Act. 4 (part2)

Chen Secret Diary

Act.4 (part 2)


OK. Maybe taking with me “my precious” (I'm talking about my diary of course) knowing how curious are ChanBaek wasn't my smartest idea. At the dorm in China actually I don't give a damn if the rest of the members are there when I'm updating, Minseok hyung has too much pride to peek at it in an obvious way and he prefers to do his research when nobody is around (pfft! keep trying baozi). Luhan and Yifan ge are too much of a lazy to spend their time trying to figure out where is hidden (even though they are as curious as Minseok hyung). As for Zitao despite being a gossiper he's too much jealous of his own personal stuff to try and find the ones of the others (with the great exception of Yifan's clothes which Zitao considers his property). And lastly Xing xing ge is too much of a sweet heart to even think about the eventuality to  take a slight glance at something so private.

But for Chanbaek...Well they never had too much of a shame to begin with. They started this joke of “let's go and seek Chen Chen's diary”, and like everything they plan it went a little overboard and what it started like a game, it became a serious challenge for the two of them. They really went near to find it. Shisus! I nearly had a heart attack! So now every time I want to write I have to hide from them, yes, my supposed best friends! That's why in the end I locked myself in the toilet the only safe place left, to try and update. Seated in the bathtub!Yah! Writers really have a tough life. Sigh. Junmyeon already fell asleep in the other room, I can picture him curled up in the blankets like a child (just imagining this makes my lips curl into a smile). To think that in few days we are going to leave Thailand to go back to China and then who knows where... But sure these days were wonderful.

Gosh. I'm getting emotional inside a bathtub!

Now now, let's back to our story! So Thailand, here it goes.







I kind of forgot how nosy the twelve of us can be.

After we left our luggages inside the hotel rooms (I kind of squealed when I found out I was sharing a room with Junmyeon hyung, and yes baozi laugh as long as you want!) we all went together to have dinner in the holtel's international restaurant  because we didn't have time to go around and find a suitable place.

Sehun was practically glued to Luhan ge's side, Minseok was talking seriously with Kyungsoo about whatever topic (probably exchanging tips about domestic economy), Zitao was catching up with Baekhyun, Chanyeol was jumping at Yifan's side and Yixing was talking with Jongin and from the spark in their eyes they were probably talking about dance. As for me I was munching my food next to Junmyeon, who was talking with the manager.

"Hyung your food is going to get cold" I commented when finally he finished his conversation with manager hyung.

"I just didn't want to burn my tongue" he replied.

"Sure. C'mon eat. Cold food is bad for digestion."

"You are talking to me like I'm a gramps".

"Just taking care of you, but well aren't these wrinkles the ones at the corners of your eyes?" I joked.

"Yah Jongdae-ah!" he hit me in the back of my head.


"Ah hyung is getting more and more grumpy"!-teased Baekhyun who apparently had seen hyung hitting me.

"Your absence affected him deeply, he converted in a neglected housewife and nagged at me a lot." Chanyeol added.

"I nagged at you because you messed up with our laundry on purpose Chanyeol" Junmyeon remarked arching a brow.

"Oh...yes, I guess."

Everybody laughed at that but they soon went back to their conversations and food (I don't know why I'm still surprised by the amount of food Zitao is able to devour).

But then when we were all going to our respective rooms (deciding to meet at my and Junmyeon's room after a quick shower) Kyungsoo came next to me.

I really like Kyungsoo. Like Luhan he often is misunderstood by our fans who tend to see him as and adorable and cute kid. Wrong. So wrong: there's a reason if Minseok my discipliner gets SO along with Kyungsoo (never mess with those two. Never!). Once you know him better you start to notice he can be creepy with those big eyes and his menacing eyebrows. However I can't deny he really is a reliable person something so rare among this bunch of weirdos.

