I Need You - Chapter 8

I Need You


I Need You - Chapter 8
"Hyung, we should go out to eat breakfast!" Niel puffed his cheeks and turned to CAP, but he didn't seem to be in a good mood.
*Why is CAP-hyung so down?... I thought he liked it yesterday...*
"Hyung? Is everything okay?" He tried to get CAP's attention.
CAP looked up surprised. He turned and smiled at him.
"Ah, Niel-ah.. Everything is fine". CAP's smile was very fake, but Niel took it as a sign that CAP didn't want to talk about it.
"Okay, hyung..." He grabbed CAP's hand and dragged him out the front door.
“Where are we going?” CAP got in front of Niel and stopped him.
“Yah! Hyung, I love you and that’s why I’m taking you out for lunch!” He blushed and looked straight into CAP’s eyes.
He smiled at Niel and pulled him into a hug.
“Gomawo, Niel-ah.”
He and CAP walked into a sweet little café and found a table in the corner of the shop.
A waitress walked over to them and handed them a menu. After considering every option, they ordered some sandwiches and coffee. 
“So, hyung, how has your morning been? You were gone when I woke up this morning...” Niel slowly looked up at CAP.
“Well... My mom called me early this morning and I couldn’t sleep after that... And a few hours later manager called, so I had to go down to the studio to meet up with him.” CAP’s voice slowly faded away at the end of the sentence. 
“What did manager want?” He knew something had happened.
“Well, it wasn’t that big of a deal... Just something to do with the tour...” CAP was obviously hiding something.
He took CAP’s hand and held it tightly. 
“Minsoo-hyung, you know you can tell me anything, right?” CAP’s eyes slowly began to water as Niel looked deeply into his eyes.
“Niel-ah... I’m sorry… I was at the park this morning and... and… L.Joe had called me a few minutes before and said he had something to talk to me about... So, I met up with him and he said that you were his... and that you two were meant to be together... I asked about Chunji and L.Joe snapped at me instantly and said Chunji had cheated on him... I’m so sorry, Niel... L.Joe said you tried to seduce him in the shower yesterday, but I didn’t believe that...” CAP was crying between his words as Niel just sat there with his mouth open.
“Hyung, I would never leave you for L.Joe! Never! I didn’t try to seduce him in the shower yesterday...  He tried to seduce me! Please don’t believe him. He is probably just hurt because of Chunji, I guess... “ He looked at CAP and sent him a warm smile. 
After they had finished their lunch, Niel stood up and held out his hand.
“Come on hyung, let’s go to the park before we going back to practice.” 
CAP took his hand and they walked out of the shop, hand-in-hand. They walked slowly down the sidewalk and talked about their debut and how everything went by so fast. 
They both stopped when they reached the park. On a bench right in front of them, Chunji was waiting.
“Chunji-hyung, what are you doing here?” Niel looked at Chunji.
“Oh, you scared me Niel-ah.. I was just sitting here, waiting.” Chunji looked up at sky.
“Waiting for who?” CAP was also curious. 
“I’m just waiting for Ricky and Changjo.. We are going out to eat.” Chunji gave them a smile and continued to look at the sky.
Something was wrong, maybe something about L.Joe was bothering Chunji.
“Chunji-hyung, what happened between you and L.Joe?” he went straight to the point.
Chunji looked at him surprised.
“Eh, nothing is going on! What would be going on between two guys?!” Chunji stood up and walked away toward the center of the park. He left CAP and Niel looking at each other with astonishment.
“So, something is going on between Chunji and L.Joe just like I said.” He looked triumphantly at CAP. 
“Fine, let’s just go practice some before we head home.”
When they arrived at the studio, CAP let go of Niel’s hand and the lights. He walked over to the stereo and started playing 'No More Perfume On You' and began to dance. Niel joined the dance and they practiced like that for different songs for five hours. After they did Miss Right for the fourth time they agreed that they were done for today. Niel walked over to grab his towel when CAP came up behind him and pushed him lightly against the wall. He was surprised at first, but smiled when he saw the desire in CAP’s eyes.
“You want to do it right now on this floor?” He bit his lips and leaned forward to kiss CAP’s soft lips. 
“You bet I do...” CAP’s lips smashed against his lips and they ended up on the floor. 
Niel broke the kiss and looked straight into CAP’s eyes.
“Hyung, I love you...” 
“I love you, too, Niel-ah...”
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Chapter 1: Please update...
Chapter 11: Omg... I hope Changjo is ok!! Poor Ricky! :(
Chapter 10: Finally... Chunji told L.Joe what's wrong! :)
Chapter 9: L.Joe is making this way more complicated than it needs to be. Just love Chunji! And don't move on! Niel belongs to CAP. :)
Chapter 9: what's happening between L Joe and Chunji?
Chapter 4: this is awesome !!!!!!
really good !! update soon your story
is amzing along with your writting skills !!!!!!