Open Your Legs

Grammatical Sin(s)

"Open your legs, Chanyeol." Kris sighs exasperatedly and attempts to pry open Chanyeol's legs himself. It is a futile attempt because apparently, Chanyeol has Hulk-like leg muscles and exerts even more strength on them when Kris uses force.

"I swear to god, Chanyeol, it won't hurt," He tries again with a pleading expression, the best that his Angry Bird face could muster up.

"No." The defiant puckered lips are back in full swing.

"It's for your own good, Chanyeol. So open your goddamn legs." Kris growls and with a burst of renewed strength, he defeats the Hulk muscles and stretches Chanyeol's legs to either side.

"W-Wait, I don't think I'm ready for this." Chanyeol whimpers and holds onto Kris's arm, squeezing with the perfect amount of tenderness that made him go weak and mushy on the inside.

"You're...You're never not ready for this. Or at least you should be, so stop complaining." Kris's voice falters but he steels his expression and resolve.

"But it'll hurt!" wails a desperate Chanyeol and flaunts his best weapon on Kris - the puppy face. It worked before, without fail, and he prays that it'll have the same effect now. He just is not ready for this.

"It'll only hurt for awhile, but it'll get better, I promise. And stop giving me that face, Yeol. I'm doing this for your own good, so that face is not going to work on me now" is what Kris exclaims while turning his head the other way.

"No no no no--- THAT HURTS." Chanyeol bellows and squirms from the sheets of the bed. "It hurts it hurts it hurts it ing hurts Kris IT HURTS." His hands come up to beat Kris on the back, not too violently though - he didn't want to injure his boyfriend.

Kris holds down Chanyeol's legs with his elbows while hunched over his body, meticulously going about his work. He ignores the pain pounding on his spinal cord and blows. Chanyeol lets out a gasp at the sudden cool air and arches his backs, at the back of his throat. The back beating has stopped, and Chanyeol's clutches clumsily at the sleeves of Kris's t-shirt. "Feels nice?" Kris asks quietly as he continues to expel more air. Chanyeol nods fervently and emits a shuddering sigh.

Kris smiles at his boyfriend's response and rises from his spot. He throws away a wet cotton ball and stuffs the disinfectant back into the first aid kit. He retrieves an Angry Bird band-aid from the box and rips the paper off with his teeth. "Here, you probably want a band-aid too." He comes back over to Chanyeol sprawled out on the bed and peels away the extra paper on the adhesive side and sticks the band-aid on the inside of Chanyeol's left thigh.

The younger boy catches a glimpse of the iconic figure on the band-aid and giggles. "This bird looks like you the most." He cracks up at another thought and breathes out through ferocious fits of laughter. "I can tell everybody that I have Kris on the inside of my thigh." He grins widely, and too innocently, Kris thinks. The Canadian man sighs and rubs his face, mostly to hide his blush at the onslaught of dirty thoughts.

"I don't think that would be wise, Chanyeol." He shakes his head and chuckles the tiniest bit. "How did you get scratched on the inside of your thigh and not have your damaged anyways?" He ponders crudely.

"Oh...that..." Chanyeol giggles sheepishly and rolls over on his stomach. "Well, you see, Baekhyun is an expert in martial arts and has very, very good aim. He was nice enough to kick me only on my thigh and not injure my balls."

"...How did you anger Baekhyun..."

"At lunch, he said his hurts and I asked him if he finally had with Tao after wanting to for so long." Chanyeol blinks and pouts.

"...Was Tao there?" Kris blinks back at him.

"Yeah." It's not exactly ideal your long time crush finds out your secret ual desire - roughly that Baekhyun wanted to be ed by Tao - through casual mention, so Kris nods understandingly.

"I don't blame him. I would have kicked you too, except properly in the balls," Kris comments nonchalantly, much to Chanyeol's horror, "except I love you too much, so I won't." Chanyeol harrumphs but smiles satisfactorily.

"But still, if Baekhyun only kicked you, you should have gotten a bruise. How did you get scratched?" Kris questions after a moment of thought.

"Oh, Baekhyun had these shoes with spikes on the toe and it's a fashion statement and stuff, yeah." Chanyeol shrugs and adds. "They were some nice shoes though. I wanted to buy them too but they were limited edition and Baekhyun ordered them online really, really early." Chanyeol puffs out his cheeks and purses his lips.

