Back Then


Kai's POV


Who caused me such misery? No other than the boy named Kris Wu Fan. Extremely good-looking yet mysteriously outcasted. One and only son of the Chief Attorneys of Wu Law Firm in Canada.. He came in last year for a reason that has never been revealed but I think he just wants to ruin my life. No words could  describe his aura nor do words even slip out of his stitched lips. We were the first to welcome him here. I treated him like a brother, like how I treat the rest of them. It was all dandy and sunshine back then. There was no trouble of him being an addition to us. You could say we were the perfect 12. 'Till he decided to make a persuasive act that changed my whole reputation. I have no idea why I deserved this. He had it all planned out. Everything had come into his thick veiny hands. He was more than ready to start his little show. The first time we heard him speak.



I remembered every detail of that day. In Class 4A, Sophomore Honor's Section, first period. Everyone was in their seats except for one. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo sat beside me at the back. We waited until the final bell rang. 

"That's odd... He's never been late before. He's always comes in first." Chanyeol looked over to the empty desk infront of him.

"Maybe he's really not coming in." D.O. concluded. "You two were last to go home yesterday. What happened?" he faced me.

"His ride didn't show up so I offered to send him home. He directed my driver to where his house was-"

"You mean he told you?! He talked for real?!" Chanyeol interrupted.

"Actually, no. You know he never opens his mouth. He just lead the way there. The driver had a hard time communicating with him but we got there soon enough." I told them.

"I heard nobody has been to his house since it's difficult to find. Even the director was unfamiliar of their address." D.O. added.

"I guess. The neighbor was suspiciously quiet even at rush hour. It's really isolated from the city."

"Good morning class!" the teacher walked in and closed the door behind her.

"Good morning Ms. Bora!" standing, we said altogether.

"You may take your seats." she gestured. "Take out your notebooks and copy these notes." she grabbed a piece of chalk and started to write on the blackboard.

"Hey can I compare your notes with mine? I think I forgot to write down something yesterday." I asked my seatmate.

"Sure, there." he opened the binder.


The door swung open and smashed into the wall, disrupting the whole. A boy came running in, tyring to catch his breath, bent at the weak of the knees. His clothes were torn and ripped, the sleeves massively burnt, it looked like our uniform. His hair trickling of blood, strands of ice blonde disheveled. Patches of black and blue on every part of his body and his face smudged of ash. His dark eyes meeting mine.

"Mr. Wu Fan, what happened to you? Why were you late?" Ms. Bora tried to calm him.

"Our house was set on fire..... We were beaten badly and held hostage last night....... I attempted my escape this morning." he said coarsely and most of us were just stunned by the sound of his voice.

"What?! How?! Who had done this to you?" she interrogated him.

"It was him!" he pointed to my direction and at an instant, mortified looks were sent to me.

"Me?" I spoke aghast.

"Don't act dumb with me. I know it was you."

"Why are you- How could have I done that to you?"

"Who else would know where our house is? YOU! ONLY YOU! My parents chose that location to protect us from anyone..... You gave that away. Criminal!"

"No, what are you talking about? This is not my doing. How could I?"

"Oh, you have your ways... You have."

My friends at the sides were doubting me, debating on who to believe.

"Kai, what is he on about? Is this true?" Chanyeol questioned my credibility.

"No...." D.O. hesitantly shook head. "Kai, wouldn't do that. He's not the type of person that would do such a thing..... Right?"




"Guys, who's side are you on? Believe me! I didn't do this!"

"But you admit you knew his address.... And he says you're the only one who's been there." Chanyeol deducted.

"How does that explain anything? Besides, he has no proof."

"Oh, really?" the bewildered being added. "Then why were the culprits wearing this." he raised a black robber's mask, engraved by a familiar symbol. The logo of my parents' law firm.

"But- how- " I stood frozen. It couldn't be a fake. The company really owned those masks.

"Kai, how could you...." tears had flowed down Kyungsoo's face and towards the door, out of the classroom.

"Kyungie, it wasn't me...." I shouted.

"I'm sorry bro but this is just wrong..." Chanyeol walked out too following Kyungsoo.

"Mr. Kim Jongin! I'm sorry but Kris here has supporting evidence of your misdeed. I must send you to the dean right away. Crime is a major offense, you will have to be processed for suspension." the teacher reprimanded me.

"Suspension?! But Ms. Bora, I'm innocent! He's lying! He is!"

"Jongin, we'll handle that matter later. Please, exit the classroom now."

"Why you!" out of anger, I charged towards Kris and tackled him done. "What have I done to you to deserve this? Tell me the truth!"

"Guards! Security!"

The next thing I know guards had rushed in the room to pull me away from the boy. They grabbed both my arms and carried me out. I tried struggling to loosen it but hence their grip was strong. Kris came by the door and Ms. Bora had hugged him for comfort. And then, he faced me, a deviant grin painted on his once untapped lips. What was he up to?





Omg guys I'm so sorry for the super duper ultra mega late update  :((((( it's been 3 weeks uhhhh


I'm just really busy in school plus I'm a reviewer in my friend's review shop and co-athor in his endorsement shop too... If you'd like to have your fics (except yuri) reviewed at our review shop here's the link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/542343/world-of-literature-open-accepting-requests-busy-request-review-reviewer-reviewshop

it could be completed, one-shot, or still ongoing....

And I just had another fic started because it just popped out in my head and I just had to write it down.... 


I wish I had all the time to do this but yeah our exams our next week so I had to rush this sorry again.... and our sem-break is only 3 days~ noooooo I hope you guys understand...

Thank you for those who upvoted, subscribed, and left their comments ;)


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taengoopooh #1
Chapter 7: Update soon!!
Lukz13 #2
Chapter 7: I started reading ur story today.... i really lyk it... i feel sry 4 kai.... i hope suzy will help kai to reconcile with his friends back..... expectng 4 nxt chapter....
Chapter 6: Yes plz continue this!
Chapter 5: please update authornimm :)))))))
jazzin08 #5
Chapter 4: Please update soooon!!
Chapter 4: Why?! :( why kris has to be the bad guy here when im shipping kriszy? Uwaa!! The most handsome guy in exo shouldnt be the villain though. Hee. Anyways, kris's excuse is just lame. I mean, which robber wears something that shows his identity? Duhh -,- and suzy! Why so fragile? A tough independent girl shouldnt cry at the first day at school for a mere teasing. You should toughen up girl! And kai, poor him. It must be hard to be outcasted by your own friends. Please update soon :)
Chapter 2: I love kris the most in exo! Why it is him that should be the traitor :( and why suzy always cries here?