Chapter 2

I'm Sorry

A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAMANI! <3 I FINALLY UPDATED THE STORY :DDD HOPE YOU LIKE IT LOL.  And to my other (possible) readers...I hope you guys also enjoy the story ^^

Once you arrived at school, you quickly walked into your homeroom classroom.  Luckily, you and Sungyeol were in the same homeroom, so you guys got to see each other every morning.  Seeing that you wearing your new necklace, Sungyeol smiled and walked towards you, embracing you into a hug.

“Ew! Get a room you guys!” Someone yelled jokingly.  You looked to see who it was – Luhan.  You’re best guy friend and the person who actually got you and Sungyeol together.

You’ve known Luhan since elementary years and from what you could remember, he was always the type to look out for you making you sure you didn’t get hurt or get in trouble.  Whenever you were bullied, Luhan was always there to back you up.  Whenever you felt sad, Luhan was there to comfort you.  Luhan was taking dual classes, focusing on both singing and dancing, so he had some classes with you and some with Sungyeol.

“Oh go away Luhan,” you said sticking your tongue out still hugging Sungyeol. Luhan lifted his hands in the air with a face that said he did nothing wrong.

“Did I say something?” You gave him a look and he smiled at you, “Oh come on Many, you know I’m just joking.”  Breaking from your hug, you and Sungyeol walked over towards Luhan’s desk.

“Hey, is Fei not coming?” Luhan asked as you sat down in your desk, which was diagonal from his. “Mmm no. She said she was skipping again today,” you said looking back at Luhan, “I’m scared she won’t be able to get where she wants with singing if she keeps skipping like this…”

Luhan looked at you with gentle eyes, “I’m sure she’ll do fine.  Besides she’s one of the best singers in the entire school, so I’m sure that counts for something, right?”  You nodded, “Yeah, that’s true. And you’re probably right, knowing Fei, she’ll find a way to get by.”  You were grateful that someone like Luhan was your friend, he always knew exactly what to say to make you feel better.

Turning your attention back to Sungyeol, you guys started to talk and laugh when your homeroom teacher walked in.

“Attention!” he yelled, and everyone immediately quieted down.  He looked around the class, satisfied, and said, “Today we have a new student.  He came from overseas, but because of his excellent knowledge in languages and skill in dancing, we decided to make an exception and let him join midyear.”

Facing the door of the classroom, he yelled out, “Come on in and introduce yourself!”  With that having been said, the door slid open and a tall, chestnut-brown haired guy walked in.  You looked at the new student and couldn’t take your eyes off of him.  Something about him was…intriguing.

He was slightly taller than Sungyeol, which was really tall since Sungyeol was around 6’1”, and his face was pretty attractive.  But his unkempt hair and his eyes really made him look…like a hobo.  You mentally slapped yourself, thinking that you shouldn’t be thinking such thoughts about someone, but you couldn’t help it.

The tall boy slightly bowed and said, with an accent, you heard, “Hi. My name is Kris and I came from Canada and I hope we’ll have a great year together.  Please take good care of me.”

You heard some of the girls whispering, talking about how good looking this ‘Kris’ was.  Finishing his introduction, your homeroom teacher quickly looked around the room, looking for an empty seat for the new student.

He pointed to the empty desk next to yours, “Kris. You can sit there next to Mani.” Hearing your name, you looked up.  Sungyeol, who sat behind you and next to Luhan also looked up.

Kris awkwardly walked to his seat and sat down, not really looking you in the eyes.  Turning in your seat, you faced Kris, “Hi, I’m Mani. Ra Mani, nice to meet you.” You gave him a smile and held out a hand for a handshake.

The new kid awkwardly looked at your hand, at your face, back at your hand, and quietly said, “I’m Kris Li.” Before turning away, not returning the handshake.  Seeing that he wasn’t going to return the handshake, you put your hand down and faced the front, “Well…I hope we get to know each other well in the future, Kris!” you said with a happy tone.

Sungyeol, who had seen the whole scene take place, was starting to get a bit angry.  You who had gone out of your way to introduce yourself was completely, well maybe not completely, ignored by this new kid, Kris.  If it wasn’t class time, and if your homeroom teacher wasn’t a crazy old man, Sungyeol would’ve made Kris shake your hand.

Luhan, who could see that Sungyeol was getting slightly angry, patted his back.  “Hey, Sungyeol,” Luhan whispered, “Dude, calm down.  I’m sure that Kris guy is just feeling uneasy being in a new school, new country, new culture, you know?”  Hearing his friend’s wise words, Sungyeol took a breath.

