Or did he?

Or did he?


"Up next; Jonghyun!" Seonsaengnim said as she smacked the meter stick onto her wooden desk with an unmistakable wrath of fury. It was the last day of school. The biggest project of the year was to talk to the class about what they learned that year for science class.
Jonghyun fidgeted in his seat. He looked at his boyfriend, key, who just have him a horrid look. You see, key knew jonghyun didn't do his project. And now he was going to have to wing it.
"YAH! Jonghyun! Stop undressing Kibum with your eyes and get up here to present your speech!" Teacher yelled at the boy mentally undressing his boyfriend. Thats, yet, another thing seonsaengnim will not miss about jonghyun's presence in her class; the fact that he is always waiting to strip the poor boy with his eyes every time he enters her class.
Jonghyun stepped up to the podium at the front of the class, looking out at the students watching him. He brought a blank piece of paper to make it seem like he thought about this before hand. Which we all know he didn't.
Dinosaurs don't think.
"Y-yes. U-um. HUM! HUH! HUH!" He cleared his throat a little bit, using that as a procrastination tool to think more. Teacher rolled her eyes.
"Ok. I decided instead of talking about a... Generalization of this whole class, i thought i would talk about a certain topic.
For those of you who remember when we talked about creation, i decided to look more into the topic of creationism.
Well, i have come to the conclusion of saying: are we really here?
I mean, sure. I mean, i'm here, right? I can touch my arm, i can see all of you, i can smell things, so i must be real. But, am i just a fragment of your memory, training you to think of random objects, in this case people, to fill extra gaps in your brain? What if seonsaengnim is just a spec of an atom floating in the air? Or what if your mom or dad is really... Not there?
Which takes me to another topic: nothing. Yeah, nothing. What if we just disappear. Where would we go? Would we be nonexistent? How come? I mean, we are not visible, we can't see or touch something that has disappeared. Well, there always is something. No matter where you go. You go out of the milky way galaxy, you see black, but black is a thing. No air- yet, also a thing. Zero degrees Kelvin- is a thing. So to wrap up my speech. What i have learned in teacher seonsaengnim's class is- something. Or did i?
Thank you, thank you!"
Jonghyun walked out of the podium and took a big bow to his classmates, who, were mind blown and had their mouths open. He looked around the classroom and smirked widely while walking back to his seat.
Key got out of his trance and started to clap slowly. Once he started, another person started to clap with him, then another, and another until the whole class stood up and gave JJong a standing ovation.
"U-um. Ok. Well, i know you didn't plan any of this, but you did very well. I can't believe i'm doing this- but A!" Seonsaengnim said and Jonghyun got a stupid grin plastered on his face. Or did he?
Or was he just... A figment of your imagination? What if teacher never existed? Or the class never existed?
What if jonghyun and shinee are just part of your memory from a passed life?
Wow. I didn't think i was such a deep thinker. But on a lighter note: I'M OUT OF SCHOOL!!! Yaaaayyyyyyy~ hehehe
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Chapter 1: Woah so creative~