Chapter 7

This Love
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Sohee was driven home by her chauffeur. Throughout the ride, tears wouldn’t stop coming down her eyes. She was shocked and so hurt that Jiyong would do that to her. How can she fall for a guy like him?

When she arrived home, her father saw her.

“Hey there my sweet daughter, how was your day?” Mr. Ahn said, greeting his daughter, unaware of the situation. He walked towards his daughter and saw her tear-stained face.

“Sweetie, what happened?!” Her father asked, angry.

“Dad, I don’t want to talk about it.” She answered and ran upstairs, straight to her room.

Mr. Ahn was aware that there can only be one person that can make his daughter cry like that. That was Kwon Jiyong. He warned the boy not to hurt his precious daughter, but there she is now, bawling her eyes out. Just then the doorbell rang. Mr. Ahn went to go get the door.

“Young man, what are you doing here? I told you never to hurt my daughter but now she’s upstairs crying and I know you’re the reason for it!” Mr. Ahn accused Jiyong.

“Mr. Ahn, sir, it’s a big misunderstanding, sir! Please let me see Sohee. I need to explain to her what happened.” Jiyong begged.

“I don’t think right now is a good time, Jiyong. Come back tomorrow.” Mr. Ahn said, believing Jiyong.

Next Day

Jiyong came back to the Ahn’s house determined to get Sohee’s forgiveness.

“Mr. Ahn, I would like to see Sohee now and ask for her forgiveness. May I please see her?” He asked him, when he opened the door.

“Jiyong, she’s in her room. She hasn’t come down at all today. I hope you make things right again.” Mr. Ahn said.

Jiyong when upstairs and knocked on Sohee’s door.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Sohee as

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AhnSoFics #1
Chapter 14: haha @ilovewg! yes,, agree!!!
looking forward to more HD ffs written by you!!! :))) dont let us wait for too long. kkk. im sorry i didnt get to comment on every update, my wifi is killing me this week.
by the time its okay, you've already completed this story.
i missed the timing. #sigh. Anyway, write more! hahaha ZDD LOVE THIS STORY!
Chapter 14: Love the ending!! >.<
Looking forward to your next fanfic. :)
Chapter 14: What a sweet ending; this wed really a nice story to read..!
Chapter 13: i like your story ... cant believe its almost the end when i just start reading it ....
Chapter 13: I love this chapter!!
Huh?? Only one more to go???? :(
Chapter 12: I agree with @xxxsxxx!! If only this isn't just a fanfic. :))
Anyway, I'm guessing the birth of HD's baby is up next??
Curious whether it's a boy or a girl. >.<
Update soon!! ^^
Chapter 12: awhh, this is so sweet
AhnSoFics #8
Chapter 11: *sobs* can this please be real. :) cant wait to see what happened next :)
AhnSoFics #9
Chapter 10: i had just started reading this and you're about to end it soon? :'( anyway how i wish chapter 10 is real. lol. fighting for next updates :)))
Chapter 10: Can't wait for the next chapter!!
But it's ending soon? :(