Chapter one



"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!  WHAT IS SHE??!!!!!!!"  a female voice rang with terror.

"JUST LEAVE US ALONE!!!! LEAVE!!!!!!"  a male voice also screamed out.

"Mom?........ Why are you holding a knife??.... Mom??.... MOM!!!!!"  



"AHHHH!!!!"  Haneul abruptly woke up from her sleep and was sweating.  She looked around cautiously and she found herself in the same place she's been in for a week now: a dirty bar.  The bar owner was nice enough to let her sleep in there if there was no funny or weird business going on.  Haneul wiped her sweat and sighed in relief.

"It was just a dream....."  She saw the window from her place on the floor and saw that it was looking barely bright blue outside.  

*must be around 5am...*  She guessed.  Haneul decided she couldnt sleep anymore so she stood up and put her coat over what she was wearing inside.,r:11,s:0&biw=1366&bih=677

It was chilly because it was winter so she put on her gloves,,r:16,s:38&tx=72&ty=90&biw=1366&bih=677

She was setting up the tables and waiting until it was 7 (that was the time the bar opened).

The door suddenly opened and in came the owner, "Wow!  It's chilly out there!"  He was a chubby old man with a slight beard coming on.  He came in while rubbing his hands from the cold.

"Oh hey Haneul.  Set up the tables? good."  He answered for her.  He wasnt exactly nice but he did let her stay there so she was grateful.

The owner the television and proceeded with turning on the sign lights OPEN.

Haneul sat down at the booth and watched the news on the television.  Something about "aliens walking on the earth" and such.  

"Heh.  Only Idiots like them would actually believe there are freaks out there among us.  Tch.. Stupid.."  The owner said as he was cleaning the bar glasses.

Haneul didnt say anything and just stared at the tv since she knew that what their theory of "aliens" on earth was so true.  She was one of them.  

Just then, the door opened and in came a man..  a VERY young looking man around 18 or 17.,r:21,s:86&biw=1366&bih=677(pretend his hair is like the one in beautiful not shock or bad girl or whatever)

Haneul stared at him even as he was sitting down next to her on the booth.  He paid no attention to her so far and looked at the owner, "Give me the best beer ya got."  He said with a low, masculine voice.

"excuse me, but i dont give alcohol to underaged youngsters like you."  He said facing the boy.

Without taking his eyes off the owner, he took a card out of his back pocket and showed it to him.  It was a driver's license that said he was 22 years old.  Haneul's eyes widened, *how does he look sooo young...*

The owner looked at it suspiciously and back at the guy, but then he went to get his beer.

"So, Kevin, huh?  Korean-American?"  The owner asked trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah." The Kevin guy said in english.

"You look so young, maybe you can tell me your secret later huh? haha"  The owner said laughing.  The Kevin guy just smirked while drinking his beer.

Haneul was still eyeing him suspiciously but let it go.

"Believe it or not but aliens DO walk amongst us..."  The news lady was still going on about it and trying to give as much proof as she could.

"That lady is STILL going on with that??.... stupid..."  The owner said.

"Yeah... stupid...."  Kevin said, looking at the tv and slowly sipping his beer.

The Door then flew open again.  This time, there were the "regular looking" customers.  Like gangsters kinda but old and slightly chubby from drinking too much.  There were 3 of them.

"Hey!  Hand us the usual!"  The taller and chubbiest one said.  Then he stood there with his elbow on the booth table next to Kevin.  Kevin just sat there drinking his beer.

"You got it!"  The owner said.

"Well what do we have here?"  The guy said, "A shrimp."

Kevin paid no attention.

"Ey Hyung, He's giving ya attitude."  His friend said.

The guy next to Kevin then suddenly got a serious expression, "Ey.. I'm talking to you."  Then he banged the table with his fist.

"Hey hey.. I dont want any trouble in here."  The owner said trying to calm them down.

