!!Chapter Seven ; Oh no, photoshoot.

Noona's in Charge

 Youngmin clenched his teeth tightly as his hands curled into fists. He tightened his hands until it turned red out of anger. They couldn't possibly be doing this...right?!


 "Woah woah, Youngmin," said Jeongmin in a cool manner. "Don't explode here. We can't do much anyway. Stay calm."

 "...Whatever you say, hyung," the easily angered twin replied in a low tone, turning his back to the photographers. His hyung just sighed and ruffled the boy's hair playfully.

 "D'aw, come on. It probably won't be that bad...right?" he cooed, pausing for a moment. "...It's just a photo shoot. She probably won't be on most of the photos, maybe just one or two."

 "We'll be fine! How bad can it be?" Donghyun spoke up, checking himself out at the mirror with Jeongmin for hairs that were poking out or out of place.

 "Hell meets bossy spoiled brat from England," Kwangmin answered with a foolish grin.

 "Which is exactly what's happening," spat the blond, frowning.

 The group was then called over by Inran to talk about the change of plans. The "monster-noona" Minhye was dragged off by the giddy make-up artists and the hairstylists, ready to start working on their latest masterpiece with their brushes and innumerable tools. While she was out of the main area, the photographer started to talk to them.

 "Listen boys," she cleared to catch their attention. "I know you all...aren't in superbly good terms with your manager." The six members looked shocked for a moment, before they all laughed together...though quite awkwardly.

 "W-What are you talking about, she's...great," Youngmin said with a slight look of disgust at his own words. His companions looked at him a bit weirdly, and Donghyun coughed lightly.

 "Oh come on. Youngmin-goon, would you really think I wouldn't notice your obvious reaction to what I said?" Inran chuckled, patting the astonished blond's head while looking at his bewildered expression. "Hn, I thought so."

 "...But Minhye-noona's really mean...and stuff! We try to be really nice to her but she's still a block of dry ice!" exclaimed the blond twin, starting to explode--even right in front of their photographer. 

 "Really, Youngmin. What the hell? Dry ice?" Jeongmin stifled a laugh, while socking the twin on the arm.

 "She's cold and could probably care less about us, but she gets mad easily and then steam comes out of her ears," the boy replied to his hyung with a smug grin. At his little explanation, the five other members burst into a fit of laughter, now unable to control themselves. Inran laughed along with them, chuckling lightly.

 "How cute. Now, will you six be able to pose with her for a few photos?" the tall lady questioned, putting her hands on her hips. "If you'd like, I can get you another model...but it will take a bit of time to do so."

 The boys huddled together and conversed amongst each other to reach their final decision. After all, getting another model will prove their lives a bit easier…but then again, they wouldn't want to burden their ever-so-kind photographer. They were gentlemen! ...Well, or so they claimed to be.

 "...We're Boyfriend. We can do anything! Even if it involves someone like Minhye-noona!" Youngmin declared proudly, giving Inran a thumbs up.

 "I like your confidence. Alright, change now. Your clothes are over there, inside the closet. Feel free to mix and match as you like, I don't mind. Just don't make yourselves look...un-idol like, if you get what I mean," she reminded them jokingly before heading off to set up the cameras and such.

 "Of course, noona," responded the leader with a cheeky smile before heading off to the closet with the rest of the Boyfriend members.

 All six of them started to change into the clothes that fit a ‘school’ concept, consisting of mainly neutral colors and soft prints like plaids and stripes. Donghyun sported a chic college professor-like (or…well, business-ish) outfit with an ashen gray blazer on a pearl white long-sleeved polo with a black tie and matching gray slacks. On his feet were polished black leather shoes that fit perfectly. Hyunseong and Jeongmin wore rather similar outfits, but the other two had their two buttons of their polos undone from the top, unlike Donghyun's which was only one. They wore beige and cream colors instead as well. The teacher line, as what Inran had wanted to describe them.

 Of course, if there is a teacher, then there must be a student (or students). The maknae line wore something more fit for their age; a simple and proper schoolboy outfit (loosely based off this, only that it is not black and instead is a lighter gray). As proper and uniform it was, the boys did not have any difficulty making it look fashionable. Open collars, Kwangmin’s untied red tie, Youngmin’s white polo shirt was not tucked in properly…it was basically only Minwoo who looked pretty much like a handsome star student (even if his collar was not buttoned up; he complained it was too hot).

