A Quick Visit

My World, Your World


“Yah!” Daehyun shouted into the quiet apartment as he and Sooyoung took off their shoes at the door.  “Hello?!” he yelled again when there was no answer.

“Are they home?” Sooyoung asked uncertainly.

“Aish, these guys,” Daehyun grumbled, brushing off Sooyoung’s question and pulling her by the hand.  “Sometimes, I swear they’re all hard of hearing.”

Sooyoung blushed at the contact.  She allowed Daehyun to guide her through the darkened apartment.

“The Busan man is back!” a loud voice suddenly singsonged from the kitchen.  Immediately, the lights flickered on, and Sooyoung found herself face to face with Youngjae.  “And Sooyoung’s here too!”

“Hey, where are your manners?” someone scolded as he walked up behind Youngjae and flicked him in the ear.  He turned to the bewildered girl and smiled.  “Nice to finally meet you, Sooyoung-ssi.”

“Yongguk-ssi,” she greeted him, bowing politely to the older male.

Daehyun huffed from beside her.  “Where’s everyone else?”

“They went to pick up some food,” Yongguk answered.  “Himchan is too lazy to cook, and we can’t let our guest starve with anyone’s attempts at making edible food.”

Both Daehyun and Youngjae ignored the subtle jibe at their cooking skills, or lack thereof.

Within a few minutes of conversation, the sound of the front door opening and closing reached the living room.  “Food’s here!” someone announced.

Three unfamiliar males burst in.  They were about to parade into the kitchen when they caught sight of Sooyoung and stopped short in surprise.  Sooyoung giggled as they clumsily ran into each other, almost dropping the food.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” they chorused cheerfully.

Daehyun rolled his eyes.  “That’s Himchan, Jongup, and the maknae, Junhong.”

“Zelo,” the tall boy instantly corrected.  He grinned sheepishly when Sooyoung blinked in confusion.  “I prefer being called Zelo.”

Himchan glanced at the pair’s still-intertwined hands.  “In a relationship already?” he insinuated, winking slyly.

Both Sooyoung and Daehyun turned bright red when they realized they were still holding hands.  They pulled away immediately, creating a small space in between.

Himchan chuckled in amusement.

In the meantime, Youngjae had brought out plates from the kitchen.  “Alright, everyone, take a seat.”

Sooyoung glanced around unsurely as all the boys got comfortable in random areas in the living room.  Her eyes landed on Daehyun, who was relaxed on the couch.  He patted the empty spot beside him.

“Oppa, I think I need to be back before one at the latest,” she whispered as she took a seat.

He nodded and opened his mouth to say something when Himchan cooed from the opposite side of the room, “Awww, you even let her call you ‘oppa’!”

“Shut up,” Daehyun protested, throwing a couch cushion at his noisy hyung.

Sooyoung grinned.  “Oppa, your ears are turning red,” she teased, poking the tip of his ear playfully.

Daehyun glared at her, but she could only laugh in response as the redness spread to the nape of his neck.

He gritted his teeth.  “I’ll get you back for this later,” he muttered threateningly.

Sooyoung just smiled and began eating the jajangmyun.

Yongguk took a seat on the coffee table across from the two.  “How’s the food?” he inquired, glancing back and forth between them.

Sooyoung, full, simply held up a thumbs-up.  Daehyun’s stoic expression broke when he saw a bit of sauce on her nose.  He laughed, especially when Sooyoung looked questioningly at him.  “Yah, what’s wrong?” she asked, after swallowing her food.

She tried to glare at him, but it had no effect on Daehyun.  Forgotten, Yongguk watched curiously to see what Daehyun would do.

To anyone else, Daehyun would have either just ignored the situation or bluntly point it out in a rude way.

The B.A.P members all had gone silent, observing in disbelief.

Oblivious to the sudden attention on him, the usually cold and indifferent Daehyun leaned close to Sooyoung and gently used his thumb to wipe the sauce off his face.  Then he swiftly tucked a stray hair behind her ear and sat back to continue eating his own bowl of jajangmyun.  As if all this was natural to him.

Sooyoung froze for a moment, but quickly recovered, also resuming what she was doing before.  Everyone else, on the other hand, remained fixed in place, mouths agape in astonishment.

 Yongguk broke the shocked silence by clearing his throat.  The two suddenly remembered their surroundings, and Daehyun realized he had just let his guard down in front of everyone.  His expression reverted back to being devoid of any apparent emotion.

The leader chuckled.  “Anyways,” he began, “is there anything you would like to know about us or Mr. Moody-pants here?” he offered, jerking his head towards Daehyun.

