Dear Honey Bun,

Dear Sehun

Dear Honey Bun,

"Don't call me Honey Bun!" You would say if you were here.But you are not and I'll call you that.

I'm sick today,because I sat on the bench at the flower garden,all day yesterday. It was pouring hard,amd I was soaked to the skin,even in my rain coat and rain boots.

I didn't know why I just sat there.Memories,perhaps. Memories of us,overflowed me and I just wanted to sit there forever.

We first met at the flower garden.Do you remember?

I do.Every single second of it.

It was four years ago, a warm sunny summer's day,the summer before Freshman year. The air smelled of flowers and the sun shone so bright.

I was sitting here with Soojung. She was wearing a pretty floral tea dress, although she didn't want to. Sooyeon unnie made her wear it because she wanted Soojung to look pretty for the party she was going to attend later on. We were 14 and so young at the time.

"AISH I HATE THIS DRESS. IT'S SO SHORT." Soojung had complained for the umpteenth time.

"Yah, Soojungie it looks fine and you look very cute." I had repeated. It was the standard answer to whenever she complained.


More like Heads down, but I never really understood American Expressions. 

As soon as we both heard the voices holler in our directions, we turned. And as soon as we turned, our faces were both hit by flying balls of mud.

The sticky, dirty,slimy wet yet slighly crunchy substance hit us both square in the face. It splattered all over our clothes and hair as well. Unfortunately, my mouth had been open at the time, and a large quantity landed on my tongue and in my mouth It tasted of dirt and soil and...mud. I almost threw up on the spot as I spat out the substance.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Soojung had yelled, as we both wiped disgusting mud out of our eyes. My eyelashes were caked with the substance. I remember feeling the mud drip off my face and onto my white t-shirt, and the feeling of stickiness all over my face.

Two boys immerged from the flower bush in front of us, one laughing so hard he fell on the ground, crying. The other was much more respectful, his eyes wide with concern at our states.

The one on the ground was...dare I say it? Quite good-looking. With his tan skin and round eyes and puffy, pillowy lips. His jeans, shoes and t-shirt were caked with mud, as well as his hair yet he still looked attractive. He had rolled around the ground, trying to breathe from all of his laughs. Yes, as you could probably guess, this was the one and only Kim Jong-In.

And the other one? He was tall and lean with pale skin. He had sharply-angled eyes that were as wide as saucers at that moment and short black hair, sticking up in different directions. He was caked in mud too, yet he was still the prettiest boy I had ever laid my eyes on.

Yes, Honey Bun. That was you.

"HUN...HELP...I'M...DY...ING...OF...LAUGH...TER!" Jongin had said, trying to breathe but ultimately failing. He pointed at Soojung. "Your...face...was...priceless!"

"EXCUSE ME?!" Soojung had thundered, getting up. Mud was still dripping from her face and hair and the top of her dress was covered in splatters of mud. 

"YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY, YOU...TROGLODYTE?!" Soojung exclaimed. Soojung landed a sharp kick at Jongin's back causing for him to yell in pain. "DIE, BASTARD, DIE!"

You turned to me, ignoring Jongin and Soojung. "Are you alright?" You had asked me.

I had nodded so fast my ponytail whacked me in the face. I flinched at the pain, and you chuckled a bit.

By this time, Soojung and Jongin were both up and running, having the world's loudest screaming match.



I couldn't help but laugh as i watched them. When I turned back to you, you were staring at me, intently.

And then, without saying a word, you knelt down in front of me, brought both of your hands up to my face, and started wiping mud off my cheeks.

Luckily the mud hid my the pink blush starting to creep across my face. Your fingertips felt soft against my skin and your touch was a butterfly.

You were staring at my face with intense concentration, as if you were worried you would mess up and hurt me. Our faces were so close, I could smell and feel your minty breath make little puffs onto my face. I was able to see my face in the reflection of your eyes and let me tell you; I did not look good. But you didn't care. You gently wiped off most off the mud off my face until most of it was gone, before lighly patting my cheek and whispering "Better?"

"Y...y...yes." I had stuttered. My heart was beating hard, palpitating at such a fast rate, my chest was starting to physically hurt.

A faint whisp of a smile appeared on your lips as you nodded , straightened up and said "Good.I'm sorry for the mud balls. Jongin and I were having a mud fight against our friends Yi Fan and Lu Han must think I'm immature, right? 14 years old and flinging mud. I'm such a loser."

You ran your hands threw your mud-splattered hair in frustration and groaned. I heard you mutter quietly to yourself "Aish Sehun, you're an idiot. Not only do you look like a kid  and embarass yourself in front of a cute girl you cover her in mud. Aish, you're such a loser..."

