Chapter 1

I'm Sorry

A/N: Hey guys ^^ I hope you like the story.  But before I start, remember that your name is Ra Mani! 

“Mani-yah~!” Sungyeol yelled as he ran down the hallway.  The school day had just ended and he had to talk to you, his girlfriend, right away.  Once he reached you he looked down at you with nervous eyes, “Hey…I was wondering…are you free later tonight? Because I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner or something…”

You looked up at Sungyeol with surprise.  Sungyeol was never the one to be the first one to ask you out on a date, usually you would suggest things to do and then together, you and Sungyeol would agree on what to do.

“Umm…sure Sungyeol!” You said with a smile on her face, “I would love to go out to have dinner. Where are we going?”

Sungyeol scratched the back of his head, “Well I wanted to keep it a surprise…”

“Oh…that’s okay then. Am I going to meet you at your house then?” You asked.

“No it’s fine! I’ll pick you up at your house and drive you to our dinner place. Does that sound cool?”

You nodded your head, “Yeah, sounds great!” Smiling, Sungyeol grabbed your hand and the two of you started walking down the school hallways, both on your way home.  “Okay! Then I’ll come to your house later tonight, around 6 sound okay?” You looked up, “Yup!”

Once you reached the school gates, you let go of Sungyeol’s hand and turned right, while Sungyeol would have to turn left to go to his house.  But before you could take a few steps, Sungyeol grabbed your hand and pulled you into hug.

“S-Sungyeol!” You said surprised.

“I just wanted to say I really love you Mani…” Sungyeol said softly, still holding you in his embrace.

After a few seconds of hugging you, Sungyeol let go of you and said, “Well…I’ll see you at 6!” With that having been said, he ran off towards his house.  You, who were still shocked by the hug, stood at the school’s gate, until you finally regained your senses.

You turned around and started walking towards your house thinking, “I wonder why Sungyeol did that…although he seems to be the outgoing type, he’s actually really shy when it comes to dating stuff…” Still wondering what could be up with Sungyeol, you slowly walked home.

Upon reaching your doorsteps, you reached into you backpack to get the house keys. But before you could get them out, the door swung open and you were hug-attacked by your house-mate, Fei. “Mani-yah!” She yelled

Fei was your best friend.  Happy and always smiling.  But she didn’t care much for school so she often skipped school, like she had done today.  Either way, though, her personality was better than nearly all the kids at your school.

Some of you may be confused though as to what kind of school you go to and what exactly you are doing there.  So, as you may know, you attend Seoul School of Performing Arts and you’re there for singing.  From a young age, singing has always been your passion, so making it into this school was a big congrats on your part.

Your friend Fei, is also there for singing, so when she does go to school, you guys have most of your classes together.  Your boyfriend, Sungyeol, on the other hand, is at the school for his dancing.  Often times, once school was over, you went to visit him in the practice rooms and liked to see him dance.   And now back to the story ^^

Still hugging you, Fei looked at you and asked, “Why’d you come home so late?”  After giving you a glance, she let you go, and the both of you walked inside the house.  Taking your shoes off, you answered, “I was just talking with Sungyeol.  Which reminds me…”

You put your shoes on the shoe rack and turned to Fei, “I’m going to dinner with Sungyeol, so I won’t be here to make dinner.”

Fei looked at you with disbelief. “WHAT?! Why? You know I can’t cook? You remember the last time I tried to cook don’t you? I nearly burned the house down! And here you are trying to tell me to cook myself dinner.  Who do you think I am? Some…Some…” Fei fumbled her words waving her arms in the air, “Some professional cook or something?!”

“Fei! Fei!” you yelled trying to calm your friend down, “Calm down, I’ll get the rice ready, so all you have to really do is get the rice and the banchan (trans: side dishes) and eat dinner.  It’ll be a little plainer than usual, but I’m sure it’ll be more than enough right?”

Putting her arms down, she gave you another hug. “Thanks Mani! You’re the best. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

You returned the hug, “Probably starve to death.”  You said with a sarcastic tone.  Fei lifted her head and gave you a look, but shortly started laughing, “Haha you’re probably right.”

Once Fei let you go, you went up to your room and put your book-bag on the floor next to your bed.  You quickly changed into more comfortable clothes, which consisted of skinny jeans and a sweater, grabbed your phone, incase Sungyeol called, and walked downstairs to prepare the rice.  While you were preparing the rice, your phone buzzed.

You walked over towards your phone and unlocked it.  Looking at the screen you saw that you had received a text from Sungyeol.

[5:46 From-Sungyeol] Hey Mani ^^ Are you almost ready?  I’ll be at your house in like 10 minutes, kay??

[5:46 To-Sungyeol] Okay ^^ Sounds good. Just ring the doorbell when you get here.

You put your phone down and went back to preparing the rice.  Once you had finished, your doorbell rang.  You quickly ran to the door and opened it to find Sungyeol standing in front of your door, smiling.

“Hi Mani!” He said happily as he hugged you again.  You hugged Sungyeol back, “Hi Sungyeol,” you said with a happy tone, “Hey I’m gonna get my phone and wallet and I’ll be right back.” You let go of Sungyeol and quickly ran into the kitchen to get your said items.