Sooyoung smiled.  “Yongguk-ssi–”

He cut her off quickly, “No need to be so formal.  First things first, let’s sort out everyone’s ages.  You’re younger than Daehyun, right?”

“She just turned seventeen,” Daehyun answered for her.  “Meaning she’s younger than everyone except Junhong.”

Himchan suddenly appeared behind the couch and leaned in between Daehyun and Sooyoung.  “Which means,” he said, “you have to call everyone ‘oppa’.”

Daehyun stiffened and turned his head to glare at his hyung.  Himchan just gave him a lopsided grin.  Youngjae, seeing a glorious opportunity to annoy his chingu, walked over and poked the angry male in the cheek playfully.  “Don’t glare so much, Dae-Dae.  You’ll end up getting wrinkles before you even hit your twenties.”

‘Dae-Dae’ glared even more in response.  Everyone’s against me today, he thought irritably.

“Sooyoung,” he cleared his throat, “it’s nearly twelve thirty.  I should get you back now.”

The B.A.P members immediately protested, all speaking at once.

“But hyung!  You just got here!” Jongup whined.

“Noona hasn’t finished her food yet!” Zelo cried out, pointing at her plate.

“Don’t steal her away from us!” Himchan shouted.

“We haven’t gotten to know each other yet!” Youngjae complained.

Only Yongguk remained calm.  “You’ll bring her back soon, right?” he said, smirking at Daehyun.

Sooyoung stood up and bowed.  “I’m sorry, but he’s right.  I really need to get back home.”

Daehyun immediately grabbed her jacket and put it around her shoulders.  “I’ll bring her back some other time.  But for now, we’re off,” he announced, quickly leading her to the door.

The B.A.P members groaned but waved bye nonetheless.  Now in a surprisingly good mood, Daehyun smirked as he heard their complaints.  Just before the door closed, he poked his head back in and stuck his tongue out.



A/N: I'll proofread the chapter tomorrow because its really late right now and I have school tomorrow =_=

Ehehehe but enjoy the chapter ^.^


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Chapter 1: LOL Daehyun XD
What an interesting fellow
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 22: Ooh poor Sooyoung and all of the bruises, but how sweet of Daehyun w/ how he treated & spoke to her. But I giggled when he told her to hurry back downstairs, cuz he wasn't done!! Haha, tha boy! Thank you for updating & FIGHTING on writing the rest of the story!
Teletabsi #3
Chapter 21: I just found this story and read it in one go, it's just so cuute :3 I hope you update it soon I really wanna know what happens next~
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh!!!! What a cliffhanger O_O I was wondering,neither the way he came in the kitchen, cheeky lil flirt! But it was nice to see Daehyun be so comforting to Sooyoung, as I'm sure her head is swirling. But her asking about that girl was adorable & funny! Not to mention Daehyuns response. I almost wish she would've pushed it with what he meant, about being overwhelmed.... But it's probably for the best! Thank you for updating &I can't wait for more!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 20: Awww, The leader Yongguk, forever being mut it ssuh & not raising his temper, not even when provoked by Daehyuns anger. But it seems that he's getting through to him, hopefully he'll let her in, all of them for that matter! He can't be tooooo mad that they brought her there, but it's true, WHAT was he needing to blow off steam for? So excited that your excited again to write! Thanks for another update & can't wait to read more!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 19: Welcome back! Didn't know how much I missed the story until I saw the update! Omg, my stomach was in knots!!!! I was SO proud of her for fighting back, but ANGRY that that wasn't enough, not until I realized they where there, did I let out a breath I was apparently holding in! Haha... They came JUST in time, thank goodness! So glad to have the story back & I see another update! YAY Thank you for the updates &I look forward to reading more!
jtwakaraniii #7
Chapter 20: I missed this story! Thank you for not abandoning it! Love the updates! I hope Sooyoung shows Daehyun life doesn't have to be what his family makes of it given their upbringing but the pair is also a good balance and can learn from each other. I look forward to reading more! :)
Chapter 19: Aww pls update soon , i just found this story but i absolutely love love love it
vivibest21 #9
Chapter 18: Omgggg please update soon! It's actually the first time i really like a girls personality in a fanfic and i looove the storyline! <3 <3
jmayo81 #10
Chapter 18: Ooh, what a way to end this chapter!!! Glad you found inspiration again ^_^ Look forward to reading more! Wow, is it bad that I thought that Daehyun was mut it ssuh w/ his fighting skills!?!?! I hope they find her in time!