Destined coincidence

♦ I'll Follow You

Mrs.Tiffany is a rich woman. She had married and has just had a baby. While teasing her baby, her thought of an apppriote name to be given to her.

''My front name's alphabet is T, it will be matching if your name also starts from T too, what do you think?'' Tiffany asked to her child, the baby smile brightly. Suddenly, that baby spoke a word, but a little confusing ''Aeyeoon,'' Tiffany suprised. Her child were too new to starts talk.

''Aeyeon? but it started from A,...wait, yah you're genius! if we added T, it will be Taeyeon! We're....TiffTae, no let's starts with you name,'' '' sound good too, right dear?!'' Tiffany then kiss the baby forehead, the baby smiled again. ''Aishh! you're just too cute!'' Tiffany pinch softly her baby cheeks. Then, Mr. Kim approaching them.

'''Oh, honey! let's name her Taeyeon, how is it?!'' said Tiffany excitedly. 

''Whatever you choose is great for me,'' said Mr. Kim then sat beside a baby and kiss his child forehead and gently put a teddy bear beside a baby.


17 years later,

''Baekhyun-ah!! hurry, pick up those carrots, there's still a lot,'' The woman shouted to him. ''Mom, I need to do my homework!'' Baekhyun groaned. '' Homework, homework and homework again, even you're succes, I can't afford you to go to an university, I just left you this farm,'' Mrs. Byun groaned. Baekhyun closed his books, he's tired but to eat, they need to earn some money;


Taeyeon pick up a basket, and unlock her bicycles key. ''Taeyeon, wait! Where're you going?!'' Mrs. Kim shouted. ''Market!'' Taeyeon reply. ''Market?! What are you going to that such a place,'' asked Mrs. Kim. Taeyeon groaned, her mother can't let her go anywhere unlike her father, she just wanted to get some fresh air and look at the great view of nature. She smiled, '' I'm meeting my 'friend' Mom, goodbye!'' Taeyeon quickly riding a bicycle and waves her hands towards Mrs. Kim. 


''Baekhyun~Baekhyun~ I want a tomatoes~!'' Taeyeon sang when she already in front Baekhyun, who is now is arranging a cabbage.

''Aishh! This girl again,'' Baekhyun mumbled while pick up a few tomatoes.

''Baekhyun~ let sit there, I will buy a lot of your vegetables later!'' Taeyeon make a puppy eyes.

''Aishh, really-'' ''Baekhyun-ah~ just go, poor her come here everyday and you just ignore her, it's okay, I will take care of the rest,'' Mrs. Byun smiled.

''Let's go!'' Taeyeon grabbing Baekhyun left hand which make his heart beat for a second.



''Noona, do we ever meet before?'' Baekhyun asked.

''Aish! you called me that again, Taeyeon, Taeyeon, Taeyeon-'' ''Okay, i got it, just answered my question,'' Baekhyun kick a small stone under his feet.

''that? you don't remember?'' said Taeyeon, a little facepalmed herself. ''What?'' Baekhyun look at her. He think that he has nothing to do with Taeyeon past.



There's a three little boy are destroying Taeyeon's sandcastle. She cried heavily.

''Noo..I'll tell you my Mom'' Taeyeon hit the boys with a plastic shovel. Then they ran away when a man came like in hurry.

''Ms.Taeyeon, are you okay?'' he kneeling down to that girl, letting his suit touched the sand.

''My castle is destroy!! I want they making my castle back again!,'' She cried more loudly until catching someones hearing.

''Let's start build again, neh?'' A boy spoke, the bodyguard was about to say no but changes his mind when seeing Taeyeon slowly wipe her tears.

45 minutes later

''What's your name?!!'' Taeyeon yelled inside the car.

''Baekhyun!!!!'' the boy yelled back.

They waves their hands before Taeyeon's car disappeared.

end flashback


''Oh, I almost forgot that, so it was you then?"' Taeyeon nodded.

''look what we got here, a crybaby!'' said Baekhyun while imitate a baby sound.



''Mom, what's exactly the meant of be reborn again, detail please,'' Baekhyun asked when he remembered his friends talking about this lately, maybe they have nothing to talk about, bored of course.