"If you get those shoes and we break up, I'm doing it through text." Kris nods and stares at Chanyeol solemnly. He feels guilty though, when Chanyeol starts getting teary-eyed and fidgets with his fingers. "I'm kidding, Yeollie," said boy brightens up and even smiles a little, "I'll do it in person." And that smile is gone.

Kris spends the next five and a half minutes explaining to Chanyeol that his lame jokes come with his expressionless face and poorly attempts to comfort the blubbering boy. Both of them stop and stare however, when Kai and Chen casually stroll out of their ing closet.

"And I thought I would get to listen in to some action," Chen sighs loudly and dramatically waves his hand around.

"It sounded like that at first too..." Kai grimaces and shoots daggers at Chanyeol and Kris. Because he is in the position to glare at them. "Until you started talking about a scratch on Chanyeol's damn thigh."

"Where's Luhan-hyung?" Chanyeol peeks behind them, but to no avail. No Luhan. 'He's the slightest bit...???' were something similar to Kris's thoughts at the moment, except his an excess of profanity.

"You guys are no fun seriously. How am I supposed to upload this gay on the Internet if there is no in it?" Luhan strolls in through the ing door of their apartment and shakes his head disappointedly. He casually walks to the ing clothes drawer and pulls out a ing mini camera from the ing eye of the ing plush bear that he gave Chanyeol for Christmas. "You would make horrible actors." He clicks his tongue and exhales while shaking his head.

"Let's go over to Baekhyun's apartment and see if they're doing something more exciting than putting Angry Birds band-aids on each other. I heard Tao willingly came over even after having heard about Baekhyun's wanting to be ed. That's some good material there." Kai grins and pulls Chen and Luhan out the door. "Bye losers. Hope your life will be spiced up soon." He waves to Chanyeol and Kris.

The last thing they heard is Luhan excitedly exclaiming "Oh my god! I gave Baekhyun a stuffed bear for his birthday too!"


Did I tell you my side job is being a troll? No? Whoops, it must have slipped my mind.

I apologize for the excessive cursing guys. I'm not that illiterate in real life.

You can consider this a PWP drabble, either Without Plot or Plot What Plot. It depends on you, you erts /says the girl who wrote accidental

Is there enough crack? I don't know.

(Yes that is a lame title because I literally wrote this an hour ago when the idea hit me and my mind planned the story but not the title so you're going to have to deal with that lame title.)


A random mention: ing is my new favorite OTP name, aside from BangHim and OT3 BangHimUp.

Another random tidbit: I love Times New Roman! It makes everything look so formal even though all I wrote is girly poop.

(Random shout out: Are you satisfied, ExoElf? Are you? Well, truth to be told, this wasn't even , so HA! Okay, I'm done now. Promise you some real in the late future.)


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I apologize for not updating guys. I lack inspiration for crack and am restricted by school at the moment. Somehow, my mind is filled with angst ideas...


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choiandlee #1
Chapter 6: Reread this again and k swear i love you. This is the most hilarious thing i've ever read ;;
choiandlee #2
Chapter 6: damn this is so funny lol. Second chapter is so bizzarre i love it!
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Chapter 1: Lovelovelove <3
Chapter 6: omfg!!! I love ghetto Chen /rlab O n Ov

lmao... I don't want to use d!ldo... the faq ... /screams into pillow

Luhan.... u are the devil in disguise. .. but I like the prone to p0rn-ess of your
Chapter 6: BUWAHAHAHAHAHA!! OMG!! Luhan is just like me! Gay freak XD and Chen, ma brotha from anotha motha xDDD
Haneen #6
Chapter 5: Tsk tsk ... You should have added my name next to chen and kai :/

Lmfao!! But seriously I laughed like crazy when angry bird band aids is mentioned on chanyeol's thigh....

ChenKaiLu are damn ing funny & the p0rn.. I'd love to buy a copy too /shot
Chapter 5: Chen Kai and Luhan are my ot3 here /o/ they work well together tbh~
hahaha some BaekTao action lml and I loved Kris jokes since I also do that types of bad jokes e.e
lol and Yeol why so innocent?! I can imagine him in a middle of class saying "hey, look here, I have Kris inside my pants" xDDD
and yeah, ing is the best couple name ;)
see you!
Chapter 5: Lololol I love Luhan and Kai here! XD
And Lulu is right, how can he upload a movie without actual ? XDD
Chapter 5: i died at "how am i supposed to upload this gay if there is no in it?" omfg