 The boys were soon dressed up and ready. Luckily, Minhye decided to be a nice soul (“Get this damn thing over with. The faster the better. Chop chop!”), and did not take too long to change into her own school uniform. The school uniform she wore matched what the boys were wearing; a short sleeved white blouse with a red tie, a slightly open raven black school blazer with a white lining, a dark gray plaid knee-length skirt, black knee-high socks and black Mary Janes on her feet. The innocent and sweet looking outfit made even her look like she was one of those cute schoolgirls playfully running around the halls in the morning, laughing pleasantly in their semi-high pitched voices.

 Still, they had to remember that this was Minhye.

 The moment she stepped out the changing room, the boys were somehow astounded at the sight of her in a school uniform. The uniform somehow did do the trick; it was easier to look at her now. Her long raven black hair was tied into two messy buns, and she carried a slightly pouty expression which was still—somehow—cute.

 The six boys stared, rather shocked. The monster noona looked different—in a weirdly good way. She noticed them looking at her, and she glared fiercely at them.

 “Say no word of this to anyone,” Minhye snapped, her tone deep and bellowing. “If you do…well, I wouldn’t want to tell you the consequences. And I don’t thinkyou boys would want to even know.” With the boys too frozen to reply, she walked away and plopped down onto a nearby couch, impatiently waiting for the photo shoot to start.

 Jeongmin, Minwoo and Hyunseong exchanged nervous glances while Youngmin glared down her back. Donghyun and Kwangmin shrugged, before the leader motioned for everyone to huddle together.

 “Just pray nothing more than that happens, okay guys?” said the leader calmly, but it was still obvious that he was a bit shaken in fear. Everyone else in the group nodded understandingly, and soon they were bid to come over.

 “Group photos first,” called out the photographer’s apprentice. “Donghyun, Hyunseong, Jeongmin, Youngmin, Kwangmin, Minwoo, please come here now.” As requested, the six boys headed for the room Inran had chosen for them to pose in. It was quaint, and charming in its own little way. The room itself had been furnished nicely with a mix of wooden and metal furniture. There was a small framed sunflower painting on the wall, and there were glowing antique lamps attached to the wall on both sides. Small potted plants on clean and shiny wooden end tables were placed in the corners of the room. Though the main attractive was the huge window it had. It was a large arched French window with a lovely view of the garden was in the center of the thinly striped beige wall opposite the door, with a cushioned place to sit in right under the windowsill.

 Once they stepped foot inside the room full of those umbrella light things, camera equipment and a stylist or two at the side (in case anything happens), they were awed; Minhye was impressed. This place really was what it seemed to be.

 “Okay, everyone,” said Inran, clapping her hands together, each clap getting louder than the last. After everyone had turned their attention to their leader, she smiled and cheered “Let’s start this thing!” to which the people clapped and pumped their fists in the air.

 It didn’t take long for the models to get into place. The first few photos were taken with the background being a set of three tall windows looking out into another area of the garden, with some of the members—and Minhye—sitting upon chairs. It started with a simple formal shot of the group, with the female in the center in between the twins, and the two oldest standing behind everyone else. After that formal shot, Donghyun was then asked to switch places with Youngmin (who gladlycomplied), and the three other people who were in front were now either kneeling on the ground or standing behind them.

“This looks like a family photo,” commented Jeongmin with a laugh, making everyone else inside the room burst into laughter. From there, everything gradually became more lively and carefree that even the monster noona herself seemed to be having a great time. Wacky poses, laughter everywhere, smiles graced each other’s faces; fear and anger were gone and instead in their place lay a friendly aura in the air. It seemed to have changed Minhye—for at least a short while. From the corner of their eyes, Donghyun and Hyunseong could swear that Minhye was smiling—genuinely—to Inran and chatting with each other. She had even smiled at Youngmin, of all people.

 “What do you know, she has another side to her, doesn’t she?” remarked the bread pork cutlet lover, who was happily munching on his favorite snack while peering over his hyung’s shoulder with a small grin on his face.

