Things happen IV

My life as an idol

This is a pretty big chapter...

No one's POV

Peniel buried his face into his hands, shocked at what they had done.
At what he had done.
He sat on the edge on Ahyeon's bed, wearing only his trousers. He couldn't believe how things had started and how things had turned out to be.
He would give anything to go back in time, but that wasn't really a possible option. What was done, was done.
Ahyeon sat on the bed, the blanket pulled to her chest, her arms wrapped around her knees.
That did not just happen. We did not just do that.
Ahyeon was trying so hard not to scream. She couldn't believe that it had come to this.
How could she have done such a thing? It was all her. She was the one who kissed him. She knew that she had a boyfriend, that he had a girlfriend. And yet, she was he one who kissed him first.
Just when all their problems had come to an end, they started again.
"Ahyeon-" Peniel muttered quietly.
"I don't want to say anything." She spoke quietly, her voice barely a whisper.
"I'm sorry-"
"Just go, Peniel, please." Ahyeon shut her eyes tightly. "Please."
"JUST GO!" Ahyeon finally snapped, clenching her teeth. "Go. Away."
Peniel didn't need to be told twice. He pulled on his shirt and walked out of the room. Ahyeon heard the front door slam, and she leaned back into her pillow.
She got up and walked to the bathroom.
She stepped inside the tub and the shower.
The cool water was a shock to her warm, perspiring body. She closed her eyes, alone with her thoughts.
I have a boyfriend called Bang Yongguk.
And I just betrayed him with a man called Shin Peniel.

Ahyeon was distraught. She nearly avoided Yongguk because he kissed another girl, but the magnitude of what she did was greater.
Realisation finally hit her.
"I had with him..." Ahyeon muttered to herself, before she sank to her knees and let out a small wail.

"Ay, Peniel." Minhyuk tapped his shoulder. Peniel stirred, but soon fell asleep again.
"Yah, sleeping beauty. Get you off this bed right now."
" off." Peniel mumbled into his pillow.
"What did you just say to me?" Minhyuk mock-scolded him and made him sit up.
"Argh, let me sleep, I just dozed off-"
"What do you mean, you've been sleeping for like ever. Get your lazy up right now." Minhyuk scowled.
"No, go away, just leave me alone..."
"Why? I'm not gonna go now that you're so depressed." Minhyuk chuckled lightly.
"Where're the others..." Peniel muttered sleepily.
"Schedules. Hyunsik went to the convenience store, so-" Minhyuk shrugged, holding out a mug. "Have this, it helped me."
"Why are you awake? You should be hungover-"
"Dude, it's twelve am. You've been asleep longer than me. You're one to talk."
"Geez, I'm sorry..." Peniel muttered angrily, and then sighed heavily.
"Bee in your bonnet?" Minhyuk asked.
"It's fine, bro." Peniel forced a smile. "I can handle it."
"Well, your forced expression suggests otherwise." Minhyuk said smoothly. "Is it Ahyeon?"
"Well, yeah."
"Wait, did you guys fight or something?"
"No, we didn't."
"You worried for her? Did she cry into your chest or something?"
"No, hyung."
"Then what? It's not like you banged her up or anything."
Peniel's silence was met with a shocked expression.
"You did not." Minhyuk muttered. Peniel looked down at his hands, avoiding the elder boy's face. Minhyuk's jaw dropped and he sat up straighter.
"Tell me."
"What the -"
"Not the gory details, just give me a gist of what happened." Minhyuk face palmed himself. Peniel looked at him sadly and nodded.
"She kissed me, and it sorta went out of control after that." He hung his head low, ashamed.
"You really like her, don't you?" He smirked after a while.
"I thought that was pretty obvious?" Peniel sighed.
"No, all that was meant by yesterday was that you had with her. The fact that she kissed you first, that you kissed her the other day was because you like her." Minhyuk smirked as the younger boy's face turned pink. "Yeah, I know about that kiss in the elevator."
"Oh, man... this is so messed up, it's all my fault..." Peniel buried his face into his hands and groaned.
"Hey. It may be your fault banging up someone else's girlfriend- oh, okay, making love with someone else's girlfriend," – Minhyuk corrected himself after receiving a glare from Peniel – "But it isn't your fault for falling in love with her. That was bound to happen, eventually."
Peniel registered his hyung's words. He was right. or not, Peniel had fallen for her. And he had fallen for her pretty hard.
"I, I really like her." He mumbled shyly.
"Then you're going to have to solve this." Minhyuk patted his shoulder and made to leave. As he reached the doorway, he looked back.
"One more thing, Donggeun." He spoke quietly. "She's going to have to make a choice between Yongguk and you, and you better be prepared for any possible heartbreak."

