!!Chapter Five; Text Message and a FLASH!

Noona's in Charge
 The place wasn't bad at all. Really.
 Quickly fishing the iTouch out of my pocket, I then looked at the photos and compared it to the venue. It looks darling, and even better in person. I exited the van as soon as it came to a complete stop.
 "This place looks really great." Hyunseong commented as he swung open the door and jumped out of the vehicle, now taking a moment to appreciate the picturesque view. It really was a beautiful area, and it was cool and breezy too. The main venue was a medium-sized cafè or boutique-like place, painted in neutral colors such as beige, rose white, ash gray and the like. The exterior walls were a cream color, with a beige finish. Its roof was flat, but the edges had nice furnishing that made up for the plain top. There was even a cute little white picket fence surrounding the area. Behind the building..was a hidden garden that could only be viewed when inside, as it was surrounded by a tall bamboo fence instead of the picket one.
 According to my notes, there was even a long spiraling staircase past the garden, leading down the cliff and into a fine sand beach..but I highly doubted that we would be going there today.
 ..I'll check it out myself without them then. Heheh.
I then turned my attention to the boys, who now gathered in a group in front of a talking female that looked like the director..photographer person. I followed suit after getting my forgotten purse out of the compartment, approaching them at the door.
 "We're really going to have a photoshoot here..awesome!" Minwoo exclaimed, throwing away all seriousness to awe at the wonderful place.
 "Go around and explore later, get inside!" I told them, shooing them inside with a wave of my hand. Once they had stepped foot inside, they were mobbed by stylists who dragged them off to the vanity tables to get them ready. While they were off there, I was approached by the rather pretty and slim director-slash-photographer lady.
 "You must be their new manager, Shin Minhye-ssi." Isn't it obvious by my mere presence? What am I, a stalker fan of these brats?! Why else would I be here? She's pretty and all, but seems to be kind of a knucklehead. Hahaha~
 "Yeah, I am. And..uh, you are?"
 "Seo Inran, photographer. It's nice to meet you." Inran said, reaching out a hand for me to shake.
 "Nice to meet you too." I flatly replied in a semi-monotone voice as I gently shook her hand. ..Oh, that was a bad move. Whoops, I need to work on being nicer to other people too..I guess. She didn't seem to mind my rather unfriendly tone though, and just continued smiling.
 "..What do you need me for?" I asked her. I didn't know exactly what to do except wait for the brats to finish. Might as well help out at least a bit, huh?
 "Oh, nothing in particular right now, it's just--" Inran was interrupted by a rather squeaky high pitched voice.
 "S-Seonsaengnim!" A girl cried out, running to my companion, panting heavily.
 "Jinri? What's wrong?"
 "Just.." The girl named Jinri continued to pant, a bit exhausted. She looked weak, that's for sure. "..I just..need your help right now!" She exclaimed, before noticing me and bowing to me politely. "Please excuse me, I need to get Inran-seonsaengnim for a bit." Inran and Jinri then excused themselves with a bow before walking off, leaving me alone yet again.
 Now that I was free for the time being, I decided to go check and explore the blissful and calm looking place a bit more. I exited the building through the white French doors directly opposite the entrance, leading me to the "hidden" garden. Outside the doors stood a simple white archway with a small fence. I passed it and pushed open the fence doors dramatically, before skipping and twirling in the air like a little country girl in a field of flowers as I entered the garden.
 Yes, I am a child at heart.~ At least no one else was there. That would have been embarrassing, especially to those brats. I can't let them see me like this! No, definitely not.
 Then I pranced through the short blooming flower-dotted path and into a fork in the stone-paved pathway. I went to the east direction, and soon found myself at a dead end with small dome, surrounded by pink flowers. It was simply..beautiful. Taking a seat on the stone steps, I took this moment to..calm down, relax, and enjoy the scenery. Orange-brown butterflies with white specks then flew by me in a cluster, some of them taking a short time to rest on the flowers before gently flying off again to join their group.
 They were so free..so unfettered, unrestrained..and it got me to thinking; was I like them? I don't know why I thought that, I just did. I was uncontrolled, and had all the freedom only other people could dream about.
 Though..there lies another question.
 Was I happy, like those butterflies in a meadow?
 ...Now that, I didn't know the answer to.
 I knew something was missing in my life. Something..important.
 "..Sheesh. Minhye, what are you blabbering about to yourself in your mind? You're just a young adult, and twenty-two years old. Don't fret." I told myself, lightly rubbing my temples with the palms of my hands. I'm worrying too much, it's stupid.
