Epilogue: I Love You

Grammatical Sin(s)

"Yah, you got a text," Luhan rolls over on the bed and retrieves Kris's phone from under the pillow. It is on days like these, the heat sweltering and the sun relentless, that Luhan likes to sneak over to Kris's apartment. The blonde doesn't exactly love seeing Luhan sprawled across his bed whenever he returns from his summer part-time job; he made sure to lock the front door whenever he left the house to prevent it from happening. Unfortunately, Luhan is an expert at tree climbing and invading-his-best-friend's-house-through-the-window. Which brings the situation back to Kris catching his phone after Luhan makes an underhanded throw. "I think it's from Chanyeol. The ID said 'Derp ♥.' " Luhan smirks at this newfound discovery as Kris facepalms and pouts beneath his hands. "If I knew my Krissy was such a romantic person, I would have confessed to you a long time ago." Luhan sighs dramatically and picks at the seams of the comforter.

"Oh shut up." Kris rolls his eyes and opens the message from Chanyeol. He knows better than to trust what Luhan says.

Luhan turns to look at Kris when he hears his friend makes a strangled noise of frustration. "What is it now?" He deadpans as he recalls all of the times that Chanyeol tangled himself in a sticky situation "trying to help." His attempts of getting Kai and Kyungsoo together miserably failed and ended up with cake blown up in both of their faces. Luhan felt sorry for Kyungsoo then; not Kai though - that kid was the devil. Though, as ridiculous as the cake explosion was, it led to an opportunity for confessing and somehow, Kai and Kyungsoo affirmed their feelings for each other. And my god, he wanted to forget the time when Chanyeol shoved a fully clothed Sehun into the boys' locker room shower where Luhan was (note: was) peacefully cleaning himself off under the warm spray of water after finishing up with his after-school soccer session. The innocent boy recently discovered about Luhan's harmless crush on Sehun, courtesy of Kris, and decided to take matters into his own hands. Luhan had struggled greatly to only stare at the linoleum wall while Sehun had awkwardly tried to dodge the showerhead (and failed) while Chanyeol had stood outside and locked the door. It wasn't the ideal environment that Luhan wanted to confess in - he berated Chanyeol afterwards - but he did anyways and Sehun surprisingly returned his feelings. After that, the atmosphere grew too "heated" for Chanyeol to listen in anymore, and he ran away with a satisfied smile on his face.

Chanyeol's tactics, though not always clever and convenient, did work in some strange twisted way. But that is not the point. The point is that Chanyeol has the tendency to make stupid mistakes and so forth.

"Even after all of my English lessons, he sends me this." Kris sighs exasperatedly and s out the phone so that Luhan can see the screen. 'Ily bby <3' typed in English letters is shown on the digital surface of the phone.

"What's wrong with that, princess? I think it's adorable." Luhan shoots Kris a look and shakes his head. His friend has the tendency to get too caught up with incorrect usage of English, and it's quite dramatic at times, hence the nickname 'princess' Luhan has for him.

"He knows how much I hate text speak and emoticons and all that," Kris almost whines and flicks a piece of lint onto Luhan. He almost scoffs because just seconds ago, he saw the stupid heart next to Chanyeol's name, err, nickname.

"Ugh, just tell him that then, you big baby." Luhan snatches the phone out of his grasp and quickly types something on the screen, pressing 'send.' "There." He shoves the phone back at Kris. Kris's lame ringtone from "Secret Garden" (which he swears that Luhan installed instead, not that he almost blew up his internet searching for the ringtone after watching the drama, which Luhan also "forced" him to do) sounds and this time, Chanyeol's message reads Sorry. I luv u~'

"But...But...It's spelled wrong!" Kris twirls around in his chair and crosses his arms, a childish pout visible on his lips now. Luhan makes some incomprehensible noises and furiously stabs at the phone's screen some more. He throws the phone back to Kris and covers his face with a pillow. It is too early in the morning to deal with princess tantrums.

"Hey, Luhan." Kris struggles not to flinch at Luhan's glare. "Has Chanyeol been listening to Super Junior-M's Henry lately?"

Luhan peeks out from his pillow, eyes narrowing and admittedly a little interested. "I'm not sure. Why?"

Kris flashes the screen at Luhan. '143~ 486! <3'


This was an idea I had for the fic originally but I forgot to put it in .__.

So ta-dah, presenting you with an epilogue, and the last chapter, I swear

Actually no, check the latest announcement because I just lied here.

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I apologize for not updating guys. I lack inspiration for crack and am restricted by school at the moment. Somehow, my mind is filled with angst ideas...


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choiandlee #1
Chapter 6: Reread this again and k swear i love you. This is the most hilarious thing i've ever read ;;
choiandlee #2
Chapter 6: damn this is so funny lol. Second chapter is so bizzarre i love it!
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Chapter 1: Lovelovelove <3
Chapter 6: omfg!!! I love ghetto Chen /rlab O n Ov

lmao... I don't want to use d!ldo... the faq ... /screams into pillow

Luhan.... u are the devil in disguise. .. but I like the prone to p0rn-ess of your
Chapter 6: BUWAHAHAHAHAHA!! OMG!! Luhan is just like me! Gay freak XD and Chen, ma brotha from anotha motha xDDD
Haneen #6
Chapter 5: Tsk tsk ... You should have added my name next to chen and kai :/

Lmfao!! But seriously I laughed like crazy when angry bird band aids is mentioned on chanyeol's thigh....

ChenKaiLu are damn ing funny & the p0rn.. I'd love to buy a copy too /shot
Chapter 5: Chen Kai and Luhan are my ot3 here /o/ they work well together tbh~
hahaha some BaekTao action lml and I loved Kris jokes since I also do that types of bad jokes e.e
lol and Yeol why so innocent?! I can imagine him in a middle of class saying "hey, look here, I have Kris inside my pants" xDDD
and yeah, ing is the best couple name ;)
see you!
Chapter 5: Lololol I love Luhan and Kai here! XD
And Lulu is right, how can he upload a movie without actual ? XDD
Chapter 5: i died at "how am i supposed to upload this gay if there is no in it?" omfg