"Yeonah, I've got something to tell you." Ahyeon mumbled as she looked at Yeonah, who was sitting on the edge of Ahyeon's bed.
"Does it have to do with this?" Yeonah said quietly as she held out a familiar wrapper. Ahyeon turned a furious red as she nodded.
"Wow. I can't believe it." She sighed after a while.
"That I'm a total ?" Ahyeon said quietly.
"You know that's not what I meant." She arched her eyebrows. Ahyeon sighed and looked down at her hands.
"I can't believe you, Ahyeon." Yeonah said quietly.
"Tell me about it. I can't believe myself either."
"Do you regret it?"

"Of course I do, I had with someone who's not my boyfriend-" Ahyeon shouted.
"Quit shouting, and that's not what I meant. Do you regret falling for Peniel?"
"Falling for Peniel-" Ahyeon shouted again.
"Yes, Ahyeon. You fell for him, whether you like it of not." Yeonah said sharply. "Don't deny it, you fell for him hard."
"Okay, maybe I did! But I have feelings for Bang too..."
"You know you can't have both at once." Yeonah sighed. "You're going to have to make a choice-"
"But Yongguk-"
"Look, Ahyeon.
" Yeonah smiled. "You've just got to play along with what fate's got in store for you. You may say Yongguk, but your heart wants Peniel too."
Ahyeon was silent for a while.
"Ahyeon, what will you do?"
"...break up with Yongguk." Ahyeon sighed. "I can't face him again. But he's going to be so hurt."
"I know. And so will you. But there's something called moving on, Ahyeon." Yeonah sighed. "If fate calls for it, you and Yongguk will end up together again."
Ahyeon realised that Yeonah was right. She looked at her and smiled.
"Thanks, Yeonah."
There was only one thing to do now.

Two weeks later...

"Peniel!" Dahee hugged her boyfriend as he walked into her apartment. "What's up?"
But Peniel didn't reply.
"What's wrong, baby?" She asked worriedly.
"Dahee, I, I can't do this anymore." Peniel sighed. "I'm afraid I don't like you anymore."
"What?" Almost immediately, tears welled up in Dahee's eyes. "You want to break up?"
"I, uh, yes, Dahee. I don't have those feelings for you-"
"Am I lacking something, Peniel?" She held his hand. "Did I do something wrong? Is it the way I behave, or the way I dress, I promise I can change for you, Donggeun-"
"Dahee, it's not you. It's just that I don't like you anymore. I mean, you're a one in a billion girl, Dahee, and I felt so lucky to have met you. But I don't feel it anymore. I don't feel that thing we had before."
Dahee was silent for a while.
"Who's the lucky girl?"
"Huh? Lucky-"
"Don't lie, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Who is it? Is it Ahyeon?"
Peniel slowly nodded. Dahee let out a huge sigh, and looked at him again.
"I should have known..." Dahee chuckled slowly. "Peniel... if it's not too much, can I ask for one last hug?"
"She's lucky." Dahee forced a smile. "Peniel, I'm not angry, nor am I going to try and spoil things for you."
Peniel pulled her into a long hug.
"Thank you..." He whispered and looked at her affectionately. "I hope you find a great guy..."
"He won't be as great as you." Dahee chuckled. "But yeah, I do too."

"Annyeong, Ahyeon noona." Zelo answered the call. "Daehyun hyung's in the shower right now-"
"Oh, okay- Zelo, wait." Ahyeon quickly mumbled as Zelo was about to put down the phone.
"Yeah, noona?"
"Uhm, when is he free?"
"You mean him?" Ahyeon could hear a note of mischief in his voice.
"Yeah, him." Ahyeon rolled her eyes. "When will he be, um, alone?"
"Now. He doesn't have a schedule, so he's going to be all alone~" Zelo cackled mischievously. "Ooh, noona~"
"Byuntae." Ahyeon chuckled and hung up. Almost immediately, her face fell.
"You going now?" Yeonah asked. Ahyeon nodded and got to her feet. She grabbed her bag and made for the door.

