Day One - End. [2/?]

My Private Tutor And I

RECAP: Jongin felt uncomfortable just standing there. “Excuse... me” he said once, but it seemed like Sehun did not hear him speak.


“Excuse me....” he said once more a bit louder, but still, there was no response.


Jongin took a deep breath, “Yah! Oh Sehun!” he yelled, pulling the younger off the bed. Sehun was surprised. He looked up at his tutor. None of them had ever dared to touch him that way. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not.


Sehun stood up, rubbing his head and he looked down on his tutor. He was only an inch or two taller but the point still stood. “Yes?” he asked, his eyes burning. Their faces were close, their breaths were mingling. Jongin couldn't help but be a bit conscious over his student.


“S-study... your mom said you need to uh... study” Jongin said. Sehun looked at the boy once more, noticing how fragile he looked at this moment. So he sighed and agreed to it.


Jongin smiled and grabbed Sehun by the hand, dragging him over to the study area. Sehun couldn't help but feel a little nervous around his tutor now more than when he first met him. And being close to him a few seconds ago was very hard. But he wasn't going to give in to him, he was just going to get his grades up and then fire him.




They studied for a few hours on English, also making sure to touch up on the other subjects. And Sehun had to admit, his tutor was well educated and good at teaching, too. But he would never let him know that. I want him gone I want him gone I want him gone... he chanted over and over inside of his head. And around 8 his mother came in telling them it was time for dinner, and asking Jongin if he would like to stay.


“Mom, he probably has family at home waiting, just let him leave,” he told her after a few more times of her insisting on it. Jongin looked over at him, “yes, uh, my girlfriend is waiting for me at home.” He blushed and coughed, looking down. “I don't get to see her that often so...”


“Ahh~ I get it” his mother said with a big grin. “You don't want to neglect your partner. They're just as important as work. Well, thank you for coming to teach my son. I assume you're coming again tomorrow?”


Jongin smiled and nodded, and after he bowed he turned towards Sehun. “You're a fast learner, I don't think you'll need me for long.” He said and then he ruffled Sehun's hair, turned and left. His mother walked him to the door and talked to him for a few minutes.


Sehun scowled and set his hair back into place, if he thinks he's going to pull me in with that smile of his... he has another thing coming... he thought to himself as he walked into the dining room.


At the dinner table his mother asked all sorts of questions about his tutor. When he just shrugged them off and gave mono-tone answers she raised her hand to him “ahh, jin-jja,” she looked like she was gonna hit him but then stopped. “If you were a girl I'd be setting you to up right now, you'd be coming to me going 'umma, umma, he's so cute!! I want to marry him!!!' But no, I had to have a son.” She sighed and then laughed when she saw his face. “I'm only kidding, you know I love you.”


Sehun just scoffed and looked down at his plate, moving his food around. He didn't have much of an appetite after all the studying and awkwardness with his new tutor. And truthfully, he was feeling a little guilty about failing not only English, but also dropping in other subjects. Sehun didn't want to do bad on purpose, but he couldn't bring himself to do the studying or have the motivation to work hard without his dad pushing him. He didn't want to take over and/or work at his father's company! As stupid and cliche as it sounded, he wanted to do his own thing, make his own money, and one day, support his own family. Having your parents accept you're gay and have a life partner was hard to deal with in this society, so Sehun wanted to make sure he was on his own feet and making enough money before he told his parents. But he couldn't bring himself to do it, knowing his father would never allow him to work anywhere else. 


As he moved his food around and thought deeply, he started to get more scared for his future. “Are you okay?” His mother asked, looking concerned. “I'm fine” he said with a reassuring smile as he set his hand on hers. If there was one thing in this house he'd miss it would be his mom. (His dad too, but that was in a different way.) After a few more forced bites of his food he asked his mother if he could be excused and went to his room.


He stood in his bathroom looking at himself in the mirror. His face wash making his face look completely white and stupid. He made funny faces at himself in order to make himself feel slightly better... but all he felt was pity for himself.


After he brushed his teeth and changed into just boxers he laid himself down for bed. He looked up at the ceiling in the darkness he felt really lonely. If he was still with his ex, around this time he would sneak in here and they would have some fun together, but they haven't been together for nearly three months. He couldn't believe how quickly it had all ended... he never saw it coming. No one had. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, falling asleep before he knew it, his dreams being full of Yoochun. 

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Always13elieve #1
Chapter 3: I like this lol Sehun you naughty kid