Time to grow part 2

Time to grow


A week had past since Kangjun got dumped, instead of backing away from the music collaboration with BTS, he worked twice harder and even helped Jimin and Jin on their vocal, he was still arguing with V but less than before and at least V was making huge efforts to be on time and listen to Kangjun.


Rome: Guys, today we finished earlier , I spoke with Rapmonster and ... we should grab the occasion to get to know each a bit better , what do you guys wanna do tonight ?

Jimin: We could go eat and then club ...

Maru: I can't club ... I'm under age ...

Jungkook: No worries ! I'll get you a fake ID.

Ray: Wait ... you go club ?

Jungkook: All the time ! Actually we can bring you to our favorite club in town ''Heaven in Seoul''. 

Kangjun: And we can bring you to our favorite restaurant, do you guys like spicy food ?

Jin: Yeah ... well ... it depends how spicy ...

Ray: Kangjun eat very spicy ! Don't share your meal with him or you'll die, He said laughing.

Kangjun: Only for real men !

V: Bull !

Kangjun: I'm sorry ?

V: I am sure I can eat more spicy than you.

Kangjun: Let's see about that, let's share our meal.

V: Deal ! 

Kangjun: Deal !

Rome: Those 2 ...



They were all eating and talking about the club.

Rome: I never tried the clubs in Korea.

J Hope: You know I used to watch yours videos on youtube before you debuted. I'm a fan !

Rome: Oh really ? hahaha I got better since then ...

Kangjun: Show off ! 

They all laughed.

Siwoo: What kind of club is it ?

Suga: They only play Hip hop music ...

Jimin: And reggae too ... yeah ! it looks sketchy at first but it's a nice place. And the Dj is freaking Dope !

TK: I can't wait ... are we allowed to smoke there ?

J Hope: Yeah ... no worries ! By the way, are we taking bottles ? Vodka ? Sake ? 

Jungkook: We can take 4 huge bottles: 2 vodka, 1 absynthe, 1 rhum and 12 small soju ?

All the C CLOWN members looked at him:

Maru: You ... you drink ? He asked surprised.

Jungkook: You don't ? He asked even more confused.

Suga: No worries guys, Jungkook only drink when he is with us and he is pretty mature for his age.

Jungkook: I know when to stop, He said laughing.

Kangjun: Still ... you are still a kid ...

V: Oh please ! Don't even start ...

Kangjun: ''You'' don't even start.

They were sitting facing each other at the table.

Jimin: So much ual frustration going there ...

V: No ! He's the one who always start.

Kangjun: I was talking to our maknae when you interrupted me ... you frog.

V: Repeat that ?

Kangjun: You sound like one.

V: I have a manly voice, why you hate ? You hater !

Kangjun: You frog !

V: Clown !

Rap monster: I am starting to think like jimin ... can't  they just stop arguing ?

V: Kangjun, why are you so serious ...

Rome: You really don't know him ! Trust me , he has his crazy moment as well.

V: Like what ?

Ray: like running around in his ...

V: What ?

Kangjun: I was happy ..., He said smiling.

V: Okay ... you are even weirder than I thought.

TK: Let's say that Kangjun, when we are between us at the dorm he is pretty crazy and out of control, but when it is time to work, he become someone else and get the done.

Suga: Wow ! Can I marry you ?

They all start to laugh except V. He knew Suga was just joking but he didn't found it funny at all.

Suga: It's strange but you remind me a lot of my ex Kangjun ... 

V: They have nothing alike.

Everybody looked at him:

V: What ? That's just my opinion ...

At the same time, the TV in the restaurant started to play one of BAP song.

Kangjun felt sick, to see and hear Yongguk was too much, he stood up. 

Kangjun: Excuse me, I will go use the washroom.

He left.

Suga: Is he okay ?

Ray: Let's say that he is going better.

Rome: To be honest, he is way better without that guy ...

Suga: But does he still in love with him ?

Ray: No ... I think he is more sad than something else but ... he will be fine.

Jungkook: I will go check on him. He left too.

The whole discussion, V did not say a word, he felt weird but he couldn't tell what it was and why. Just a strange feeling.

When Jungkook arrived in the washroom, he found Kangjun washing his hand.

