

Imagine your OTP being in class with Person A trying to pay attention to the teacher but can’t because Person B is distracting them by sending mushy love texts and/or notes. Both end up getting caught and pound erasers after class as punishment.


Youngjae felt his cell phone vibrate against his thigh. Discreetly taking the device out and peeking at the text he received, he resisted the urge to groan out loud before typing a quick response.


To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun

Why aren’t you paying attention to me? D:


To: Daehyun

From: Youngjae

Because we’re in class idiot.


To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun

So? Is school more important than me? Your boyfriend?


Youngjae chose not to answer that and focused his attention back on the teacher. Five minutes later, his cell phone vibrated again.


To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun

If I received a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, I'd have five cents.


Youngjae sent a glare to the boy sitting right next to him, who winked at him, but he still didn’t send a reply.


To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun

Hey baby, you must be a light switch, cause every time I see you, you !


To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun

Do you know what I did last night? I looked up at the stars, and matched each one with a reason why I love you.


To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun

Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious!


Fifteen minutes and 20 texts later, Daehyun was still going at it. Youngjae probably should have just stopped reading the texts, or just turned his phone off, but he didn’t. Even though he would never admit it out loud, he quite enjoyed his idiotic boyfriend’s cheesy ways.

In the midst of reading Daehyun’s 32nd text, Youngjae was shocked out of his reading by his teacher’s voice.

“Ahem, is there something you would like to share with the class, Mr. Yoo?” the teacher asked, an eyebrow raised and a palm open and out-reached.


After class, you could find two boys in an empty classroom, one with a highly annoyed expression on his face, the other wearing a satisfied grin, and both pounding erasers.

“I hate you.”

“I have no regrets,” replied Daehyun, before falling into a fit of coughs caused by chalk dust getting in his throat.

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Beastlovergirl #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha! I couldn't stop laughing at the lucky charms line!! That was a cute story XD
blueberry_muffin #2
Chapter 1: lololololol Oh dongsaeng this was great!! xD like seriously undeniably great!!! Dae you are soo cheesy!! Just admit you like it Jae!

Soooo cute!!! Thanks for writing dongsaeng!! ^0^
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha. yoo youngjae, that's what you get for having daehyun as your bf~ XD!!
Chapter 1: Wow lol. I died at the nickle line. This is cute.
Chapter 1: awww cuteeeee
plain perfect