Chapter 34

We Are GEMS!

"What is that guy up to now?"

I fidgeted under HyunJ's stare and stared at the ground.

"Myon wanted to get closer to Jihan and asked me to switch places with him for today. He seemed so serious about it so I agreed to help..."

"That freaking idiot..." HyunJ sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe he would actually go this far... Does he realize how much trouble he can get into?" 

I looked up at him. "Sorry."

"What are you apologizing for? It's not your fault. He's the one that dragged you into this." HyunJ told me as he stared down at me. 

"I shouldn't have agreed to help though..." I sighed. He stared at me for a moment.

I blinked in surprise when HyunJ patted my head. "It's all right. Don't feel bad about it okay?" Was he trying to comfort me?

I slowly nodded. "Thanks..." I smiled.

"No problem."

I raised an eyebrow at HyunJ when he didn't remove his hand from my head. "What's wrong?" I asked. He shook his head and suddenly began to feel my hair.

"Nothing. I'm just curious. Are you wearing a wig?"

I shook my head. "No. It's my real hair. I got a haircut."

"I see..." Before he could move his hand away, the rest of s opened the door to our changing room, causing us to pause and turn towards them.

"Yo! Are you two in here or wha...." Chunggi stopped along with the others when they saw us.

Silence ensued.

 "....Sorry for interrupting." Chunggi said as he eyed HyunJ's hand that was still on my head with a disturbed look.

HyunJ's eyes went wide and he quickly retracted his hand. "YOU DIDN'T INTERRUPT ANYTHING."

"I KNEW YOU TWO SECRETLY LIKED EACH OTHER!!" Wonho exclaimed while pointing at us. 

"Woahhhh...." JJ stared at us with shock. "HyunJ-hyung and Myon-hyung like each other?"

"It seems so. But I didn't think Myon was your type HyunJ." HyunJ sent a death glare to Yejun.


"Awe! Why are you so shy now? You two were so intimate just a while ago!" Wonho teased.


"So, why are you guys here?" I quickly asked, trying to change the subject since HyunJ looked about ready to kill the next person to question his uality.

"Manager-hyung wanted us to get you two. We still need to take a couple of more photos." Chunggi answered and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Kaja." He then turned and exited the room along with the rest of us following close behind.

I stood silently beside an excited JJ as we all watched Tao and Lay pose for the cameras, patiently waiting for our turn.

I watched Tao as he worked and smiled to myself. "He's so adorable..." I drooled. 

Holy crap. I just drooled. I quickly wiped my mouth with my sleeve and turned red out of embarrassment. That was gross. I hope no one saw that...

"Can you two smile a bit more? It doesn't look like you're enjoying yourselves." The photographer told the two. Tao and Lay stopped and glanced at each other.

"I'm sorry." Lay apologized to the photographer and looked away from Tao. "I need the restroom."

"Alright. You all could use a ten minute break."

I stared at Tao as he watched Lay walk away. Without a word, Tao followed after him, shoving his hands in his pockets. Are those two alright?

"Annyeonghaseyo!" I froze at the sound of a familiar voice.

Don't tell me...

I slowly turned around to see the owner of the voice. God damn it all. It was Juree.

I watched her greet the staff with a fake smile plastered on her face and silently cursed. I then quietly left to the bathroom, hoping she wouldn't notice me.

But that didn't happen.


"Fuuuuuccckkkkk...." I mentally cursed and stopped walking to look back at her.

"You must be talking about my sister. I'm Myon. Miri's my twin."

"Oh wow! I didn't know she had a twin!" She attempted to give me a smile, but I could tell that it was fake. "My name is Yin Juree. Nice to meet you."

I forced a grin. "Same here."

"Why are you being so unprofessional?" We both looked forward at the sudden loud voice. It sounded like a fight.

"What was that?" Juree asked. I just ignored her and started walking towards the noise. 

I continued to ignore her when she decided to follow me and peeked around the corner of the wall to see Tao and Lay in a heated argument. I was instantly worried.

What's going on?

"I'm being unprofessional?" Lay scoffed. "You're the one acting like a child. Also, I heard rumors going around about you at a beach with a girl. It was Miri-sshi right?"

Tao said nothing, but glare at Lay.

"I told you not to let something like this happen. Do you realize what could have happened if they knew that girl was Miri-sshi?" Tao clenched his fists as Lay continued. "Bad things, Tao. Unlike you, I would never do anything that would bring any harm to h-"

Tao grabbed Lay by the collar of his shirt, cutting him off. "Stop now Lay. I don't want to punch you."

"I love her Tao." Lay stared straight back at him. "I love her. This is the first time I've ever felt like this. And I don't want to back down. I'm sorry."

My mind went blank for a long moment and in that moment, I was oblivious to everything around me.

Too oblivious to notice the staff members calling us.

Too oblivious to notice the rest of our group members running towards me.

And too oblivious to notice Juree leave in pure anger.

Then, it registered in my head and I stood there completely frozen.

Lay just said that he loves me.  


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Chapter 31: juree is a !!!, aish
Chapter 34: 000000.0000000
KpopAddict28 #3
Chapter 32: update soon
KpopAddict28 #4
Chapter 31: UGH !!!!!!!!! AND HERE COMES THE GIRL I HATE JUREE !!!!
KpopAddict28 #5


KpopAddict28 #6
Chapter 29: I hate people who are too clingy !! Like Juree is she even tao's girlfriend like Ugh!!!!

Chapter 29: Ooooh its lay xD
I don't know which to ship...
Maybe LayRi? TaoMi?
sacely314 #8
Chapter 28: Wow Miri sshi! You have fansssss XDXD My bet's on Lay btw.....I know you've been getting feels from him these days >:)
KpopAddict28 #9
Chapter 28: OMO !! is it tao >.< !!! Update soon !!
Chapter 28: Is it Tao? I know it's Tao. It's definitely Tao. Who else could it be? xD