"Shut up!!"  The guy said.  Then he turned back to Kevin.

Haneul was looking nervously at them.

"I said i was TALKING TO YOU."  The guy was about to put his hand on kevin but he stopped it with his arm.  While drinking his beer with his other hand.  He then pushed the guys hand off with his arm and stood up after drinking all of his beer.  Kevin put down some money on the table and was about to leave but the guy stopped him.

"Who the hell do you think you are??!! HUH??!!!"  Then he attempted to punch him but then in a blink of an eye Kevin's hands turned into fire and he held the guy by his t-shirt using one hand and used another hand to get into a position to punch him.

The guy had fear in his eyes, "Wh-What the hell are you??!!!"

"H-Hyung"  His friends said, scared for him.

Haneul also stood up from her chair and backed away not because she was scared but because... *H-He's like me....*

The owner then got his handgun and pointed it to Kevin's head.

"I dont know WHAT the HELL you are but you better get out before i kill you."  The owner said, trembling a little.

Kevin kept his eyes on the guy he was holding and slowly put him down but then quickly punched the gun from the owner's hand with  his fire hand and it fell on the floor singed a bit.

Then Kevin's hands turned back to normal and he eyed each one of them before leaving.

Haneul watched him as he left.

"WHAT THE HELL??!!"  They all were exclaiming after he left.  Out of the ruckus no one noticed that Haneul left.

She went outside and looked around for the Kevin guy.  She spotted him getting in his run down truck and she ran towards it and made it on the back as it drove away.

Kevin kept on driving for a while until he kept feeling that the truck was being bumpy.  He knew that something mustve been in the back.

He stopped the car and went to the back.  He saw a girl who was in a huddled position.

"Hey.."  Kevin nudged the girl with his hand.  Haneul looked up at him and widened her eyes.  She backed away a little bit.

"What are you doing on my truck?"  He asked looking straight at her.

It took some time for her to talk but she finally found her voice, "I-I'm sorry.  I just needed a ride and.. i saw you so..."

"Get off."  He simply said.  She obeyed and he was about to get back in his car but she spoke up, 

"Show a little hospitality wont you??"  Haneul pleaded.

"Hospitality is for the weak."  Kevin said as he got into his car.  Then he started to drive away.  But he kept looking at his rearview mirror and decided to stop reluctantly.  He got back out of the car.

Haneul looked at him with pleading eyes.

"You just gonna stand there?"  Kevin said, then he went back inside his car.

She rushed to the passenger's seat and sat down.  He started driving again.

"What happened to 'hospitality is for the weak'?"  She asked him.

"If you dont like it you can always go back on the road."

"NO.  It's fine.  Thank you."  Haneul said.  There was a bit of silence.

"So.. You're name is Kevin?? I'm Haneul.  Cho Haneul."  She said attempting to make a conversation with him.

"Haneul?? Sky?? Weird name.."  Kevin remarked.

"Well.. Kevin isnt so normal too.. well in korea.."  Haneul said back.

He glanced at her then looked back at the road.

"My name is Yong Junhyung."  He said.

She looked at him, "Your... Real name???"  He didnt reply back but she took it as a yes.

"Why'd you use a fake one?.."  She asked.

"I have my reasons."  Junhyung said.  "Just like you have your reasons for running away."  Haneul was surprised, "Ho-How'd you know?"

"Teenage girl spending her time at a bar?  With worn out clothes??  It's obvious."  He said glancing at her.

Haneul looked down, "Something.... bad happened... I had to leave...."  Junhyung then looked at he curiously again but then looked back at the road.


Haneul shook her head, "Nothing... Anyways.. The stunt you pulled at the bar was cool.  How'd you do that??"  

Junhyung glanced at her again, "Guess there's no point in hiding it now."

Haneul waited for him to continue.

"I was born with the power to create and manipulate fire.  Also... I'm immortal.  That's why i have to use face I.D's.  I look young but have lived a very long time.  Get it?"  He asked.