"I'm really happy we are together again. Anyway I did as you asked me, but it was pretty hard with a person that doesn't want anyone to take care of him. I went so near to kick him in the , but I know he's really stressed and so I did nothing except helping him with the duties. Maybe as your hyung he won't tell you, but you are his bestfriend and the only one able to make him feel more relaxed. Ah. Yeah. I was talking about Junmyeon hyung but I bet you already guessed."

And with a light punch on my shoulder he left to follow Jongin in their room.

I was kind of startled because Junmyeon never once mentioned to me he was stressed or tired or something else during our calls. Then I remembered that all those times I was the one talking my heart out while he was listening and I felt suddenly an awful friend. I should have known better. After all I share a room with Yifan ge and I know pretty well how is hard for him to fulfil his leader's role and how much he does for our well being. I followed Junmyeon in our room, he was still smiling and I felt so dejected that I let him take the shower first and I didn't complain when he tossed all his clothes and stuffs around the room.

I somehow wanted to say something smart or ask him how he was doing but then he opened his beauty case and my stare fell upon that and of course I blurted the most idiotic thing on earth.

"Hyung, did the number of skin products just increased?"

He smiled. Crap.

Junmyeon is generally a good guy really.

But you know he's not the leader for nothing. That's why I ended up taking a shower at Chanbaek's room.

"I was waiting for you" said Chanyeol with a big smile " I was sure you were goin to screw up."

"Thanks Yeol, you are really a good friend."

"You are welcome!" he replied happily.

Oh god. Again how in the earth is this giant my bestfriend?

"Did gramps go berserk?" commented then Baekhyun casually.

And you too!



The next morning we gathered together for a brief moment before every group went to his own activity. We were going to host in different Thai programs. Junmyeon already forgave me however I was the one one who felt uneasy. Kyungsoo's words were still echoing in my mind and I was trying to figure out a way to make it up towards Junmyeon. Somehow I knew it was better to ask Minseok, he always knows what is the right thing to do, however that time I wanted to figure it out by myself. I tried to not show my emotions and even though Minseok glanced curious at me I shook my head and smiled. He shrugged and kept talking with Luhan ge. He knows that when it's serious he is the first one to know. However, I didn't expect for a certain someone to be concern of me.

"What's in your head Zhong da?" Xing ge asked me with more heart than curiousness, chewing on his bottom lip. We got just dressed and in few minutes we were going to start the recording

"Nothing bad ge" I said while checking my outfit in the mirror.

"But there is something" I turned towards him, a little taken aback.

"Oh. sorry. I don't want to intrude" he replied a soon as he saw my face. I smiled as wide as I could to reassure him.

"Ge, you are free to ask me whatever you want and I'll never consider you an intruder. I know you take good care of my thoughts."

He smiled.

"Anyway since you asked maybe I can use you for advice..?"

"You can ask me everything too Zhong da" his dimpled more marked like a kid in front of his favourite toy. I bet my heart skipped a beat!

"Ah well, you know, I want to find a way to make a friend feel better... I came to realize I was kind of a ty friend and I want to make it up, I guess?"

"I doubt you can be a ty friend. Sometimes people hide his true feelings behind a mask or sometimes it's hard to open up even with your nearest person. What's really matter is just to be there."

But I'm in China.

"And I'm not talking about physically be there, just to lend an ear when he'll need you" he continued like he had read my mind.

"Xing ge, you have the gift to make people feel better! Anyway I want to do something for my friend if I can. I just don't know what " I said frowning.

"Well Junmyeon is not so hard to please, so I guess you'll find a way" he said sheepishly.

"Yah how do you know I was talking about hyung?" I replied embarrassed.

"Who else? When it comes to him you are like Sehun towards Luhan... wait no, that's impossible".

"I'm not a little duck!"

Xing ge stared at me like I was an alien and then laughed.

"No need to feel embarrassed, I find it cute"

"It's not cute. It's just thoughtful."


"Yah, what I'm trying to do is not cute. This is cute " I replied doing the buing buing thing Zitao taught me just to valid my point.

Exactly in that moment Minseok hyung passed by " What. The. Hell. Jongdae!"

