Special Force Center Police Station


Kira groaned as she felt a finger repeatedly poking her shoulder.

“Go away…it’s my nap time…” grumbled Kira drowsily.


“Aish, I said go away!” Kira growled in anger this time as she threw the blanket over her head.

“But Kira~ don’t you have another job for me? This is the most fun I’ve had in years! And I’ve never felt so energized before!”

“THAT’S BECAUSE YOU DRANK A PINT OF BLOOD FROM ME YESTERDAY, YOU ING BAT!” she screamed furiously for a moment before holding her head in pain and groaning. She was getting dizzy and fell back into bed. “God damn it, Luhan…why didn’t you stop drinking when I told you to?”

“I’m sorry~ It was just so delicious! And I haven’t had a meal I didn’t have to share in years, so…I kinda forgot to stop. Sorry?” he apologized, peering over her bed side with his large, ‘innocent’ eyes.

“I hate you, Luhan! You’re the absolute worst! I had to sleep a whole day because of you~!” Kira started whining while kicking her legs, throwing a fit. “Do you know how much information I can get in a day? I hate you the most!”

Luhan laughed at Kira, who suddenly turned into a fox and looked like a dog having a bad dream, paddling away on her side.

“I said I was sorry~” he cooed, trying to calm the temper-tantrum-throwing fox. “Is your wrist okay?”

“It WAS until you BIT me,” Kira stopped moving to glare at Luhan before continuing her tantrum. “I even slit my wrist so you wouldn’t bite me and then you even went ahead and bit me! Worst! Luhan is the worst! Worst, worst, worst!”

Luhan pouted, not because Kira’s words made him feel bad, but because he felt guilty. He really didn’t mean to, but he knew he took way more blood than he was supposed to. It didn’t help that Kira was immobilized when he bit her and couldn’t fight back. He bit his lip and looked down at the ground.

Just as Luhan was going to apologize again, a loud bang at the entrance interrupted them. Luhan jumped in surprise while Kira was much too exhausted to even react. However, once she recognized the scent, Kira perked up and rushed to the entrance.

“HOYA~!” she cheered in excitement.

“Whoa! What’s with this affection? You that hungry?” Hoya laughed, forced to drop the bag he was holding to catch the fox that had leaped into his arms and was now nuzzling his neck. He looked back to see an awkward-looking Luhan. “New toy?”

“WORST TOY EVER. Not only did I pull off a flawless heist for free, he even drank so much blood from me yesterday that I fainted! Oh, he might look innocent now, but he was flipping bouncing off the wall like a damn sugar high chipmunk earlier while I was trying to sleep, I thought I was going to go crazy!” Kira complained as Luhan respectfully greeted Hoya with a bow.

“Well, it’s a good thing I brought you a present then,” Hoya said with a smirk, kicking over the bag he had been holding to reveal a fresh, uneaten back leg of a deer. Kira gasped before staring at Hoya and sniffling out a fake cry.

“Did I ever mention you’re my favorite?”

“Only every single time I bring you back some of our kill,” he said as she jumped off and began mercilessly tearing through the flesh. Hoya shook his head as he made himself at home. “You’re lucky I managed to snag that before the rest of them tore through everything.”

Kira would have responded that was the exact reason she stopped going on hunts with them when there was a full moon but was at the moment too busy with her face buried head deep into the carcass.

“So who are you?” Hoya asked, eying Luhan up and down. The vampire bowed respectfully again and greeted himself.

“My name is Luhan from EXO. I’m Kira’s…umm…assistant for a week. We didn’t have any food to offer her, so she took me in to…help her gather information instead. I-I’m sorry for any trouble it might have caused you,” Luhan apologized, slightly terrified to be in the presence of one of the members of the strongest demons in their forest, Infinite. They were one of the main leaders in the Great War. One member of Infinite could probably take down Luhan’s whole colony if they so desired, so it was no surprise that Luhan suddenly felt uncomfortable being in the presence of the werewolf.

Especially since Kira was an honorary member of their pack.

While the fox was nowhere near as strong as the wolves, she was an indispensable resource when it came to gathering information. Infinite and Kira had a pact: Infinite provided the lone fox protection as long as Kira worked for them as their spy.