“Fei!” You yelled upstairs, “I’m leaving now! The rice is cooking and should be done in 30 minutes.  Just open the lid and it’ll be good to eat. Okay?”  You stopped talking and waited until you heard Fei yell back, “Okay!”, before you went back to the front door where Sungyeol was.

“Ready to go?” Sungyeol said as he got up from his leaning position. “Yup”, you said as you laced your fingers with his, “I’m ready!”

Closing the door behind you, you and Sungyeol walked to Sungyeol’s car.  After getting in, Sungyeol started the car and drove down the street.  Looking out the window, you tried to figure out where he wanted to take you so badly.

After about 20 minutes of driving, Sungyeol parked in a plaza parking space.  You got out of the car and looked around.  Then you realized where he took you.  You saw the restaurant and nearly screamed with happiness.  Sungyeol had brought you to your favorite Korean BBQ restaurant.  You couldn’t remember the last time you had Korean BBQ.

“Wah! Sungyeol, are we eating here?” You said excitedly as you pointed towards the BBQ restaurant.

Sungyeol smiled, knowing you would be pleased, “Yup.  Now come on let’s go.”

While you were eating your dinner of grilled pork and beef, you noticed that Sungyeol wasn’t really eating.  You looked at him with confusion, “Sungyeol why aren’t you eating?”

He looked at you with a soft smile, “I just looked at you and thinking how lucky I am to be dating a girl like you…”  Hearing him say that made you blush like crazy.  You looked away embarrassment and heard Sungyeol laugh. “Oh, and Mani, I have a gift for you.  It’s to celebrate our 5 months anniversary.”

Hearing that, you looked at Sungyeol who reached behind him and pulled out a small box.  He held out the box to you, which you humbly accepted.  Opening the box, you saw what was inside and gasped.  Inside the box was a necklace in the shape of an infinity sign.  It had small rhinestones on it, which sparkled in the light.

“Sungyeol…” you said, staring at the necklace, “It’s so beautiful, I love it…”

“I’m glad you liked it.  There were a lot of different pendants to choose from, but I chose the infinity one because my love for is never ending.” You looked at him and he gave you an innocent smile.  You laughed – one, because of his cheesy love confession, and two, because you thought he looked really cute when he smiled.

You put on the necklace and said to Sungyeol, “Thank you so much, Sungyeol.  I really like it.”  Knowing that you were pleased, Sungyeol picked up his chopsticks and began eating the meat that was grilling, “I’m glad.  Now let’s finish up our dinner.”  You nodded your head in agreement and the two of you spent the next hour or so eating, talking and laughing.

After finishing dinner, Sungyeol paid and then drove you home.  Walking up to your door, you turned to Sungyeol and looked into his eyes.  “Thank you, again Sungyeol.  Today was fun and I really love the necklace.”

“I thought today was fun too, we should go out again soon.” Sungyeol paused and then smiled, “Maybe next time we can go to the movies.”  You nodded, “Yeah, going to the movies would be nice…”

“Well…I’m going to go now Mani.  I’ll see you tomorrow?” You gave Sungyeol a thumbs up and he took a step towards his car.  “Wait Sungyeol!” You quickly said.

Sungyeol turned around, “What Man-“ Before he could finish his sentence you quickly got up on your tippy-toes and gave Sungyeol a quick peck on the lips.  Shocked by the sudden kiss, Sungyeol looked at you with big eyes.

You giggled and said, “Bye Sungyeol, I love you and I’ll see you tomorrow!” You quickly turned around and went into your house.  Seeing you go into your house, Sungyeol slowly smiled to himself.  He turned around and happily walked back to his car.

Seeing Sungyeol leave, Fei ran downstairs and bombarded you with questions.

“How did the date go? Where did you guys go? What did you guys do?  Was he nice to you? Did he do anything bad? Tell me everything! Ah! And WHERE did you get this necklace?”

You smiled at Fei and happily gave her the gist of what happened that night.

“Wow! You are so lucky Mani…” Fei said as she turned around and plopped down on the couch in your living room. “I wish I had a boyfriend like Sungyeol, he loves you so much...” You smiled to yourself and headed towards your room.

Once you got into your room, you quickly changed into pajamas and lied down in your bed.  You quickly replayed the events of your date again in your mind, and you smiled.  Pulling the covers over yourself, you closed your eyes and fell into a comfortable slumber, happy about what had happened that day.

I can’t wait to see Sungyeol tomorrow…” You thought to yourself as you fell asleep.

OHMYGOD. ahaha this chapter.  Well Ramani, I hope you liked it ^^ 
It's a bit early, but i do hope you enjoy the story so far. hee hee
More will be happening.  I just pray your heart doesn't break or cry

And for the other readers, if you really want to, comments and all that
are very welcome :D but seriously though.  If you are reading this
thank you and I'm sorry if the story isn't all that great :)

I'm (mostly) aiming for a story for my friend Ramani since it's her 
16th birthday.  But again, THANK YOU if you are going to stick with me ^^

Here have a Luhan as a prize for getting through my crappy first chapter


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pleaselovemesungyeol #1
pleaselovemesungyeol #2
pleaselovemesungyeol #3
nectardivine #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^