Inside the Forest... (APPLY OPEN!!)


Distant from the city of Seoul, there's a forest known as Blackthorn Forest. It's always been told that if you walk inside, you're never coming out...

Now out of school and aquiring a thrist for adventure, a group of friends decide to head to this "forbidden" forest just for an adventure.

Besides an adventure awaiting, what other secrets could await in this mysterious forest...?


Hey everyone! ^^ It's Starlight_Yuki with an apply fic for you all! ^^

Now, I had this idea in my head for who knows how long and, now, I'd like to share it with you all. :)

Now, before you begin to apply, I want to set some rules.


1. Subscribe if you are interested in applying. Especially if you get chosen. Upvoting is optional.

2. No bashing please. Let's be friends now, shall we? ;)

3. When applying, please write neatly and in a blog post. Please PM me that application so no one can steal your ideas. Also, please comment below after you PMed me. ;)

4. Speaking of ideas, be creative as you can be! The more creative, the better. The point of this fic is that you have a mysterious lineage as a nonhuman that'll be discovered. ;)

5. For your face, ulzzangs or young looking actors/actresses are fine. Plus, your character does not have to be full Korean. AT LEAST half Korean.

6. You can idol siblings and parents. Also, an idol has to be your love interest. This is where your creativity comes in. You can pick any idol you want. ;) [VIXX's Hyuk is taken as love interest]

7. Please be as descriptive as possible.

8. DO NOT rush me when it comes to updates. I have one fanfic and a life outside of AFF. If you have any questions or need to talk to me personally, I'm mostly active on weekdays. ;)

9. You can apply as twins. ^^ Just put it all on one application. You may also apply as either a boy or a girl

10. I'll be picking around four to five people and I'll be in the story as well with a total of five to six people. NO DEADLINE AT THE MOMENT. ;)

11. There is a password to make sure you read the rules. The password is: a line from your favorite k-pop song at the moment. :3

And that is that! I'll be posting the application real shortly and happy applying! ^^

Hey guys! ^^ For anyone who is planning to apply, I added the appearnce part. If you already applied, no need to re-do it. ;)


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I applied ^^
Applied^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
HinataSnow #3
Applied~! ^_^ Good Luck in this story
applied ^^
I applied~ <3
applied! :)