Chapter 2

What Does Love Mean?

After Seunghyun left,Daesung sat on the chair and thought about it.Yes or no?He did not feel anything towards him but if the answer is no,Seunghyun will feel sad.That’s for sure.Just then,he noticed something on the sofa.The handkerchief that Seunghyun gave him last night.”Choi Seunghyun…I don’t know what answer to give you.”Daesung sighed.He took the handkerchief and smell it.The handkerchief still gives off that unique smell.He decided to ignore the question for now and bathe.Daesung walked into the bathroom and removed his clothes.Warm water splash down on him as he the tap.”Give me a chance…”A voice rang in his head.Tired of loving and getting hurt…Should he give him a chance?”Ignore it,ignore it.”He muttered to himself.He wrapped a towel around his waist and went out.He was preparing to put on his clothes.Suddenly a guy barged into his room.

”AHHHHHHHHHHHH!ERT GET OUT!”Daesung shouted at the top of his lungs.The guy saw the situation,he quickly closed the door and went out.Seeing the door is closed,he quickly put on his clothes.He opened the door and was surprised to see Seunghyun outside.

“What are you doing here?’

“I can’t find my handkerchief,I thought I left it in your house.When I return,I saw the door is open so I called your name but you didn’t answer.I thought you are in danger that’s why I just came in without thinking.Sorry Daesungie”Daesung was thinking whether to return him the handkerchief but his mouth made a move first.

“I didn’t see your handkerchief maybe you dropped it somewhere else.”

“Sorry for disturbing you and thank you.”Seunghyun left again.Seunghyun gives off a very cold and strong aura thus he thought he would be very cold.Seunghyun’s attitude and his words don’t show it.He closed the door and returned to his room to sleep.The question kept haunting him.Only until early in the morning that he fell asleep before long his alarm clock went off.”ARGHHHHH!”He turned off the alarm and woke up.He went to the washroom to wash up,when he looked at the mirror.Panda eyes were staring back at him.He washed up and went out to get his newspaper.Outside stood Seunghyun with a plastic bag in his hands.His small eyes grew big.

“Sleepy head,I’m here to deliver breakfast~”Holding up the plastic bag in his hand.Daesung let him in.He went into his room to get change and he came out to see breakfast laid out on the table.A pack of sandwich with a cup of coffee.

“Thank you.”

“Welcome and don’t let my question trouble you too much.Sorry,you must not have a peaceful sleep.You’ll stay at home today and rest.I can’t bear seeing you fall sick and I’ll stay by your side to make sure you rest.”Seunghyun was beaming ear to ear.

“I can work to…”

“Who is the boss of Choi Company?”Daesung just continued biting on his sandwich.Seunghyun took out his phone to inform his assistance that he would not be going to work that day.

“Mr Choi,I can take care of myself.You can go to work”

“I will take care of you for today and call me Seunghyun instead of Mr Choi.”Daesung can’t do anything about him thus he went back to his room to sleep.He locked the door just in case Seunghyun barged in and do something to him.Seunghyun continue sitting in his original position and watched the door.Like last night,Daesung could not fall asleep.He tossed around trying to sleep but to no avail.He just lay there thinking through Seunghyun’s actions and the question that he did not have an answer to.Due to being too tired,he fall asleep while thinking through the questions.When he woke up,he opened a little of the door and peeped outside.There sat Seunghyun on the sofa sleeping.He chuckled and walked out.Seunghyun was sleeping with his mouth slightly open.

“Hehe.He actually looks quite cute when sleeping.”He said softly hoping not to wake Seunghyun up.Daesung went into the kitchen to make some food.Hearing the noise coming from the kitchen,Seunghyun woke up.He walked into the kitchen to see Daesung cooking.He went forward and gave him a back hug.Daesung was shock and stop whatever he was doing.

“Continue cooking,let me hug you.”A husky voice spoke behind him

It's gonna end soon after 3-4 chapters^^ It will end when Daesung accept Seungyun~I have another idea in mind and I'm already working on it.As soon as I finish this,I will post it~ Thank you for reading and do comment on your way out xP

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hihellon #1
Chapter 3: awwwwww cute, love it <3 ahhh~ fighting!!!!
emilymissu #2
Chapter 2: so cute ^^ i love it.
loishan #3
Chapter 2: asksjhkasjkhs......looooove it...:-)
LoneShiba #4
Chapter 2: muahahahhhahha, how come I just see this by now???? >w< oh my so lovely dongsaeng please pretty please update it soon ><
Chapter 2: Awwww so cute!!!
Zimmy02 #6
Chapter 2: omo this is too cute > <
can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 1: Come on Dae just let Seung Hyun love you xDDD
sayasayangtodae #8
Chapter 1: Wahaah.todae feeling explode.can't wait 4 next update
palupianggra #9
Chapter 1: cant wait to know what will happen in next chapter .. update soon please :)