I chuckled to myself a bit, hearing your words before tugging on your arm. 

"You're not a loser, and don't worry I don't mind being covered in mud." I had said, and your face filled with relief. You smiled at me, your cute eyes turning into little half-moons and your grin lighting up your pretty face.

"So you forgive me for flinging mud in your face?"

I almost replied "Yes" until I spotted a bit of mud beside me.

I smiled mischeviously and before you could register what was happening, I had slathered my hand in the slimy substance and wiped it across your face.

"Now, we're even." I said, raising my eyebrows.

You had stared at me in complete and utter shock, mud dripping from your chin and dry mud caked in your eyelashes, yet still looking adorable.

And then you laughed. Your laugh was high-pitched and cute and sounded like your voice and I immediately liked it and wanted to hear it again.

"I like you." You told me. My eyes widened at your statememt and you grinned at my expression.

"I'm Sehun. What's your name?"

"Jin...Jinri." I stuttered, immediately leaving any impulsive character I was before and returning to the shy,awkward me. Your face, your words, your complete being had that effect on me, even today.

"Jinri. I like you. I'm gonna keep you." You had decided.

"I-" I never got to finish my sentence. Soojung had grabbed my arm, yelling "I HOPE YOU BURN IN THE DEPTHS OF HELL YOU BESLUBBERING ONION-EYED MAGGOT-PIE!"

Yes, she was using her Shakespearian insults, the ones we learned in English class. Soojung was strange like that.

"I'M TOO HOT FOR HELL FOR YOUR INFORMATION! YOU WOULD END UP THERE IF YOU COLD HEART DIDN'T FREEZE THE WHOLE PLACE!" Jongin yelled back, grabbing your arm and pulling you away. You shot me a small smile and a wink that made my heart melt before yelling "I'LL SEE YA AROUND JINJIN!" and turning around and following Jongin.

I blushed, hoping Soojung didn't notice. Luckily, she was too busy fuming about JongIn to notice

Even though we were yelled at when we got home, even though Soojung gave me a headache ranting about JongIn and her lecture from Sooyeon about her dirty dress, even though the mud never came out of my t-shirt, that day one of the best days of my life.

Cause i met you.

And now, as I sneeze and cough and remember about our first meeting I can't help but smile. Staring at the flowers dripping with rainwater, and hearing the rain pitter patter against the ground and trees and the bench I was sitting on. But mostly, staring at the muddy puddles and remembering that flying ball of mud landing on my face.

Hunnie-ah do you remember how I didn't finish my sentence, that first day we met?

I like you too.

But mostly how I feel about you?

I miss you.


{Author's Note}


sorry for the long wait for the update. it's been a long time,coming. but we here now. and we about to set the roof on fire baby uhhuh. you better get yours cause i'm getting mine. eh!

sorry for that. 

anyway as everyone knows...2014 has been a pretty crappy kpop year. but i hope that we could all get through this, together. It's sad to see our favourite idols such as yi fan, lu han, sica unnie, joonie and doongie oppa leave us. but i wish them all the best and will always love them.

ironically, sulli is the one that is gone rather than hunnie oppa. i hope sulli is well during this time and that she comes back happy and healthy.

this year has been a long one and there is still much time left. be strong everyone. hwaiting!








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Authornim ..update this pleaseeee
Chapter 4: When will you continue this daebak fic authornim??? T.T
Fighting fighting!
Chapter 4: You know author-nim? Your fanfic made my heart fluttering and i can't stop tearing ...i just can't believe that your sweet words of every hunlli memories could made me crying instead. Please update this soon before my heart is dying. Sincerely, your new fans.
Chapter 3: Why i cried so hard reading this part? Their memories were so bright. What's wrong with sehun? Where he left? Don't make that he died please or i'll cry harder TT
Chapter 2: So sulli and sehun used to live in overseas? I thought they're in korea. Lol!
Chapter 1: So sweet hunlli :)
Omg the teaser is .....ahhh just so good! I can feel the pain
Chapter 4: New subber here and already loving this fic. By reading jinri's letters i can say that sehun is an ultimately sweet guy who is perfect for our princess *^* ♥♥♥ my feels for these two skyrocketed even more because of you author-nim. However, i feel sad at the same time because all jinri can do is to write letters and reminisce their moments. I want them back in each other's arms please >.<
jinrifx #9
Chapter 4: Where is sehun? Is he die or something happen? Please update soon ^_^
Chapter 3: omona!! where's sehun exactly??