
My World, Your World


“And then he just flew off the board and landed in the bushes!” Zelo exclaimed as he described what had happened earlier that day when he had attempted to teach his hyung how to skateboard.

Youngjae, the main character of the story, protested vehemently, “You pushed me down a hill before you even taught me how to stand up straight!”

“What difference does that make?” Himchan chimed in, clapping Zelo on the back.  “Nice job, maknae!”

“Thanks a lot, hyung,” Youngjae muttered sarcastically.

Daehyun tried to block out his friends’ obnoxious laughter as he attempted to catch up on some sleep.  He was curled up on the couch, facing the worn leather, his back to the rest of the group.

“What’s up with Daehyun-hyung?” Jongup suddenly piped up, pointing his index finger at the unmoving nineteen-year old.

Hearing this, Daehyun tightly shut his eyes and braced himself.  A tense silence hung in the air before a crushing weight landed on top of him.  He groaned in pain, his breath caught in his throat.  “Yah, Yoo Youngjae, get off me!” he shouted, using all his strength to shove his best friend off his back.

They heard the leader’s booming laugh from across the room.  “Yongguk-hyung, Daehyun pushed me!” Youngjae complained childishly after a hard landing on the floor. 

“As long as you don’t break anything in this apartment, it’s alright,” Yongguk said nonchalantly, chuckling at his dongsaeng’s expression.

“Why is the world against me today?” Youngjae whined before getting up and moving to another chair, pouting.

Himchan chuckled.  “Pabo, stop acting like a five-year old.”

Yongguk rolled his eyes.  “You’re all acting like five-year olds,” he declared before going into the kitchen.  “For dinner, do you guys want homemade food or would you rather go out to eat?”

Jongup suggested, “Why don’t we just order to go?”

Daehyun groaned again.  That meant someone had to go and pick up the food.  As if on cue with his thoughts, the leader nodded approvingly.  “Sounds good.  Who wants to go get the food?”

When no one volunteered, Yongguk sighed.  “Alright then, everybody.  We’ll decide with a different way.”

Everyone automatically gathered in a circle.  “Kawi-bawi-boo!” they chanted.

In the end, Daehyun and Youngjae were picked to get the group’s dinner.  When one was tired and irritated while the other was cranky and annoyed, it never ended well.  I hope they make it back alive, Yongguk thought, half-worried, half-amused.

Meanwhile, Sooyoung was home alone after her parents left for a business trip earlier that morning.  She had finished her homework for the weekend and was listening to music in her room when her stomach growled loudly.

“I should probably go get something to eat,” she mumbled to herself, patting her stomach comfortingly.

Sooyoung put on her jacket and left the mansion, choosing to walk to the marketplace rather than be driven by the chauffeur.  She breathed in the fresh air, enjoying the fascinating view of Seoul at night.  And because of the cold weather, the streets were not as crowded as they usually were.

She decided to browse the restaurants for the dinner and settled first for something warm to drink.  “Annyeonghaseyo,” she greeted the worker at the small café.  “One cup of hot chocolate please.”

Then, she continued strolling down the illuminated streets of Seoul, sipping her drink happily as she enjoyed the rare feeling of freedom.

Daehyun swore under his breath in frustration as Youngjae changed his mind yet again about what to order.

“Junhong likes kimchi,” the latter reasoned, glancing back and forth between two restaurants.  “But Yongguk-hyung and Himchan-hyung probably want sushi.”

He paused.  “Jongup likes meat!  And I can concur with that,” he chirped before his face suddenly fell.  “But Daehyun, you usually–”

Finally, Daehyun huffed and grabbed his friend’s collar, dragging him to a different restaurant.  “I don’t care anymore.  We’re having jajangmyun,” he said furiously.

Youngjae immediately quieted down at Daehyun’s icy tone.  He did not dare to argue with Daehyun in this state.  “Arasso,” he mumbled dejectedly.

They stopped abruptly behind some people waiting in line.  Daehyun was obviously still fuming.  Youngjae could practically visualize the smoke coming out of his ears.  “Sorry?” he spoke up, scratching his head uncertainly.

Daehyun’s glare landed on the other male.  Alright, it’s probably best to stay quiet, Youngjae thought meekly.

Unbeknownst to them, Sooyoung stepped behind them in line.  She noticed the two guys in front of her, one staring at the menu, the other visibly cowering beside him.  She giggled quietly, what an interesting pair.

