



Why didn't you tell me ?

Why did you let me go ?

Why did you do that ?

Why ? why ? why ?

“you should have told me that you love me, before it was too late”


It was raining hard today !  like  what happened back then. . . . .


I'm, Park Sandara, a girl who fell in love with her BEST FRIEND’s fiancée. You know how hard it is to fell in love with a man together with your best friend but the most hurtful part is when you actually can’t say no to your best friend. Well, Im the one who help them to be together ! In the end Im the one who’s suffering and in pain. But for me it was all worth it, why ? 'coz I help my best friend with the man she truly loved. Bom, my best friend, Im glad she didn’t know my feelings for her fiancée. I hope until the end I can keep this feeling that was not right !


Everytime they were going out, bom, always wants me to be by her side and as a supportive best friend, of course I will come.

“Ssantokki-ah just come with me tonight, arrasso ? I know you're going to up here at your room alone. I don’t want to leave my bestfriend here while im enjoying this beautiful night”

I can still remember her saying this lines to me whenever they will go out on a date. But of course there’s still a time that they will go out just the two of them,. Without me, and it’s a good thing to me. It's really hard to see them so sweet in front of you.

It should be me sitting beside him, it should be me laughing with his witty jokes, it should be me hugging him. It should be me feeding him. It should be me, it should be me. . . but what can I do ? I think they like, no, they really are in love with each other.

Why does faith so cruel to me ? I also deserve to be happy with the man I loved. But I missed the times, those times that Im still helping bom to be with that man, Jiyong. Those times I still can get closer with him. We were talking like there’s no tomorrow, laughing like were the only ones living here on earth, buying every thing we see like we don’t have anything in life. Those times Bom and Jiyong still didn’t know each other. Of course, with the help of me, I introduce them to one another. At first I didn’t notice that they were really going well together. Until the time bom confessed to me that she likes, no , she loves jiyong. I didn’t show any disappointment or sadness on my face instead I shared happiness with her.


While I was helping Bom to be with Jiyong. I didn’t see any signs neither an expression on his face whenever we three are together. His attention is only to Bom.  He started to keep his distance away from me. Did he already acknowledge my feelings ? At this point I didn’t have any single clue about that.


I miss those times that he didn’t knew bom, because were too close, as if were like a real couple. I miss those times that we usually hang out with his friends. Those times that we sneaked out of our class room just to go outside and have fun. I really missed those times. . .






One night, Bom went to my house, crying…..

“Omo bom what happened to you ? Why are you crying ? Did jiyong do something bad ? C’mon tell me. I’m here” I said with full of concerns but deep deep deep deep inside me, I was hoping jiyong break up with her. But I know it's not right

“Dara-ah, j-jiyong, we went out on a date a while ago..and..and..” She's starting to calm down as she unfolds the story behind her tears..

“And what ? C’mon tell me ! Did he cheat on you, c’mon bom.” I force her to tell me. Little did I know that it will be the most painful part.

“Jiyong, I’m crying because Im so happy. 'Coz jiyong propose to me” she hugged me very tight. I don’t know if I can stop these tears to escape from my eyes. Please, I don’t want to cry.

“Im so happy for you bommie, finally you found your destiny. Hope you have a great life with him” I said between my tears. Yes, I couldn’t stop it. And now im crying with Bom.

“Awww. You're so sweet dara ! You're really my best friend. You even shed a tears with me. I love you” She hugged me again.

After she left, that’s the time I broke up in tears. I was crying so hard. When my grandmother died, I didn’t cried this hard even though she’s so close to me. But now, I'm crying with all my heart with a man who can’t return my love for him. It really hurts so much. My heart is really into very tiny pieces now. I don’t think I can wear a smile on my face while my best friend is walking down the aisle together with the man we both loved. I cry and cry until I fall asleep


The day of their wedding is quickly coming. Even I wanted to stop the time just to be with jiyong a little longer, but I can’t do it. I cant do it. I cant bear to watch their wedding ceremony most especially their kiss.

So one day I went to America before I witness it happens right before my very eyes. I really cant take it. So I escape to the fact that the man I loved is now going to marry my best friend.