Luhan shot worried glances at Hoya, wondering if he was now on Infinite’s bad side for debilitating their precious fox spy, but the wolf wasn’t even paying him any mind. Things were getting really awkward for the poor vampire. He really hoped Kira would finish eating already (…and maybe protect him from the scary werewolf friend of hers).

“Ah~ leave it to the great and mighty Infinite to find such a delicious kill in the dead of winter~” Kira praised shamelessly as she the blood of her paws, the start to her cleaning process.

“Wasn’t exactly easy. We ran miles before we caught up to the herd,” Hoya said as he walked over and pointed at her face. “You have some blood right there,” he said while gesturing to her whole face.

Kira raised her eyebrow at him, but otherwise ignored his obvious comment as she continued cleaning herself. Hoya looked over the remains of the carcass to see if there was anything left over he could munch on. He frowned at the lack of meat, but turned to Kira and informed, “By the way, those damn birds seem to be at it again. Sunggyu wants you to go check it out A.S.A.P.”

“Oh, come on! Can’t you guys for ONCE just bring me food without giving me a job?” she whined, kicking the leg bone unceremoniously across the room.

“That would make your life too easy. Report back to us tomorrow, says Sunggyu. Ciao~” Hoya left with a smirk.

Kira sighed, “Come on, Luhan. We have a job to do…”

“Yay!” the hyperactive vampire cheered as Kira dragged her feet out of her den.



The girl that startled her victim laughed as her victim began crying about the fact that scaring people isn’t nice and loud noises make her nervous.

“Hana…be nice to EunMi,” scolded an older girl as she lightly bonked Hana, who was still laughing, on the head.

“Kyungie-unnie! Check out this book I found in the library! It’s AWESOME. It’s an autobiography from someone that fought and lived through the front lines of the Great War!” EunMi squealed as she kicked her feet up and down on the ground like a child. Hana laughed as their unnie, KyungHye, got just as excited for the new book their friend had found. As the two began talking about demons and such, Hana walked the familiar path to where her boyfriend and his friends worked. While she didn’t enjoy bothering him when he was at work, her friends loved to bother them to no end so it was her job to make sure things don’t get out of hand. Leave it to her to have two demon-obsessed friends. She thought demons were cool and everything, but those two just…take it a bit too far. Speaking of which, she decided to jump back into their conversation to see what they’re talking about.

“You know, I bet the whole thing about garlic scaring away vampires is just parents making their kids eat garlic. I don’t believe there’s any real reason why vampires should even be scared of garlic. They’re just giant bats. Maybe they don’t like bad breath…bats do have very good sense of smell,” EunMi rambled.

“Ugh, speaking of vampires, did you see the trailer for that new vampire movie that’s all the rage now? I’m sure every pre-teen girl wants to have their feet swept away by a dreamy vampire now,” laughed KyungHye.

“Would vampires even be able to sweep girls off their feet? Maybe they have some sort of allometric scaling of structures when they go from bat to human forms,” the other mused.

“The magic probably helps too,” KyungHye added.


“Oh, we’re here. I’m sure the boys will be ecstatic to see you,” Hana interrupted as she walked into the Special Force Center Police Station. She greeted the guy manning the front desk with a bow and the man allowed her in without any sort of identification, familiar with her and her friends.

She knocked on the door with the sign “B.A.P” hanging over it before opening to announce her arrival.

“YoungJae, can you please drop it?” sighed YongGuk as he looked over the report sent from one of the Southern posts.

“But, Hyung!”

“What’s going on?” Hana wondered as they walked in.

“There was a breach in the Wall twice yesterday night and YongGuk-hyung refuses to let me go out and check it out!” YoungJae whined with a pout as YongGuk rolled his eyes.

“Everyone in the area checked to make sure nothing was stolen and nobody was hurt. It was probably just a prank by some local kids,” YongGuk concluded in his end-of-discussion voice as he stared YoungJae down. “Why don’t you go prepare some tea for our guests?”

“I like tea,” EunMi answered with a smile, trying to lighten the mood in the room.