Then, his Mom told the story in detail with example of a couple story and make up her little own story. She also told when she was about 26, she seen in front eyes an accident between a person and a car which drove by drunken driver and his girlfriend killed herself, the news spreads over the country that time. Terrible, of course, who will not remember a terrible things like that happen one by one infront of our eyes.

''So, I must had a past time too,right? I meant before I reborn...something like that,'' Baekhyun look around and saw nobody there.

''I mumbled alone again,-''

''What did my past time would be, guess?'' Baekhyun wondering alone.


Like usually, Taeyeon came again today. Baekhyun already packaged a tomatoes for her and Mrs. Byun just smile seeing it.

''Baekhyun~Baekhyun~ I want a tomatoes~'' Taeyeon sang.

''here, let me put in'' Baekhyun put them inside the basket.

''Hihi, you're already packaged it for me?'' Taeyeon said happily.

''It just a small matter, money please,'' Taeyeon gave him a money.

''You're getting nice towards me, ah! I'm so happy!!'' Taeyeon scream a little.

''Tsk. Did I?''


''Nononono, I can't fell for her, she is older than me...!'' Baekhyun spoke a little loud.

''Baekhyun~ah,'' Mrs. Byun open his door room. ''Its not include our age when it comes about loves,'' She smiles.

''Mom! What are you talking,'' Baekhyun hide his face.

''Aigoo, my son, you're big now, haha. I know it feel weird right? and feel comfortable? It loves honey,'' Mrs. Byun chuckled

''Mom, stop it. I didn't loves anyone,''

''Saranghae~loves is spreading in my heart~ There's a person in love here~'' Mrs. Byun sang.

''Mom,'' -.-  Baekhyun put his face at a pillow


''Noona...err Taeyeon,'' 

''Yes, Baekhyun~'' Taeyeon laughed. She seems happy, really happy.

''How should I tell you, you,'' Baekhyun bit his lower lips.

''Baekhyun, I knew that'' Baekhyun eyes widen.

''Your Mom already told me,'' Taeyeon blushed.

''That...! Aishh, why did she do that?'' Baekhyun face getting all red.

''No. She helping us,''

''What do you mean?'' Baekhyun asked.

''I like you too,'' 

Taeyon kissed Baekhyun lips in about 5 minutes.

''Happy aniversary you both!!'' Mrs. Byun grinned. She appear from nowhere.

Taeyeon laughed while Baekhyun coughing because of shocked.

_ a few years later__

''I felt we're knew each other in the past , I felt like I used to be with you, why is it guess?'' Baekhyun whispered to Taeyeon. They walking through the red carpet and sat at the bride's seat. 

''Because we're meant together....,'' Taeyeon reply. She's holding Baekhyun left hand tightly. They smiled.

The marriage went lively and six month later Taeyeon pregnant their first child.

They got a baby named Dae Hyun.


Hello guys, long time no see. After deactived for a few weeks, I decided to reactived again. I'm bored so I'm make a sequel of this story. I'm a lazy to check up my grammar or typo, so I hope you do understand. Oh, and also Dae Hyun, so cute name! >.< I found it on google search ;p. For my warmhearted subscribers, huhu. I'm really appreciated you all. Comment are really allowed here. Please! please! please do comment! I'm such a beggar.




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Chapter 2: . aw ♥ thank you for deciding to write a sequel ♥
. sweet. they meet again, in an another life ♥
Taengoo1502 #2
Chapter 2: It's the sweetest love story ever!!!
LeaderTaengoo098 #3
Chapter 1: Uwww,, So sad both of them die...
wish they will reborn back XDDD
Chapter 1: . it's a happy ending to me, even though they both died LOL
. a sequel, please <3
Chapter 1: wow , it must had hurt Taeyeon alot after that accident ! T^T I agree with 'exo-snsd' ! If they got reborn then suddenly memories of this story appear out of nowhere and fate brought them back together ! ><
exo-snsd #6
Chapter 1: Aw so sad they both die I hope you will make
A seqeal where they will be reborn again lol that must be weird just saying
Nice story