Daehyun heard the small laugh and turned around to face the person.  Their eyes met, and he groaned.  ”You’re here, too?!” he exclaimed, gaping at her in shock.

Sooyoung’s surprised face mirrored his.  “I’m just here to buy dinner!” she defended herself, pointing to the restaurant menu.

Youngjae glanced curiously at the pair.  “Do you know each other?” he asked.

“No,” Daehyun immediately answered, turning back around.

Youngjae rolled his eyes and looked at Sooyoung.  She sighed.  “Our families are familiar with each other,” she explained, wondering why Daehyun was being so secretive about it.

The other boy did not turn around, choosing to ignore her completely.  Sooyoung scrunched up her nose.  “You don’t have to be rude,” she snapped.

The tips of Daehyun’s ears reddened, his temper rising.  He tilted his head slightly to meet her eyes again.  “Don’t tell me what to do,” he stated through gritted teeth.  “You can’t control me.”

This time, Sooyoung sensed something distant about his words.  Then, she realized that his anger was rooted in something deeper than just his annoyance with her.  She decided not to push him any farther, nodding and stepping back a bit.  However, their gazes remained on the other, each unable to be the first to break the eye contact.

Youngjae raised an eyebrow.  “Daehyun,” he started awkwardly.  “Aren’t you going to introduce me?”

“There’s no need,” Daehyun said shortly, facing the front and ordering their food.  “We need to get back,” he muttered, grabbing the bag from the counter and heading out the door.

“Well, some other time then,” Youngjae said, nodding his head in acknowledgement at Sooyoung before following.

The way this has been going, I have a feeling that time will be very soon, Sooyoung guessed, shaking her head in disbelief at the thought of yet another chance encounter with the mysterious stranger.



A/N: New chapter!  This time with a bit of B.A.P interactions :D  Can anyone recommend any really cool poster shops?


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Chapter 1: LOL Daehyun XD
What an interesting fellow
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 22: Ooh poor Sooyoung and all of the bruises, but how sweet of Daehyun w/ how he treated & spoke to her. But I giggled when he told her to hurry back downstairs, cuz he wasn't done!! Haha, tha boy! Thank you for updating & FIGHTING on writing the rest of the story!
Teletabsi #3
Chapter 21: I just found this story and read it in one go, it's just so cuute :3 I hope you update it soon I really wanna know what happens next~
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh!!!! What a cliffhanger O_O I was wondering,neither the way he came in the kitchen, cheeky lil flirt! But it was nice to see Daehyun be so comforting to Sooyoung, as I'm sure her head is swirling. But her asking about that girl was adorable & funny! Not to mention Daehyuns response. I almost wish she would've pushed it with what he meant, about being overwhelmed.... But it's probably for the best! Thank you for updating &I can't wait for more!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 20: Awww, The leader Yongguk, forever being mut it ssuh & not raising his temper, not even when provoked by Daehyuns anger. But it seems that he's getting through to him, hopefully he'll let her in, all of them for that matter! He can't be tooooo mad that they brought her there, but it's true, WHAT was he needing to blow off steam for? So excited that your excited again to write! Thanks for another update & can't wait to read more!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 19: Welcome back! Didn't know how much I missed the story until I saw the update! Omg, my stomach was in knots!!!! I was SO proud of her for fighting back, but ANGRY that that wasn't enough, not until I realized they where there, did I let out a breath I was apparently holding in! Haha... They came JUST in time, thank goodness! So glad to have the story back & I see another update! YAY Thank you for the updates &I look forward to reading more!
jtwakaraniii #7
Chapter 20: I missed this story! Thank you for not abandoning it! Love the updates! I hope Sooyoung shows Daehyun life doesn't have to be what his family makes of it given their upbringing but the pair is also a good balance and can learn from each other. I look forward to reading more! :)
Chapter 19: Aww pls update soon , i just found this story but i absolutely love love love it
vivibest21 #9
Chapter 18: Omgggg please update soon! It's actually the first time i really like a girls personality in a fanfic and i looove the storyline! <3 <3
jmayo81 #10
Chapter 18: Ooh, what a way to end this chapter!!! Glad you found inspiration again ^_^ Look forward to reading more! Wow, is it bad that I thought that Daehyun was mut it ssuh w/ his fighting skills!?!?! I hope they find her in time!