Me and Xing ge laughed at Minseok hyung horrified face.



After talking with Xing ge my mood got a lot better and I really had fun while recording the program. We were in a studio with a large and cheering audience. We were so near, we could look our fans in the eyes and we really had fun! For once I was paired with Yifan ge, and we could finally show how much well we get along. I don't want for our fans to think that me and Minseok hyung are something different from the rest of the chinese members, thinking about all that paring thing with hyung I started to realize that people did paired us up because maybe they couldn't find another suitable member. Due to our language barrier is hard for the both of us to show how much we get along with the ohers that's why I want for that impression to change. And besides I really like Yifan ge a lot: he isn't a talkative person but when you know him better you actually discover he isn't only a person who talks about witty and interesting topics but he is also a funny buddy, he actually has an odd sense of humour that can be a lot effective. The best moments are when he bickers with Xing ge, probably the only person who dares to mock him openly.

Anyway after the recording we had some short interview and then in the afternoon our showcase with Exo K members.

We ate something quickly and then we went straight to the building in front of which was assembled the stage. We quickly did a rehearsal before running to wear our idol outfits, excitement and nervousness rushing through our veins as the cheers and shouting could be heard even inside the building.

Then we exited and I think I never heard so much cheers and screams before. It was crazy. It was awesome. I could barely heard what our managers were saying and I thought for a moment about the past, when I used to sing alone in my room, the poster on the walls my only audience and then I looked at that see of fans in front of us, and yes it really changed all.

The stage was narrow but we did our best, we did this performance some couple of times before and we repeated again when we were in our respective country like the other members were there too.

They asked some question that was difficult to answer due to the chaos and screams. They asked me to sing and I sang a bit of “what is love”. The cheers went impossibly loud.

The showcase occupied large part of the afternoon and left us drained. The manager dragged us back to the hotel where everybody besides being happy were also really tired. The only one with energy left was Chanyeol who was however silenced by a particular assassin glare from Kyungsoo.

However once at the hotel we tried to stay up because we wanted to spend some time together like the night before. That time we went at Yifan and Zitao's room (that was an awful lot more neat that mine and Junmyeon's room) and after a shower and a full stomach everyone felt a bit better and Chanyeol's jokes were again welcomed. The night before I couldn't observe well but after one day together I could tell the dynamics changed a bit. To begin with Exo K members felt more united that when we debuted. I expected for Chanbaek to have a strong friendship but even the two maknaes Sehun and Jongin bonded well. And Kyungsoo got really close to Junmyeon and he now wasn't only the discipliner of Jongin but also shared a strange relantionship with Baekhyun and Chanyeol even though more with Baekhyun. I never thought there would be someone able to tame Baekhyun but apparently that one was Kyungsoo. Midgets are really scary. Shisus!

Anyway we told to each other our stories and at some point the topic of my diary came out. It was Baekhyun who asked but somehow everyone then wanted to say his personal opinion and it ended in a huge challenge to try and guess what was written and where it was located.

"Are we sure is written? I bet he only draws in it, you know like the 4 years old kids" I threw at Baekhyun my shoe that he -unfortunately- dodged easily. Apparently they all found it really funny, judging from Zitao banshee giggle and Jongin loud and deep laugh.

"Of course he writes. The only Picasso here is our dragon Wu Yifan"commented Xing ge not missing the opportunity to tease our leader. God bless Zhang Yixing, because that was enough to distract everyone to think about my diary.

And once we went to sleep in our rooms I was kind of sure everyone forgot the matter.

Until the next morning when I found in front of my face the creepy smile of Chanyeol who was caught in the act to search under my mattress (how he thought I would have not woken up, only he knew, even so I have to give him credit to have found  a way to sneak inside our room).

Anyway after that shocked awakening we were all ready to go on another round of radio programs and interviews and then in the afternoon a big recording for a important entertainment program.