 "Honey honey baby, honey honey baby, honey honey nae sarang~♪" My phone was ringing. That's weird. Hm, maybe it is Papa telling me to come home because he misses his little princess so much~! I fished it out of my pocket, fumbling with it a bit. It may have been a hand-me-down, but with a bit of customization, it's going to look as fabulous as my Blackberry. Okay, not exactly, but better looking than a boring old business looking phone.
 My eyes finally met with the screen after having some trouble with the gadget. Oh Papa, I'll come home as soon as possible~!
 ..What I saw on the tiny screen crushed my hopes and dreams.
 It was a text..from an unknown number. Ugh. I didn't ignore it though, and read it anyway.
 I started to read..and realized that it was from my loving and equally-fabulous best friend, Heather.
From: xxxxx-xxxxx-x
To: Minhye
Hey girl! Found your new number through some..contacts~anyway! 
How you doing? I miss you already, hun. TT-TT How are those boys? Really, stop worrying! Judging from your father's files (they're all over the living room table), they don't seem all that bad. I'd have to say the red-head's pretty cute. Our age, right, darling~? ;D Say hi to him for mee! Ahaha, just kidding about the say hi to him for me. Don't mind me~ Btw, Louis is as idiotic as ever, and he only ever listens to you! Sheesh. Give him a say or two for me, will you? TY.
Of course, everyone else misses you too! I know it has only been like two days or something, but still. ; - ; Come back soon, okay, Minhye~? We'll go all out once you step foot back here in London. <3 I'm like texting you at 3am in the morning here, but idc. Nothing's too late for my dear bestie~! Hugs and kisses.
~xoxo, Heather.
 Her little text message..it immediately made me smile. Just as I was about to press the keys on the keypad in order to reply, a bright flash blinded my eyes.
 "AGH!" I shrieked, dropping the phone on my lap and covering my eyes, rubbing it mildly.
 "Ah, I forgot to turn off the flash, sorry." The person apologized, taking a short while to fix the camera.
 "W-What is the meaning of this?!" I screamed, before realizing that the flash came from..the camera of Seo Inran. "..Inran..ssi?"
 "I never thought I'd find you here, Minhye-ssi." She said with a laugh. Maybe sarcasm? I wouldn't know.
 "..Well, the brats are busy, so I..f-fled here." I reasoned, now picking up my phone again.
 "You know what, you can be a model if you wanted to." Inran suddenly said, now taking the seat beside me. She pressed a few buttons on the camera, and then handed it to me. On the screen..I saw a few pictures of me, taken by the experienced photographer while I was spacing out. A slight blush crept up my cheeks. 'What the hell?! Why am I blushing? It's just another compliment, nothing special! Agh, Minhye!'
 "..Why did you take pictures of me?! What are you, paparazzi?"
 "Look here, Minhye-ssi." The taller lady told me, clearing . "The model that was scheduled to appear in some photos cancelled, saying she couldn't come because of a broken arm. So..I was thinking..would you kindly please cover for her today?"
 I was astounded.
 Wait. What. A photoshoot with the brats?!
End Chapter.
Author’s Note!
Whoo, another chapter done~! The next chapter..is in what the boys are thinking. :D xDD~
By the way, I may be writing another story..but it only has the twins in it, plus an OC. o A o Nope, not romance, sadly. You'll see~!
If that story proves to be interesting, there will be a sequel. ^A^!
The story will be based on a VIDEO GAME. That's all. xD I won't abandon this fic though, I just don't feel like writing happiness always. I'll probably post it today or something, if I get the foreword and poster in place. :)

I also hope this chapter is satisfactory, hope you all will like it! Subscribe, comment~
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Chapter 7: BOYFRIEND!!! :DDDD
_mrsmjjeje #2
Very interesting but I don't know how in the world the boys can stand her! I can handle that for only 24 hours top but they've to be with her for more than a month? lol. I pity the boys x) update soon!
hi.. new reader here...<br />
like how you write the story...<br />
update soon...
kyokomiyuki #4
Omg.<br />
This is so different!<br />
I love it!<br />
And Minhye's hilarious. <br />
Update soon~
New reader! :) Interesting! Update soon! :)
Kyruui #6
@ flutters ;; Glad you like Minhye~^A^! I was afraid people would be put off with her personality and such..hehe. xD Thank you very much for reading!
Kyruui #7
@InfiniteLuvrr ;; Ohoho, I see! xD It will be up very soon, hehe. ^A^ Thank you very much for reading~!
*clicks subscribe button* I'm anticpating the next chapter! (: