Five More Minutes of Reality

I Can Be Your Man

My Notes; Okay, before you kill me about not updating and all of that stuff, the last chapter before this one, was actually supposed to be the fic's last chapter, so this story was supposed ot be offically over with in November. But with the new year, i was reviewing my stories to see were i could improve and i noticed how 21 of you willingly subscribed, so I thought i'd get my head out of the  gutter and continue writting this fluff, because who doesn't love it every once in a while? I'll be updating this along with my other fics from now on too! I hope you'll notice how my writing has improved too, the difference in my writing style and chapter lengths has really changed sinc last summer, and I hope this is an improvement for you all! Enjoy~


Ricky’s P.O.V

Niel and Minsoo Hyung look so happy together, it’s really quite a sight to see them with one another. Niels is always so possessive over Leader Hyung, and Minsoo doesn’t seem to mind all the attention he gets from Hyung. L.joe and Chunji aren’t official like the other hyungs, but they’re getting around to it. They’re touchier than usual, and I think L.joe is planning something for Chunji, because he’s always asking Changjo to help him look over his “vacation plans”. Which leaves me alone, and bored out of my mind. We’re getting ready to go on our world tour soon, so of course we’re busy with practices and all of the photo-shoots, but I still get lonely. Sure, we watch movies together and we all share a dorm, but I don’t spend much personal time with any of the members lately.

Everyone is pairing off, and it’s not that I don’t want a relationship with only other single member of Teen Top, because trust me I do, I just don’t think he likes me back. I’ve been thinking about Changjo to the way Niel thinks about C.A.P since we had our comeback with To You. It would’ve happened by now if he was as into me as I was him, either that or he’s completely oblivious to my flirting.

Then again, Changjo can be pretty dense. Every time we touch or hug, or I simply compliment him, he goes all, “My little Hyung is so cute!” on me, which isn’t exactly my target response. I just wish we could have what the rest of the group has, they all treat each other like a real couple, while I’m still being patted on the head like a puppy by our youngest member.

Three Weeks Later; 

Another long day in the practice room, and I’m still pinning over Changjo like I really had a chance with him. Niel and C.A.P Hyungs had a separate schedule today, so it’s just the four of us in the van heading home. Changjo is sitting beside me, and I haven’t the other for the past 2o minutes so I’d figure they fell asleep awhile back.

Sleep doesn’t sound bad to me, Changjo has got his headphones is, so I obviously won’t get a conversation from him, so I’ll try and sleep myself.

Changjo’s P.O.V; 

Ricky’s been oddly distant from me, which bothers me a lot. He’s my favorite Hyung, although I’d wish we could be more. I’ve always thought Ricky had a thing for older guys, seeing how he’s always wanting to spend time with the other members, so I’ve never really acted on my wishes to be with Ricky. The other members have already gotten together, so Ricky couldn’t be openly attracted to any of the others, which at least eliminated some competition.

But, I’m not even sure Ricky understood that I had feelings for him, so I’ve decided to be his friend, and that alone. But, looking over at him now, sleeping cutely in his seat, I couldn’t contain my affections for him. The Manager pulled up to the dorms then, saying something about going to finish up C.A.P’s schedule with him, and how we should all eat dinner before the others get back.

Manager wanted to wake Ricky, but I thought that would be unfair, he’s been working so hard, and he seems to be down about something lately, so he deserves a nap once in a while. So, I decidedly picked him up and carried him back to the dorm, ignoring our 100% Hyungs completely when they stopped us in the hallways and walked straight to the dorm. Although I had difficulty with the door at first, I had managed to open it and make my way to our shared room.

Ricky shifted as I laid him onto his bed, trying to be as quiet as possible. “Changjo…” I thought I was hearing things at first, but he repeated my name a second time, letting me know, he had either woken up, or he was dreaming about me. The second options was highly likely though.

I turned to check if he had in fact woken up, but instead was greeted by his smiling face, but he was still perfectly asleep. “So cute…” he smiled again, letting out a content sigh before turning onto his other side.

What was he calling cute? He could’ve been dreaming about bunnies, he’s told me about his cute animal dreams before, so it’s not out of the question, but then why did he say my name? Surely I wasn’t a bunny in his dream, which would just disappoint me if I was only attractive to him when in the form of a fluffy bunny.