 “She looks a hell lot prettier when she smiles,” mumbled the leader inaudibly, his gaze fixated on Minhye, suspicious and at the same time awed at the sight. "When was the last time she smiled at us?"

 "...Uh, never," said Youngmin flatly, passing by his hyungs. "Remember, she hates our guts for some damn reason--"

 "Is it because we're teenagers?" Minwoo cut in, pouting very slightly. "But Donghyun-hyung's her age..."

 "Pride, most probably," said Kwangmin, following his brother out of the room.

 "She's still pretty."

 “Do I hear sweet admiration in that voice, hyung?” teased Jeongmin, who cut into the conversation with that ever-so-present smirk on his face. Though, Donghyun seemed to have not heard the boy’s little comment and instead had approached Minhye. Inran had realized the leader was coming over, and went off her own way, bidding the two a short goodbye with a quick reminder that break ends in ten minutes.

 “Enjoy the time you have now. And please, don’t do anything while I’m gone, okay?” And with that and a laugh to herself, the tall photographer walked away and began speaking to her assistant on a review of today’s schedule.

 The two eldest were now left alone on the French window’s cushioned seats.

 “…What do you want, brat?” sneered Minhye with a scowl, reverting back to her old ways. As annoying as that may have been to anyone else, Donghyun kept his cool and continued to smile.

 “Nothing,” he answered.

 “Then leave me alone! I don’t want to see you. It’s bad enough I see you every single day now.” Despite this harsh remark, the red-headed leader stared intently into her eyes and grinned slightly before saying:

 “…You know, you look really pretty when you smile."

 And at that moment…Minhye could swear that her heart stopped beating for a second…and began to start up again after that.

 It was beating. Quickly.



nd Chapter.
Author's Note!
I UPDATED. ;u;!!
I'm so sorry to all my readers: life has been a big obstacle and well..I couldn't get enough time to finish the chapters so..orz
Luckily, I am here now! ^^ Semestral break is coming up, and I hope to finish a lot more chapters (for both fics) to make up for my lost time. xD

Honestly this was supposed to be a longer chapter but then I realized: 1) I haven't updated. I seem dead. xD and 2) it was getting really long. ;n; As much as I love long chapters and such, pushing it to around 2000 words was a bit much for a chapter--well, for me. (Crimson Butterfly does not count there though. Expect long chapters. Hehee~)
The event I was hoping to squish here is now on the next chapter, which I shall update after BTtCM. ^^ For now, enjoy this latest chapter of Noona's in Charge!
Boyfriend will start appearing a lot more now. Hehe.

And don't worry, I'm not out of date with the news--the members will have their respective haircuts and hair dyes soon. Maybe the next chapter after that cheesy event I planned out. xD
Speaking of which--TOMORROW IS COMEBACK~haha! ♥ I hope the boys are doing okay. ;u;

Okay, I'm talking too much. Oh dear, I am boring. orz
Though, on another note!

I hope you will all keep supporting me and my fics! ♥♥
I will try my best to update Bound Through the Crimson Butterfly on the weekend~I'd have to admit, I loved writing for that story but darn all these projects and deadlines are making my head crazy--oh wait, I'm boring you with my life story as of August. xD;;

Thank you again, and as always comments and feedback are appreciated and smothered with love~~<3


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Chapter 7: BOYFRIEND!!! :DDDD
_mrsmjjeje #2
Very interesting but I don't know how in the world the boys can stand her! I can handle that for only 24 hours top but they've to be with her for more than a month? lol. I pity the boys x) update soon!
hi.. new reader here...<br />
like how you write the story...<br />
update soon...
kyokomiyuki #4
Omg.<br />
This is so different!<br />
I love it!<br />
And Minhye's hilarious. <br />
Update soon~
New reader! :) Interesting! Update soon! :)
Kyruui #6
@ flutters ;; Glad you like Minhye~^A^! I was afraid people would be put off with her personality and such..hehe. xD Thank you very much for reading!
Kyruui #7
@InfiniteLuvrr ;; Ohoho, I see! xD It will be up very soon, hehe. ^A^ Thank you very much for reading~!
*clicks subscribe button* I'm anticpating the next chapter! (: