Dear Diary

Dear Crush,

-Baekhyuns POV-

- Ah hyung I see you ;) -

I texted Kyungsoo from afar, his reaction to the message was cute.

He turned his head in different directions until he spotted me. 

I smiled and waved ~ "Hyung~~!" I happily sang. I notice there was a girl standing next to him? *Who is she?* I thought 

*She looks cute.... what am I even thinking! I dont even know her-- ugh whatever* 


I started walking with my hand still waving, But instead of him waving back at me ..she waved back at me

*that was for dudu though....* 

I looked at her, she had a quizzical expression on her face *Whats with her face? Why did she wave back...?* 

I saw Kyungsoo shoving her and said something to her that made her face turn as red as a tomato. *are they dating or something?* 

"Yah dudu-" before I could even finish he shoved me and ruffled my hair as we finally met up from the other side of the crossing.

 "Dudu! you have a girlfriend? since when?” I asked. 

The girl just stood there frozen. She looked like she was about to faint, she looked.. she had seen a ghost?. *hmmmm.. Interesting..*

 She swiftly turned and said "I have to g-o Kyungsoo-op-pa!, wal-k me ne-xt time... An-nyeon-g-g~

*Why is she stuttering..*

 I could barely hear what she said, then I saw her run off into the distance.

 “damn~ shes fast for a girl” I didn’t even realise that just came out of my mouth.

“Erm.. dudu~~~ whats wrong with her?"

"Uh she has stuff to do" Kyungsoo said. He didn’t look like he knew why she did that.

"Oh-yeah are you guys dating?” I asked. He gave me his famous O_O look. 

“BAHAHAHAHAHAH w-hy wh-y wo-ul-d I be-be dat-ing h-err” He bursted out laughing, 

“Lets just say, she’s like my sister ay?” he continued.

“You have a sister!? I was quite surpise actually.. He never mentioned him having a sister before..

“You dummy?”, “She’s my best friend.. But our family are so close that it feels like we’re related” he said with a smile.


"Yeah yeah, I'm hungry, LETS GET FOOD~~~" Kyungsoo said excitedly changing the subject.

*Him and his food* I smiled and we started walking off.

We went and got dukbokki. ~

~~~~ After eating

 "uuuuu I'm stuffed! I said as I put another piece in my mouth.

“I'm too full to even move, I think I gained like 10kg"  Kyungsoo groaned. 

“you fatty” I mumbled.

“Yah- I heard that. By the way you’re paying for it~~~ ” he sang giving his eye smile. 

“But Im always the one tha-” Before I could finish my sentence, he had already ran off. 

*Aish this guy*

I gave the ahjumma her money and thanked her, 

"waah so pretty" she said. I was taken back by her comment.

*pretty? me? waeee* "Thankyou.. ah-- bye"  *I couldn’t really think of anything else to say so.. hehehe”

“Come again soon~~~” 

“Yeah, We willl”



-Your POV-

*OMG HE IS SO HOT and prettty...//  aish why did I make a fool of myself* my cheeks burning with redness. The guy was getting closer to us. *Oh I better gooooO--*

"I have to g-o Kyungsoo-op-pa!, wal-k me ne-xt time... An-nyeon-g-g~!" I mumbled as i ran off into the distance.


-No one’s POV-

You kept shaking your head hoping it was a dream, your mind was all jumbled from the incident earlier.

You wanted to scream but you were walking home and didn't want to look like an idiot.

 *why am I so worked up about this?* As you kept reminiscing how you waved back at him you finally arrived home.

You quickly ran upstairs and chucked your schoolbag on the ground. You jumped on your bed like a starfish facedown and stayed there for a while. *I HAVE TO TELL MINJI* you scurried off to get your phone and were about to text her but you realised that she would be at her singing lesson. *why is her teacher so strict UGhhh*

There was this one time when you called Minji to tell her some good news but instead her teacher ended up chucking her phone out the window.. you didn't want that guilt to ride over you again so you decided to wait till she texted you first..

You laid on your bed and took out your diary from underneath your pillow. 

Ever since you could start writing, you loved having little journals full of your adventures that happened throughout the day. Even though people thought you were too old for diaries you still wrote in them almost everyday, hardly ever missing out on an entry.

It was apart of your daily routine and you enjoyed it.


Dear Diary.. 

Today was an average school day, with a heap of homework given to me by Mr. Shin to do by Friday, why does he give so much homework..? T_T as always the end of the day was the best because you broke free from the jail otherwise known as school. Until something miraculous happened unlike another school day..

I was walking with Baby face and Minji until Minji went to her singing lessons, when I was approaching the red light to stop walking, as usual Kyungsoo had his head stuck into his phone listening to music so I didn't bother taking to him. I knew he was texting someone but I didn't know be honest, I was quite curious.

The view of the city was really nice today! then I noticed someone waving at me, I think it was a he, idk? Anyways,

 I didn't notice anyone else waving back so I decided to do so. But then Kyungsoo-oppa said that it wasn’t for me but for him instead.... It was embarrassing. Really.  

He was probably one of oppa’s friends. As he got closer, I noticed all his facial features were perfectly chiseled onto his delicate face. In one word, He was  ‘perfect’. 


 *why do I always make this diary so detailed.... but that guy..*

you sighed as you closed flipped the front cover of the diary. Soon you drifted to sleep.


Here is the update~ hope you like it~~ :D Please comment ^^ thank you very much~~~

-Lots of lovee from ~ ji-yeol & kimkibumk 

Myungsoo & more comes in next chapter! look forward to it :-)


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pavitakns_0315 #1
kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 13: Awwww WHYYYYYY???? T.T the story was good :( I'm gg to miss it though :(
Chapter 13: This is one of my favourite FF! but you....please NOO! TT TT i want more! author-nim please don't do this to me PLEASEEE!
Chapter 12: ASDFGHJKLQWERTYUIOPZXCVBNM KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA Poor Poor Myungsoo :( anyway I love this story!!!!!! update sooooooooon!
Chapter 11: oMNUYgvtgjhkhbughjkbhvgfjh! omg oimkjnirhegjfiudjkng so good
Chapter 11: LOVE TRIANGLE!!!
kpopmusiclover #8
Chapter 11: Awww love triangle hahaa update soon ^^