Jungkook: I was worry for you, you're okay ?

Kangjun: Yeah ... don't worry about me. But it is very nice of you.

Jungkook: Can I ask you something personnal ?

Kangjun: Yes, what is it ?

Jungkook: What did you like about him ? I don't  know him but from what I saw, he seems very cocky.

Kangjun: I would call it confidence, I have a strong personnality and it is very hard for me to deal with "weak'' people ... and I always been attract to people coming from a different background than me.

Jungkook: You like badboys ?

Kangjun: You could say that.

Jungkook: Were you close to ... Zelo ?

Kangjun: I would not say close ... my ex always sent him and another one, Himchan to me or let's say I would go club and he would be scared that I dance or get close to someone else so they would be around ...

Jungkook: ... to spy on you ? That is plain stupid.

Kangjun: It's too long to explain ... by the way , talking about Zelo ...

Jungkook jumped off:

Kangjun: Are you okay ?

Jungkook: Yeah ... what about him ?

Kangjun: He texted me 2 days ago and asked for your phone number.

Jungkook: Did you ... give it to him ?

Kangjun: I wanted to ask you first since it so random.

Jungkook: Well ... If I tell you something, can you please keep it secret ?

Kangjun: Of course, what is it ?

He told Kangjun everything.

Kangjun: Wow ... do you have any feelings for him ?

Jungkook: I don't know , but I can't stop thinking about him since he kissed me and it's killing me, I hate this feeling ... like I hate him for him mocking us, for the rude things he said about you and for hanging out with your ex but ... at the same time, I really want to see him ... why is that ?

Kangjun: Did you ever had a boyfriend ?

Jungkook: No , never. He said shooking his head.

Kangjun: I guess I know what is it.

Jungkook: What do I have ?

Kangjun:  You are falling for him.

The youngest boy turned pale:

Kangjun: Are you okay ?

Jungkook: No ... tonight I need to get seriously drunk ...

Kangjun: Okay ... and about that phone number ...

Jungkook: Give me his phone number, I will take care of it like a big boy !

Kangjun: You're sure ?

Jungkook: Yes ! And I will protect you from him and your ex. Look , I have abs.

He said showing his packs to his hyung, Kangjun found him so cute and gently messed with his hairs:

Kangjun: Come see me if you need to talk or just need advices and ... Zelo see my ex as a model and try to act tough, but deep inside he is nicer. But he has more experience than you so be careful.

Jungkook: I will.  He sais smiling.

When they went back, they chilled more and discussed all the details before the clubbing.

When Kangjun went to to the counter to pay his share, the waiter point at V who was near the door, talking to TK :

Waiter: He already pay for you.

Kangjun: You're sure ?

Waiter: Yes, all paid with tips ! Please come again.


He walked to V:

Kangjun: You didn't have to pay for me.

V: I know ! But I wanted to.

Kangjun: You felt bad because of my ex's song playing  while we were eating ?

V: No ! I just wanted to treat you ...

Kangjun: Thanks ! Then ... how should I pay you back ?

V: If you really want to pay me back then ... tonight , have the fcking best time of your life.

Kangjun laughed and answered:

Kangjun: I will ! He answered smiling.

V could not help it and started to get red '' Why am I feeling so weird ... oh My God, he is so cute ! ''.

Kangjun: I guess you cannot handdle spicy food, you are all red. Are you okay ? He asked a bit worry. He touched V face just to see if he was okay, V jumped off at his touch, as if he had receive an electric shock.

RapMonster: Watafck ...

Jimin: Are you okay ?

V: Yeah ....

Jungkook: Hyung , you are all red ...

V: Yah ! I said I was fine !

They were now walking outside to the parking lot.

Jin: Guys, Siwoo and me will not go clubbing, I invited him home tonight.

TK: What are you gonna do ? What can be better than clubbing ?

Siwoo: We will watch a documentary about the influence of ...

TK: Bye !

He walks far from them.

Rome: So the plan is that, we'll hit your place for a pre drink around 9pm and hit the club for 11pm.

RapMonster: Terrific ! I will take care of the guestlist then, minus those 2.