I killed all my time to shop and work. Even though there’s still a time that jiyong will enter my mind. I tried many things. I bury myself in work just to forget him. But the more I try the more I will think of him and my best friend.


After one month, I found out that jiyong met an accident on the day of their wedding. that’s the only thing bom told me, I didn’t know if he’s still alive. But how I wish he's still alive before I come.

I immediately comeback to Korea to attend the …………… Funeral.

Another painful thing happened to me. First, my best friend is in love with the man I loved. Second, he ask my best friend to marry him and now, on the day of their wedding he died. How cruel faith is to me. I really cant bear to go there especially I know that I cant take it to see my best friend mourn to his soon-to-be-husband.


When I came I burst into tears. I have two reasons why I cant stop it. First, I already saw my best friend crying her heart out in front of the coffin of her husband-to-be. Second, the man I still love up until now is inside that in coffin. So don’t blame me if I really broke into tears.

Bom saw me. She run and hugged me as tight as she can. We both cried in sadness. I really cant bear to see my best friend cry in front of me. I need to be strong for her. Because I am the only one who can support her. She didn’t have any parents. So I stand as her mother in this day for her.

Her staffs told me that since the day jiyong met an accident she didn’t stop crying. She didn’t even sleep. I'm really sad for her.


We now only have two days left until the day we will never see him again. On this quiet night. On this only night that finally bom stop crying and finally she’s back into her senses. She told me something.

I never realize that the thing she will gonna tell me will have the biggest impact on my life.

“Dara-ah, sorry for all the trouble I gave to you. You're such a nice best friend to me.” She told me. I smell something that she really needs to say.

”It's alright. We're best friend since were in middle school.” I reply with a smile

“I have something to tell you, and I swear I never felt any hatred towards you. In fact I'm really guilty” I was so damn nervous of what she will say to me. And to the thing she said that she never felt any hatred towards me, why ? Did I do something wrong ? She continued.

“Dara-ah, j-jiyong..” she’s starting to cry again but I can see that she’s fighting not to it.

“J-jiyong he died in my arms…” it must be so painful to her. But why did she tell me that she never felt any hatred to me ?  I feel that she's still not finish yet..

“He died in my arms while saying…….your name we both burst into tears. 





so how was it ? 

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actually this was a love quotes i just make it long..and it was a  no joke coz its hard to make it this long..heres the original one...


"there was a girl who fell in love with her bestfriend's fiancee 

she kept her feelings for the sake of friendship.

one day she left away to forget the guy

after one month she found out that the guy met an accident on the day of his wedding to her friend

she comeback to attend the funeral then her friend said

"he died on my arms while saying your name"


see ? it was really short..

but anyways,hope you do like and enjoy this story ! ^^

gomawo-yo !!! *bow*

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Shiela76 #1
Chapter 1: so sad...
Hotcoco123pinkie #2
Chapter 1: It's so sad.......I feel sorry for Park Bom and Sandara
ItssCheska #3
This is really tragic :'((
chocolatelove00 #4
i actually didnt write any of jiyong's thoughts coz i want my readers to be curious of whats the real feelings he had for dara..but if you can see i made a mistake on foreword.i accidentally put jiyong's feelings there its kinda a clue but an obvious one. hahah !! silly me ! im really in a rush that day so i didnt review my story ! mianhae *bow* hope you like it :)haha !! im currently planning to write more daragon..i'll try to post it here.coz you know im sneakily doing some stories in the middle of the lecture in our school..haha im such a bad girl on second day of classes..k k ke~ ^^
it made me cry..huhuh<br />
<br />
thank you for this wonderful fic!!
mine2love #6
good j0b! Make m0re<br />
Darag0n fics but less<br />
Tragic! Lol al0t of writers<br />
torture my feelings<br />
n0wadays! Kekeke..<br />
omg! so saaaaad!! :( TT.TT<br />
i want to hear Jiyong's thoughts though. but still,a nice story even though it's sad! :((( <br />
it's really painful for dara. especially the last line!
he died in my arms while saying…….your name”... ouch