Day One [1/?]

My Private Tutor And I

Sehun, sit down. We need to talk.” He heard his mother say as soon as he walked in the door. He wondered what it was this time. His mother tried to get him to talk about school when he came home. Something about 'bringing them closer.' He never bought it but he went along with it to keep her happy.


“Yes, mom?” he asked when he sat down. His mother didn't look too happy,. In fact, she looked furious.


“Explain this to me,” his mother said as she threw his report card and five tests down on the coffee table in front of him. He saw numerous failing grades set in front of him. He knew what subject he was doing worst at by seeing all the tests with words. He was failing English.


“Mom-” he started to say but she cut him off.


“I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, firing your tutors and your body guards. But it seems like it hasn't done you any good. I also heard you've been skipping classes, is this true?” When he nodded and looked down she sighed, “I guess I put too much trust in you.”


“Mom-” he started to say once more but she held up her right hand to cut him off. “I've hired you another tutor. He's more your age and highly qualified. Hopefully you will get along because he's all you've got.”


He was going to plead her not to hire him another tutor, but it was too late. Seeing the look in her eyes he knew it was over, finished. He couldn't get out of it, English was apparently important.


Sehun sighed, and looking up at his mom he asked “did you tell dad...?”


“No. Not yet. And if your grades don't go back up I'm going to inform him how you've been slipping up.”


Sehun didn't protest this time, he just bit his lip and nodded. More than anything he didn't want his father to find out. He knew that he would be in big trouble, especially since his father was in Hong Kong on business. It would be unbearable if he came back only to find that his son was failing. He was expected to succeed.


“How... how long until he gets back?” he asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.


His mother softened up, knowing how much pressure Sehun's dad put on him. “He said he'll be back in a month. So you have that long to shape up and get your grades back up. That means no more skipping class, or failing. Judging from your marks I see they have decreased. The tutor will fix that.”


Sehun just nodded his head looking down at his lap.


“But-” his mother said, and her tone made him look up.


“If you get good marks and get back into the top 10... I promise that I'll fire the tutor.”


Sehun beamed, “really!?” he asked, his demeanour had changed.


“Yes, I promis-” his mother started to say before the doorbell rang. Sehun raised his eyebrow towards his mother. “That must be him” she said before getting up, and before she answered the door the turned to him mouthing be nice. He scowled when she turned her back, but when the door opened his face went blank. He couldn't see his tutor yet, but he was guessing he was a mega-geek and looked like one too.


His opinion was changed and his jaw dropped as someone... normal looking walked into the house. Attractive, even. He kind of reminded Sehun of his ex-boyfriend. But when he caught himself checking out his tutor and he immediately stopped. He wouldn't get involved with someone else after his last relationship, especially not his tutor.


“Sehun, this is your tutor, Kim Jongin,” his mother said as they both walked into the living room. And by the look she was giving him he bowed, introducing himself. “Hello, I'm Oh Sehun. Please take care of me.”


When formalities were over his mother sent them upstairs. Their house was big so he was told to give his tutor a tour around the house before going into his room.


“This is the bathroom, the guestroom, my dad's room, my mom's room, another bathroom. Here's another guess room, here's the family room for special cases. Closet. Closet,” Sehun said in monotone as he lead Jongin through the second floor of his house, walking down many hallways. When they came to a staircase he pointed up to it saying “my room is up here. Any questions before we go?”


Without waiting for an answer Sehun went up the stairs, unsure and uncaring if Jongin was following.


His tutor had a look of awe as he looked around the room. It was about the size of three rooms put together, with room dividers, an extra bed, large computers, a workout area, a study area. He was in shock as he looked at it.


“Why does everyone make the same face?” Sehun asked as he finally set down his bag and went straight to his bed. Turning around so he wasn't facing the tutor. It was plain to see from Jongin's vision that this kid had no thoughts on studying.


Jongin felt uncomfortable just standing there. “Excuse... me” he said once, but it seemed like Sehun did not hear him speak.


“Excuse me....” he said once more a bit louder, but still, there was no response.


Jongin took a deep breath, “Yah! Oh Sehun!” he yelled, pulling the younger off the bed. Sehun was surprised. He looked up at his tutor. None of them had ever dared to touch him that way. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not.


Sehun stood up, rubbing his head and he looked down on his tutor. He was only an inch or two taller but the point still stood. “Yes?” he asked, his eyes burning. Their faces were close, their breaths were mingling. Jongin couldn't help but be a bit conscious over his student.

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Always13elieve #1
Chapter 3: I like this lol Sehun you naughty kid