Hey, guys! I had completely forgotten about this and have been so busy. It has been almost 2 years since my last update. I got into college last year and I'm on my break. It's almost over and I'm going back in 2 weeks for my 2nd year there. Suddenly it just came to me to check on my account because my friend has been reading a lot these days. I re-read the first 4 chapters and I forgot the story I had in mind. I do have some new ideas to continue this fic. I'll try to wing it. So if you haven't got the hint yet, yes I'm back to writing this fanfic. I know it took too long but I will try to update even when I'm in college. When inspiration hits me (or procrastination forbids me to do academic work hahaha), I will post chapters as soon as I can. Please understand that I'm in college now and much busier than I was in high school.

This is just a hobby of mine but I'm still into kpop. Only a creative outlet and also I feel bad for abandoning you in the middle of the story. Thank you for your patience if you're still subscribed. I hope I can end this well. The next chapter will be up soon. Jal gayo~ Ddo bwayo~



KAI-thy (author)


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taengoopooh #1
Chapter 7: Update soon!!
Lukz13 #2
Chapter 7: I started reading ur story today.... i really lyk it... i feel sry 4 kai.... i hope suzy will help kai to reconcile with his friends back..... expectng 4 nxt chapter....
Chapter 6: Yes plz continue this!
Chapter 5: please update authornimm :)))))))
jazzin08 #5
Chapter 4: Please update soooon!!
Chapter 4: Why?! :( why kris has to be the bad guy here when im shipping kriszy? Uwaa!! The most handsome guy in exo shouldnt be the villain though. Hee. Anyways, kris's excuse is just lame. I mean, which robber wears something that shows his identity? Duhh -,- and suzy! Why so fragile? A tough independent girl shouldnt cry at the first day at school for a mere teasing. You should toughen up girl! And kai, poor him. It must be hard to be outcasted by your own friends. Please update soon :)
Chapter 2: I love kris the most in exo! Why it is him that should be the traitor :( and why suzy always cries here?