“You want me to help, Jae?” Hana asked as she followed the slightly fuming boy.

“No, thanks, Angel. It won’t take me very long and someone has to watch those other two to make sure they don’t get into any trouble,” YoungJae declined with a smile, pecking Hana lightly on the cheek. He was still pissed YongGuk wasn’t letting him go check out the wall but felt a bit better after seeing his girlfriend.

“A breach in the Wall though…that sounds pretty serious,” KyungHye piped up as she looked over YongGuk’s shoulder. YongGuk massaged the bridge of his nose.

“I know,” he whispered quietly before speaking up. “It’s possible that it was done by a demon, but there’s really no sense in going after it if it didn’t take anything. It’s much too dangerous and you know how excited YoungJae gets about going after demons.”

The whole room nodded in agreement.

“Weird though. I feel like we’re getting more and more reports of these breaches yet there’s never anything taken,” HimChan sighed as he flipped through older reports. Well…more like the files flipped through itself for him.

“HimChan, stop abusing your powers for menial tasks you can do with your own two hands,” YongGuk scolded, earning him a whine about risks of getting paper cuts ruining his beautiful hands.

“Pst…DaeHyun…” EunMi whispered, earning her the attention of the bored looking mage. He walked over to her to see what she wanted. “Did you get me the book about vampires that I asked you about?”

“That depends,” he answered as he side glanced her. “…do you have the goods?”

EunMi smirked at him, reaching into her jacket and sneaking DaeHyun a giant chocolate chip cookie. She didn’t miss the sparkle that lit up in his eyes at the sight of the treat as he took the cookie from her and slid her the book she asked for. She slipped it into her pocket, thinking she had been really sneaky about the whole thing.

“EunMi, stop bribing DaeHyun with food to sneak you books from our library,” HimChan called out in the middle of his argument with YongGuk. “You’re on a diet.”

DaeHyun opened and closed his mouth a few times like a goldfish before finally yelling out, “IS IT SO WRONG FOR A MAN TO WANT A COOKIE?!”

“Oh, that’s a really yummy looking cookie…” JunHong gasped out as JongUp was told to confiscate the baked good from their older member.

“But it’s not fair!” EunMi whined. “You guys have a whole library that normal people can’t access! I just want to read a few books!”

“Sorry, EunMi. I’m not the one that makes these rules,” HimChan sighed, patting the sulking girl on the head. “Why don’t you ask YoungJae if he has some notes you can read? He’s always making notes of the books he reads, and that boy has read every single book in our library. Ridiculous.”

“YoungJae-hyung doesn’t even let me read his notes to help study,” JongUp informed, resulting in a shrug from HimChan.

“You guys . What good are you all if you won’t get me more research material?” EunMi complained, crossing her arms.

“They do kinda, you know, take care of the security of the whole city,” KyungHye answered.

“…I suppose they do that.”

“Here’s your tea. Drink it and leave,” YoungJae bitterly instructed, pretty much dropping the cup of tea in front of EunMi.

“YoungJae…be nice,” warned Hana.

“Oh, hyung, look at this picture,” JunHong exclaimed, bringing his laptop over to YongGuk’s desk to show him the picture that got sent to him of a blurred object in the background that looked like it had a tail.

“Is that a fox?” JongUp asked. He wasn’t really sure why he came up with that conclusion, but no one else seemed to argue it. Well, no one except KyungHye.

“I thought foxes were extinct from this area.”

“I think there’s one fox left.”

YoungJae shot EunMi a strange look. “How would you know?”

“Just a hunch~” sang EunMi as she took a sip of her tea. “Ugh! This is herbal tea! That’s not real tea! I’m not drinking this .”

“…Hana, your friends are weird,” YoungJae informed with half-lidded eyes of annoyance.

“I know, Sweetie…I know. But they’re lots of fun! Where’s our little Bummie?” cooed Hana as she left in search of YoungJae’s canine partner.

YoungJae groaned.

What’s the point of being a mage if you don’t fight demons?