Haneul slowly nodded her head, "So... You're.... one of those aliens that news lady was talking about??"  

"No one will believe her but ya."  He said simply.  After that Haneul was quiet and they went on the road for a while until there was a mysterious road block sign in their way.

"What the-"  Junhyung stopped the truck and got out of the car.  "Stay here."  Haneul nodded.

He looked at the road block sign and it did look suspicious.  Then he suddenly got a bad feeling.  He looked around and became cautious.  

"Lock the doors!"  He yelled at Haneul.  Haneul just listend to him and locked the doors of the car.  Then something suddenly came out from the trees and attacked Junhyung.  Junhyung turned his hands into fire and pushed the thing off of him.  He stood up and saw what attacked him: an ice malipulation of a wolf.  

*That...*  Junhyung knew who it was.

There was clap sounds, "Good job Junhyung."  a figure came out from where the wolf came out.

"Doojoon.."  Junhyung said to himself.

Doojoon,,r:16,s:44&biw=1366&bih=677, stopped and smirked, "You look good."

Haneul didnt know what was happening but she clutched onto her seatbelt out of anicipation.

"What the hell do you want Doojoon."  Junhyung asked, clenching his fists and starting a small fire on his hands.

"Well... Right now i REALLYYY want to kick your ... but.... I'm here for something else and you happened to be in the way."  Doojoon said.

"something else?...."  Junhyung said.

"Yup.  That girl you have over there,"  Doojoon pointed at Haneul with a tilt of his head, "is pretty valuable.  So i'm gonna have to ask you to step aside."

Junhyung didnt move an inch.

"We can do this the easy or hard way... You can let me have her or i can kill you first then get her."  Doojoon said, looking casual with his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face.

Haneul didnt understand what they were saying.. She was confused.

"Well then i guess i'm choosing the hard way cause you're not getting anywhere near her."  Junhyung said not moving.

"Wished you would say that."  Doojoon said, then he charged after him with his fists turned into ice.  Junhyung, in a blink of an eye, turned his hands into fire and blocked the attack.  Doojoon punched Junhyung but Junhyung blocked it with his two hands.  Doojoon then swung a kick at him and Junhyung fell on the ground.  He did a kip up and speed punched Doojoon as he was trying to dodge the fire hands.  But he got punched and flew on the ground.  Doojoon slowly got up and wiped the blood off, "Good... Was waiting for this.."  Then he made two ice wolves and made them attack Junhyung.  Junhyung punched one and kicked the other away and made a flaming bird toward Doojoon.  Doojoon used an ice field and used all his energy to summon an avalanche.  Junhyung's eyes widened at looked back at Haneul who was still in the car.  *crap.*  He ran towards the car and made a fire shield around him and the car to shield them from the avalanche.  The avalanche covered them whole and Doojoon couldnt even see where the car was.

Doojoon scratched his head, "Maybe i went a little too far.  Ugh... I hope they're not dead.. He's gonna kill me if she's dead..." 

"You shouldve thought of that before you made this mess."  A voice said behind him.

Doojoon turned around, "Well.. Well.. Isnt it the CUBE squad."

"Hey!!  We arent the 'CUBE squad'!!  We're THE CUBE."  The short guy yelled.

"Whatever.  Listen you can look for them if you want, but i doubt you'll be able to find them."  Doojoon said, then he disappeared.

"Hey!! Tch.. Lost him again..."  The guy said.  Then THE CUBE searched the avalanche mess to find Junhyung and Haneul.


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party-party #1
please updates!
totorochu #2
waiting for the update!
I love your story! Please update.
LOL its funny cause Junhyung's ex girlfriend's name is Choi Haneul xD<br />
Good story~
asianluver #5
omggg!!! i like this story so farrr!!! :D
asdfxxx #6
guess no one really likes this story :P oh well ill just try to keep writing just cause :P