“Hmm…I guess you’re right Luhan.” Sungyeol looked at the back of your head with soft eyes, “I just hope Mani isn’t feeling too bad about it…” Luhan followed his gaze, which was directed towards you, “I’m sure she’s fine.  She isn’t the type to get too down about something like this.”


Sungyeol nodded his head in agreement.  Then he looked at Kris, who still hadn't taken a second glance at you. He sighed and then lifted his head towards the teacher who was talking about things he didn't really care about.

On the other hand you, who was rejected by Kris, was actually feeling quite shaken. You expected that he would at least shake your hand. You thought that even in other countries it was expected that people should have enough manners to at least greet someone else kindly.  You looked at Kris from the corner of your eyes.

Even with his slightly messy hair, you admitted that he had a sense of handsomeness around him.  Before you realized, your head was slightly turned towards Kris.  You only realized you were staring at him when Kris turned to you.

Making sudden eye contact, your eyes widened in surprise and you quickly turned to the front, hoping he didn’t notice.  A few seconds later though, you felt a poke on your arm.  You looked and saw that Kris was sliding a folded piece of paper towards you.

Taking the paper from Kris' hand, you opened it up. Inside, it read:

"I'm sorry."

Confused by the two words on the paper, you took out your pencil and wrote back.

M: "sorry? Why??"
K: "that I kind of ignored you when you said hi earlier. So I'm sorry for that"

When you read his message, the teacher announced, "Okay class. Homeroom is over. So go to your classes and I'll see you tomorrow!"

Once the teacher had left, Kris turned to you again and continued from his message, "It's just that I was nervous you know? Being in a new country and all..."

Hearing his innocent confession you couldn't help but laugh. Kris gave you a confused look, but you waved you hand.

"I'm sorry," you said, finishing laughing, "But please don't be nervous around me. I really like talking to people. Hey you know what Kris?" You said with a sudden spark in your eyes.

"What?..." Kris answered cautiously.  You gave him a smile and said, "You should sit with us during lunch?" And then you pointed to yourself and then at Luhan and Sungyeol who were packing their things up.

"Oh uhm...but I..." Kris fumbled with his words.

You gave him a playful shove, "Come on Kris, we won't bite. Besides sitting alone isn't fun." Kris stopped to think and finally agreed. "Great! Just meet up back here for lunch, okay?"

Once you finished talking, you got up and started packing your things, Kris doing the same. Then, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and when you looked up you saw Sungyeol smiling.

“Oh hey Sungyeol!” You said with a happy tone, turning around and returning his hug. “What were you talking about with the new kid?”

“You mean Kris?” You looked up at Sungyeol who gave you a blank stare.

“Yeah sure.  What were you guys talking about?”

You gave Sungyeol, “Relax Sungyeol. I just invited him for lunch.  It wouldn’t be right if the new kid sat alone and ate.”

Sungyeol scowled and mumbled, “So…He’ll find other friends…”

“Sungyeol!” You said in disbelief, slightly hitting his arm, “You can’t say things like that! Be nicer.  And be nice when we have lunch with Kirs, okay?”

Sungyeol sighed, “Fine.  But only because you asked me to….”

“Thanks Sungyeol” You said.  You gave him a quick peck on the cheek and then left with Luhan to go to your singing classes while Sungyeol went the other direction to his dancing class.

Kris, who was looking at his schedule walked slowly down the hallway of the school.  He read the class of 2nd Block:

Dancing – Teacher Lee Jongchan

Although it took him a while, Kris was able to find his classroom.  He opened the door and walked inside.  The other students were already stretching and warming up.  Kris quietly put his stuff down and then turned around.

He quickly found a spot where no one was stretching and settled there – sitting down to stretch out his legs.  However, after a few seconds of stretching he noticed a long pair of legs standing in front of him.  Looking up he made eye contact with an expressionless Sungyeol.

“Why are you here?” Sungyeol asked. “You really shouldn’t hang around and get friendly with other people’s girlfriends like that.”

Wah! CHP 2 is up :D haha I do hope yall are enjoying it
I'm trying my best because my friend loves EXO and kinda
Sungyeol LOL so I dedicated this fic to her :)

Please enjoy the rest of the story and commenting
and subscribing are always nice and welcome as
well :DDD until next time~~ <3


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pleaselovemesungyeol #1
pleaselovemesungyeol #2
pleaselovemesungyeol #3
nectardivine #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^