It was really fun, the staff and the crew really treated us well, for once I didn't feel like a fool  because everyone didn't understand a thing. The recording started with our greetings that lasted nearly twenty minutes and then a short interview.

And now please give me some credit if I didn't roll on the floor when they called Kyungsoo the “Eomma of Exo K.” Kyungsoo. The man that could strangle you in one swift move. The only one who considers him like that is Jongin but only because he is biased. Chanbaek acknowledged him like the Eomma only to get in the nerves of Kyungsoo and Sehun because he is Sehun and well he's evil. Junmyeon too acknowledged him but he always was a bit air headed that's why he didn't noticed Kyungsoo's menacing aura.

As for us Exo M members, once again Kris/Tao made his little appearance. And no Luhan ge and Xing ge were not teasing behind his back how our almighty Duizhang is easily fooled by our maknae.

After that they made us do some cooking, probably the worst dish ever made. I felt really apologetic towards the thai fans who were brave enough to take a taste. Even Zitao the eating machine took his distance.

Speaking of Zitao he did a great performance of his martial arts, for a moment I thought he would have crushed down the trainer there. But how cool that kid can be? He's way of thinking is out of this universe but when it comes to physical activities he is the best of the best.

The recording even though it was long at some point ended and it was already late in the evening.I sighed. It was day 2 and I didn't have time to think about my issue. Yixing's words made me feel better but I still wanted to do something for hyung. So when the others went to shower and relax  I instead decided to go and wander through the hallways of the hotel, lost in my thoughs. That's how I ended up bumping in a wall called Oh Sehun.

" I think I broke my nose."

Sehun turned, a smile on his face. He was probably finding me really funny.

"Be careful next time hyung" he said in a tone that wasn't apologetic in the least.

"Yeah. Thank you. I just didn't see you."

He arched sceptically his brow to remark the absurdity of my statement because there was no way I couldn't have noticed him since he is so tall.

"Well I was kind of distracted and just failed to notice you."

He giggled in amusement. Sometimes I think Sehun sees me like a freak.

"What were you thinking Chen Chen hyung?" he asked me and I tried to not scowl at how he addressed me (Xiao Lu and his mouth)

"I  was thinking...wait what are you doing here?"

"Nothing, just killing the time."

"Sure" I replied with sarcasm " and I am stupid."

He stared at me in blankness.

"Please don't reply to this!"

Of course my statement made him laugh. How the heck he manages to pass from a statue to an adorable kid in 1 second?

Jongdae be careful, this is the evil maknae, never forget!

"Anyway what are you doing, and say the truth to hyung!"

"How about an exchange? I tell you if you tell me what were you thinking!"


"so deal?"

I sighed. This kid.


He smiled like an adorable 18 years old high school student.

"let's go somewhere more comfortable" he said dragging me down the hallway and heading to the parlour of the hotel. Once we were seated he showed me his smiley face, that one that he reserves only for the members.

"Tell me!"he said completely forgetting to address me like a hyung.

I sighed again " I was just thinking about doing something nice for Junmyen hyung since I was a ty friend these months."

Sehun frowned and replied "You weren't. You are in China of course you can't be there but that doesn't mean you are bad friend. I can tell you this for sure " he said in a serious tone. I smiled thinking about the bond between Sehun and his three years older ge. How they manage to work despite the and now a country between them is a mystery. Friendship is really something.

"Maybe. But I still want to do something nice."

He went silent for a moment, he seemed like he was concentrating on something.

"Mmm. Well when I want to make Luhan hyung happy I just treat him to bubble tea. It always works."

"Yeah that's sweet but Junmyeon hyung isn't particularly fond of bubble tea and besides we are in Thailand. Where are we going to find..."

"Actually I saw a bubble tea shop in the nearby. And that leads to my problem."


"you know I was thinking to sneak out and buy some bubble tea, the shop is so near! Don't look at me like that, I didn't sneak out... yet. I even asked manager hyung if I could but he refused and he asked me to wait until tomorrow but I want bubble tea now! I want to buy some and bring it back for Luhan hyung. I wanted to do something nice and well I really want to drink bubble tea too."