I should just forget it, I’ve probably just deluded myself into believing I’ve heard my name coming from his precious lips. “Changjo… Stay in bed.” He smacked his lips after the statement, making me think about scenarios that innocent little Ricky shouldn’t be in. “Ricky, hey are you awake?” leaned over the bed to try and see if he was just trying to mess with me, but when I went to shake his arm, he turned and grabbed ahold of my forearm and snuggled closer to it like it was another one of his pillows.

“Ricky, it’s not funny, come on let me go…” But he didn’t respond, and simply continued to smile that adorable smile of his. He tried to switch his sleeping side again, but with his strong hold on my upper half, he pulled me with him. My body landed parallel to his, his face pressed against my chest like a cat would press itself against its owner.

“Ya-yah! Ricky, wake up!” I tried to say, but it might have only come out as a quiet squeak. After a few minutes, I realized this was my chance to be with him comfortably, so I simply moved closer to him, resting my chin on the top of his head and allowed rest to take me as well.

Ricky P.O.V; 

Hmm, that was a wonderful dream, Changjo and I sat together in our room and he just laughed with me, and told me how much he liked me, and then he let me cuddle with him until dinner time; it was truly a perfect dream. But, when I opened my eyes this morning after allowing my beautiful dream to come to an end the first thing I saw was Changjo’s face, calmly resting beside me. And when I say beside me, I don’t mean in his bed that was situated next to mine, no I meant his face laying a mere two to three inches away from my own.

For a few seconds, I believed I was still dreaming, but once I heard Chunji’s whining voice down the hall, I knew I was witnessing reality. “A-ah, uhm… Changjo? Are you-” ‘Five more minutes baby, then we’ll get up.” “B-baby?” Changjo finally opened is eyes, looking confused and sleep deprived. “Yeah, you’ve never minded me calling you that before, go back to sleep I don’t have to work today.” He leaned up then, his lips softly meeting my cheek before he fell back on to the bed.

“Wah… What the- Ch-changjo!” I was in total shock, why the heck was he calling me baby, and he didn’t have to work, what was that all about? “What, the kids are already at school, we’re both off work, just sleep Jagiya.” “Why did you kiss me? What kids, we’re not even at the legal age for drinking alcohol yet!” Changjo opened his eyes again, this time looking slightly alarmed.

“What the… This dream usually doesn’t happen like this…Oh crap!” Changjo pulled away from me alarmed at our sudden closeness after having his revelation. Pulling away quickly led to him flailing about, sending his body off of the bed and onto the floor.

Wait, did he just say usually? That means he’s dreamt of us being a family more than once! Oh My Gosh, he’s totally into me too, I wonder if I tell play along he’ll still think it’s a dream…

“Uh, Changjo are you okay?” “R-ricky, just how much of this wasn’t a dream?” So much for that idea. “Uhm, since, “Five more minutes baby.” I awkwardly touched my neck, feeling my cheeks heat up after remembering what he had done next. “So, so the…” he brought his hand to his lips, his facial expressions changing with each passing second. “Uh, yeah the-” I was about to tell him exactly how I felt about us almost kind of kissing, when Chunij started banging on our door.

“Yah, you two better get up, or I’ll split your breakfasts among the other members!” Chunji called, pounding on the door one last time before walking back tour kitchen. Changjo took the opportunity to bolt from the room, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him run that fast to be honest. I sighed and got out of bed myself, trudging down to our kitchen table to find everyone else already eating quietly.

I took my seat between Changjo and Niel, silently beginning to eat my own meal. After about five minutes, Changjo broke the silence, aiming his voice to ask the whole group. “Seriously, why is it so quiet?” He shook his head and began to eat again, only earning shrugs from the other members. “It’s because the kids are already at school Jagiya.” I smiled sweetly at him before standing form my chair and heading back to my room to get dressed, enjoying Changjo’s face as it grew a brighter shade of red with each of my steps.

“Yah,” Niel whined as I shut my door behind me, “Why can Changjo’s boyfriend call him Jagiya, but you won’t call me anything but Niel?”

"Hyung... Don't say things like that!" Changjo called at our giggling band mates.

Boyfriend… I like the sound of that.

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Chapter 6: ahhhh >< for the first time i like changrick couple *o*
update soon soon soon <333
Chapter 1: this is so cute !!!!!!!!!!! update soon