I introduced quite a few characters in this story. XD I hope you guys didn’t get too confused over who is related to who~



I really should get back to Alphabet Romance…




~Kira :3

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Chapter 18: Omg I miss this story sooo much and Kira being a badass like almost evey chapter ahhh
Chapter 17: Just...so much going on here. So much action. I love it. ^^

First: poor Himchan. You kids be nice to him, he just wants to see Ailee. That's all the poor pretty thing wants. X3 I loved how spastic this seemed. It sounds just like a gaggle of siblings going back and forth.

Despite the Kira/Youngjae relationship being so volatile, they actually work very well together. They seem to compliment each other's strengths. Under different circumstances, this could have been mutually beneficial to both...had Youngjae not practically 'kidnapped' Kira for this, this could have been the start of a beautiful working relationship. Stupid Youngjae.

Yay~ Soryong and Daeryong! X3. I really like when we learn more about the hierarchy/status quo for the demons. Its very animalistic, but at the same time there appears to be some order to it. The fact they are so intelligent, but genuinely have to worry about food for the winter is very interesting. And despite everything, Kira still wants to make sure Infinite is taken care of. X3.



/slows down the fangirling/

Su is so distrustful, but like Yongguk said, its understandable. She is not only alone, but an abandoned type of demons everyone seems to hate in a city full of humans. She'll never quite fit in, even if someone knew what she was. But Yongguk offering to be her friend...awwww...I just can't...X3
Su don't ruin it! Accept human love and friendship! Accept ittttttt!

...oh . Yongguk finally has a notion of the gravity of the situation possibly. Oh Su, be careful. Please don't let Infinite go too crazy...(or rather, do, because that'll be interesting. XDD )
Chapter 16: Hoya...;_;

Jihye is just trying to keep it together. I'm seeing how everyone is beginning to tie in...so I wonder how Jihye fits...intriguing. But Corny is right. Now I feel bad for Hoya...AIGOO.../plays with her HoKi banner/

But this was interesting. Nice to hear some of Kira's past. It makes her, for lack of better words, human. Its nice to see that. This pair though...goodness. Only good things.XDD Youngjae you got yyourself and Kira into this. Good to see you acknowledge this. Youngjae talking about his hyung though...X3

Poor Su. Bird can't catch a break. BUT JEALOUS JIEUN XDD. But.. YAH. Jieun you be nicer to my Su! Grrr. That's definitely gotta hurt hearing that out loud. Yongguk to the rescue...sorta. lol. Good grief. The fluff. X33
Chapter 17: I will get you a proper comment ASAP!! X333
Its so cool how everyones connected
Shadowflame15 #6
Chapter 16: ...I know I was opposed to the Ki-Jae moment...but I am okay with it now...And why is there so much information in one chapter!?!?! Rye!!! Twins!!! Ailee!!! (shuts down from brain overload)
Chapter 15: KEKEKE. Youngjae and Kira...the odd couple. XD I do enjoy Hana though. She's a voice of reason for Youngjae, the little punk. I do hope they somehow fins a way to work together or at least break the bond. This was very poor decision for him and its clearly costing him. Not to mention Kira is going nuts XD. Free the fox!!

Jae...Jae you adorable thing. X3 So cute how she clings to Suho (...who I suppose I can remotely trust at this point since he is showing concern not only for her but all of the vampires :P). He's showing to be a leader and a good one, at least for now. I hope bad things don't happen. T^T Luhan!!! /readies the flag/ I still ship Luhan/Kira so hard. XDD Especially after this last bit with Hoya.

Hoya...Hoya Hoya Hoya...-_-; While I can appreciate his anger, Kira is right. Calm down. But there went their relationship...though not enough to sink my ship. XDD I do think this is going to be a pain point and foresee this causing future issue.

Yongguk...shame on you for dragging Su out of her comfort zone just to find your woman. XD. I'm sorry, but as interesting as the scene was...I love Tigger and his inner dialogue. XDD "Bird Bird!" LOLOL. It really is like a dad listening to his kids argue or shout in the back seat. But Yongguk what are you doing?

We're finally seeing how Jae, Su, and Kira's story lines are tying together. But what about Jihye? How does she play into this?