Your dad

When you're down


"Jagi I'm home! Where are yooouu?" Your boyfriend Jiyong asked.
"I'm right here oppa." You say as you back hug him.
"I missed you jagiya."
"I missed you too, how was your tour?"
"It was fun but I'm glad to be back in your arms."
Jiyong turned around and held your hands. He looked into your eyes but they didn't look the same. They looked sadder somehow, but he didn't say anything about it. He kissed the back of your hand and sighed deeply.
"Are you tired oppa? You should get some rest."
"But jagi I want to spend time with you."
"And I want you to get some sleep so you don't pass out. I'll sleep with you. Arraso?"
As soon as Jiyong laid in the bed he fell asleep. I knew he was tired. You thought to yourself. You quietly slid next to him. You turned around to put your phone on the nightstand. Unconsciously Jiyong wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. You smiled to yourself as Jiyong kissed your neck. 
"I love you." He mumbled against your skin.
"I love you too."
You both fell into a deep sleep. It felt good to have him in bed with you again. It felt good to have him at home again. You moved your hand and put it on top of his, still around you. Your phone started vibrating. You mentally thanked yourself for turning off your ringtone. It was your dad calling. What does he want? You said to yourself. You carefully got out of Jiyong's embrace and walked to the living room to answer the phone.
"Hello." You sighed.
"Hi baby did you hear about your sister?" He answered back excitedly.
Here we go again. Your dad always did this. He called you just to gush about your older sister. She was a famous music writer. She wrote for amazing artists. You were proud of her, you loved her with all your heart. But you wish your dad would stop comparing you to her. You decided to use your voice for broadway. You had an amazing voice you always got the main parts in big shows. Your dad didn't like your choice. He always said how much better than you your sister was, and that you were a disappointment for a daughter. And you have had enough of it.
"- why couldn't you be like your sister your a shame to the family," he said.
"You know what dad? I don't care!" You yelled. "I don't care what you think about me anymore! I'm making my own money and I'm in a stable relationship! Why can't you just be happy for me?!" 
"Oh and as that boyfriend of yours-"
"Shut up Dad! Don't you dare talk about Jiyong! Why must you always talk down on my life and point out all the negatives? Huh? Why? You have no reason do you?"
"Actually I do! I never liked you as a daughter! You have always been a failure to me. But your sister is absolutely amazing. I'm sick of you! You are no longer my daughter! You are detested from my life! Matter of fact you are kicked out of the family! Got that? Don't call any of us ever again!" -click- He hung up.
You can't believe what you just heard. Did your father just kick you out of the family? Can he do that?
 You slowly walked back into your room with tears threatening to come out. You laid back next to Jiyong who was now pretending to sleep, he had heard you yelling. He just didn't know what it was about. You put your head on his chest and snuggled closer to him. He put his arm around you.
"Are you okay jagi why were you yelling?" He asked.
"Oppa I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. God why must I mess up everything."
"Hey, it's okay. I'm not upset or anything." At that moment you started crying. "What's wrong jagi?"
You told Jiyong everything. Even how you were feeling before. Now he understood the sadness he saw in your eyes earlier. He didn't think a father could be so cruel to his children. 
"_____ I'm so sorry..." He said. Your tears just started falling. 
"Mianhae oppa I'm ruining your shirt."
"It's fine I don't care. You don't need your family anyways. You already have a family here. YG is your family we all love you."
"Thank you Jiyong. God why does my dad think of me that way? Maybe.... Maybe I am a horrible daughter, maybe I'm a horrible person."
"Stop that." Jiyong said sitting you both up. "Don't say things like that. You perfect just the way you are. I don't want you to change at all. You got that?"
"Jiyong..." You whispered.
He hugged you. " I love you. Always stay the same. Don't change for anyone."
"Thank you oppa, I love you too."
"You know..."
"I never got my 'welcome home' gift."
"What do you mean?" And with that he leaned in and kissed you running his hand through your hair. "Oh I see." You said with a smirk.
"Shh don't talk..." Jiyong said pushing you back on the bed and climbing on top of you.
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