"Hey." Yongguk greeted her with a gummy smile. "Come on in, Zelo told me you'd called."
Ahyeon stepped inside their dorm and followed Yongguk to the kitchen.
"Why are you home?" Ahyeon asked casually.
"I'm not well..." Yongguk shrugged, and she noticed that he sniffles every now and then, and that his nose was red.
"Mm." Ahyeon nodded slowly.
"What's with you? You don't seem yourself today." He arched his eyebrows.
"You're right, I'm not." Ahyeon's expression darkened and she crossed her arms.
"Ahyeon?" Yongguk asked slowly.
"I've had enough." She said quietly, but he heard every single word.
"What?" He muttered in disbelief. "What did you say?"
"I've had enough." Ahyeon spoke, more louder this time. Where was all this coldness coming from?!
"...why." Yongguk's expression turned serious. "Why do you want to? What reason?"
"I never liked you. I never did. I just used you to fulfil my pleasures..." Ahyeon looked at him, this time sadly. "...but I felt bad for doing that. You deserve much better than me-"
Things happened in a flash. Ahyeon was pinned against the wall. She looked up at him. His expression was dark, unreadable, and ing scary.
"Liar." He said quietly. "I've known you long enough to know that you're lying. What's the real reason?"
"I just gave you the reason..." Ahyeon hissed, when his grip around her hand tightened.
"Out with it. Yeonah told you about me kissing someone, right?" Yongguk hissed back.
"Let go." Ahyeon said firmly. "I gave you the reason, just ing accept it-"
"I won't ing accept it, so tell me the real reason." Yongguk glared at her. "Give me a good enough reason to believe that you don't want this anymore, because what you're giving me, is pure bull."
"Why don't you believe me?! I'm telling you, I'm a player, I just played around with you."
"Ahyeon." Yongguk gripped her hand even tighter, causing her to wince.
"Let go, it hurts." Ahyeon yelped as his nails dug deeper into her hand.
"Ahyeon, just tell me-"
"ING LET GO!" Ahyeon snapped and pushed him back. He stared at her in shock as she fell to the floor, clutching her hand in pain.
"Ahyeon, I'm sorry-"
"Why don't you ing accept it, huh?! WHY DON'T YOU?!" Ahyeon yelled. Yongguk bent down to help her, but she pushed him away again.
"I don't love you-"
"Stop lying-"
"You want the truth?! Do you really want the truth?!" Ahyeon shouted. "FINE, I'LL GIVE YOU THE MOTHER ING TRUTH! I HAD WITH SOMEONE ELSE, OKAY?!"
Everything Yongguk wanted to say, everything was erased by those seven words. He could only stare at her in shock, his words failing him.
"HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO FACE YOU AFTER THAT, HUH?! HOW?!" Ahyeon stood up. Before he could even open his mouth, she ran out of the apartment, leaving him dumbstruck.
" long have you been standing in there, Himchan?" Yongguk asked quietly, standing up. The door to the storage room opened, and out he came, a dark expression on his face.
"Ever since you answered the door to let her in." Himchan walked up to him. "Bang..."
"I hurt her..." He groaned. "I hurt her, Himchan. And now, this."
Himchan could only pat his friend's back in despair.

"Ahyeon noona?" Sungjae smiled as he opened the door to the room he shared with Peniel and Ilhoon.
"Sungjae, Ilhoon, can I have a minute with Peniel?" Ahyeon smiled. The two nodded and walked out of the room, leaving Ahyeon with a bewildered Peniel.
"Sit down." He motioned towards Ilhoon's bed. Ahyeon sat down, while Peniel sat opposite.
"I broke up with him." She sniffed, and he noticed that her eyes were red and puffy.
"Was it that bad?" He asked softly. She nodded, wiping her eyes as discreetly as possible, but to no avail.
"I, I broke up with Dahee too." He shrugged.
"Oh?" Ahyeon looked up in surprise. "But why-"
"It's for the best." He simply stated and the room was silent for a while.
"Peniel, go out with me." Ahyeon blurted out, and immediately covered . Now it was Peniel's turn to be surprised.
"I, uh, go out with me..." Ahyeon mumbled quietly. "I like you."
That was all Peniel needed to hear from her. He forced himself on her lips, to her surprise. He pushed her back against the bed and kissed her harder. Ahyeon gripped onto his t-shirt tightly, her other hand entwining itself between his.
Surprisingly, she didn't feel any regret. For the first time that day, she felt a small flower of happiness bloom inside her.
Almost like it was meant to be.
Just then, fireworks outside their window startled them.
"I forgot that it was New Year's Eve." Ahyeon smiled lightly.
"Happy New Year." Peniel smiled before kissing her again.

And so, Ahniel is born! :DDD Hope you liked this chapter. Please don't kill me...
Guise, please please PLEASE leave a comment, because I'm not even sure whether you guys read this fic :'(

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New chapter is up! and 23 subbies! thanks a lot guise


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olaide #1
Chapter 3: .... I can see why she has no friends. So far her attitude is kind of trash. Hopefully there's development though! It's still early on, so I'm guessing she experiences growth. At least i hope!
Chapter 38: When will u update
Autumnaree #3
Chapter 38: Woop. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Goldie #4
Chapter 38: EEkk I'm so happy they are together again!!!! Can't wait for the next update!!!! Great job author-nim!!!
Goldie #6
Chapter 37: Nooooooo! It cant be !
Chapter 26: I'm finally caught up!!! Good story, bud! :D Yongguk is such a hottie!!!!!!!!! XD
youngbaeby #10
Chapter 26: That was perfect! It was not disappointing at all! It had the perfect amount of *cough , haha! If you added more I think it would scare me but this chapter was great regardless! I wonder what else will be in store for them since she will no longer be in her band x_x update soon~