"Ah. yeah" how much obsessed is this kid over this beverage?

"Anyway since you are here it's not a problem. We can go together. I just saw there's a back door that nobody knows..."

"Sehun-ah, no!"


"And besides bubble tea can work for Luhan ge but not everybody is obsessed over it."

"But it's something difficult to acquire so that adds more value to it. Afterall doesn't intentions matter more than the actual gift?"

"I still think it's nonsense but well."

"So are you going to help me?" His eyes sparkled with fire.

"No way we are going to sneak out"


"I have a better idea."

"Funky hyung you are the best, we are going to jump from roof to roof aren't we?"

"Oh god. You spent too much time with Chanyeol!"




Half an hour later the two of us had bubble teas in our hands. I think I never saw Sehun so happy before. He went jumping towards his room nearly chirping. That kid.

As for me I went to my own room and with some difficult I managed to open the door.

Junmyeon was plastered on his bed, reading a manga. He immediately leave his manga aside as he saw me.

"Jongdae where were you, manager hyung came to check and I had to lie saying you were in the toilet! I'm the leader and I don't like to lie to our manager... wait are you holding bubble teas? God, don't tell me Sehun convinced you to do something crazy! I'm too lenient with the kid, but you should have known..."

"Hyung calm down. We didn't do anything illegal. I just corrupted one of the body guards, more like we killed him with embarrassing aegyo, and the result was that he went to buy bubble teas for us. By the way one is for you."

Junmyeon seemed surprised but then he smiled happily as Sehun did.

"You really are my best friend."

"Happy to hear that."

"Don't be silly. You know you are."

"Only because I brought you bubble tea. And since when you are so fond about it?"

"Sehunnie missed Luhan so much that made one of us to go drink one with him at least once a week."

"Oh. that's so sweet."

"Isn't it? But I suggest you to not mock him. The last time Chanyeol did he found the tooth paste in the bottle of what it was supposed to be the shampoo."


"Yeah. Anyway thanks" he then said smiling the warmest of the smiles.

"You are welcome"but to cut the embarrassing air I continued "anyway intellectual guy, with which shoujo manga were you entertain yourself?"



Maybe Junmyeon will never share with me, his dongsaeng, all his troubles but if I can make him feel well for a bit, then I'm satisfied.


Next time I'll treat Xing ge to bubble tea too.






Author's note: ah! This chapter was ready a week a go but I never found the time to edit it. Today I finally found a bit of time, but I'll probably have to re check, but for now I'll publish it like this. I'm editing this by myself so please be patient with me! Hope you enjoyed, please leave a comment! <3

feel free to upvote <3

ps: it was so hard to define Sehun's character, well.. this is how I see him, sort of!

ah. and I want to write a Kaisoo, what do you think? XD













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Chapter 25: So... its over? This diary is over? This is it? Well, okay then. Thanks for this amazing fic ♥ Its so entertaining to read this and its one of my fav too ^^
SpartaceLover369 #2
Chen is my bias too, I am a XiuChen shipper~~!!
Thanks for typing this "diary" I enjoyed it ^^
Author is the best :D
ChenChen is the best :D
XiuChen is the best best :DDD
parvitasari #3
Chapter 23: Yaaaaay lay special!!! can you make lay special from jongdae pov? And I want another lay silly list again.. Update soon..
parvitasari #4
Chapter 21: Oh they're so cute.. Chenlay is my #1 otp, and lay is my bias in exo.. I need more chenlay au..
parvitasari #5
Chapter 15: What happen int that chanbaek room??
parvitasari #6
Chapter 8: I'm totally agree with your weirdo list, yixing.. It's maybe bcoz I'm a weirdo too hehe..
saengiera #7
Chapter 22: I LOVE YOU
can't wait to read it...
waited long enough....
Chapter 20: LOL Junmyeon ain't perfect I see