Jungkook: Hyung, let's stop at the store, I need to buy more Gin for the cocktails.

Ray: You know how to make drinks ?

Jungkook: Duhhh ! 

V: Alcoholic ! He said laughing to .

Jungkook: I am not ! 

Rome: Okay ! Cia !

Jimin: Bye ! Dress as you wish, but keep in mind that it's a hip hop club !

Maru: Ight ! i cannot wait !




Kangjun was looking at his clothes, he had so many but could not decide what to wear.

Ray: I'm almost ready, you ?

Kangjun: Not a bit !

Ray: Hum ... ask TK ...

he didn't even finish his sentence than TK appear out of nowhere behind them !

TK: Someone called me ? Let me guess, need my help to dress you up ! simple is the best ! A V-neck white shirt , short sleeves, a navy jean, black shoes and a big silver belt, with 2 black rings: one for the thumb and another one for the index, don't forget to wear black earrings and ... bye !

He throwed everything in Kangjun Hands and dissapeared.

Ray: What just happened ....

Kangjun: Skills !


Kangjun followed TK fashion advices and it actually turned out pretty well. he apply just a bit of make up for his eyes and the skin, just as a last touch.

'' I'm wondering what V would think of how I look ... usually when he sees me, I am all sweating or dress in sweat pants since we only met while rehearsing ... wait ... why am I thinking of him ... I don't care if he likes it or not. Anyway, we probably gonna fight again ... but recently he has been nice ... maybe because he pity me ... am I that sad ...'' He was looking at his reflection in the mirror, he thought of his ex ... he cried a lot already because of him and was still crying sometimes like now ...

'' No ... I can't ... I have to stop thinking of him ... '' 

Ray: Are you okay ? He entered in the washroom.

Kangjun: Yeah ... I am fine !

He said faking a smile.

Ray: Yours eyes are all red  ...

Kangjun: It's just the eyeline ...

Ray: I know you Kangjun ... stop thinking of him. He didn't deserve you.

Kangjun: I ... I am trying so hard you have no idea ... but it's not easy ... I have to stop now or I'll end up not going club with you. He said tears in his eyes.

Ray: I brought your phone, you got a text. Cheer bro ! 

He said rubbing his back before giving him the phone and leaving the washroom.

He checked his phone:  He got a message from V.

'' He is the past, tonight let's start a new chapter in ours lives. You might even meet the love of your life tonight ... so you better bring your sad to da club! Damn, my rhymes are 2 perfect!!!! ''.

Kangjun could not stop laughing at the text. So much that he was smiling again and felt more determinate than never to go club.


V was on the sofa waiting for the others who were not ready yet, when he received a text from Kangjun, a picture was attached to it:

'' Ready ! And u better bring your soon to be sorry to the dancefloor ! I'm a party animal, be ready for me.''

V heartbeat almost skipped when he saw the message , not for what he wrote but that picture ... it was a selca of Kangjun ... at this moment, V knew something, he was not sure of it at the beginning: why did he always try to get Kangjun attention, why he always had to provoc a reaction by fighting with him, why he asked the others almost everyday  how kangjun was taking the break up, why he felt the need to txt him everytime after practices and make sure that he got home safely, why he pretended liking spicy food in order to share the dish  with him, meaning sitting near him ...  only now he understood why: he was in love with Kangjun.


http://farsiup.com/images/1fee0er28rudi772kjtn.jpg (the picture)





tell me  what u think :) I will correct any mistakes later too :)


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Chapter 5: Love the maknaes love. Also thank u for updating ^^
Chapter 4: Loving the maknaes love :)
PrettykikwangGF #3
Chapter 4: Aww I check this everyday...But...But...But...Omg I feel like crying please please do something >_<
Chapter 4: Aww Jungkookkie is so adorable! ♥
Taehyung x Kangjun is so sweet ;3
Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS! (first time commentting XD ive been a silent reader sorry) OMG ! THE MAKNAE COUPLE IS SO FREAKING CUTE XDDDD
Chapter 3: I'm going crazy .-. YOU HAVE TO UPDATE!!
KpopFan777 #7
Chapter 1: Oh this is interesting, I hope u can update soon ^_^
Chapter 1: Please update ^^