuris :3
I think this is exactly what kris was thinking when he was told to wear that infamous airport fashion LOL
Chapter 1: That was omfg