

#myboyfriendnotallowedto watch TV. Wtf he needs to watch TV for? He can watch me all day long!


Her phone beeped.

35 retweets, 20 favourites

She smiled in glee. It was much too fun to stop now.

#myboyfriendnotallowedto have candles on his birthday cake. Wtf you wishing for? All your dreams came true when you met me!


She leaned against the wall, and waited for her phone to beep again.

Not a second later, *beep*

50 retweets, 30 favourites

She spent the next hour tweeting before sleep finally came. She wondered what her boyfriend would think, but then again, no one knew about her twitter account. So really, there was nothing she should be worried about... He didn't have a twitter account anyway...  She was smiling in her sleep, unaware of what tomorrow might bring...

“Oppa! Saengil chukahae!” She said brightly, tapping her boyfriend’s shoulder.

Yang SeungHo turned around, a smile already plastered on his face. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, sniffing her lavender scented hair.

“Thanks sweetheart.” He whispered in her ear.

She giggled and grabbed his hand, asking him to follow her. “C’mon, I have a surprise for you.”

She managed to drag him to a nearby classroom, where the others were waiting for them.

“Saengil chukahae!” Everybody exclaimed in excitement once they entered. Party poppers were popped and the words “Happy Birthday SeungHo” were written in huge letters on the blackboard, celebrating the man’s 24th birthday.

CheonDoong walked in then, holding a birthday cake with at least 10 lighted candles. Before they could start singing the “Happy Birthday” song however, SeungHo held up his hand.

“Mir yah, can you blow out the candles for me?” He asked.

The maknae looked at him in confusion. “But hyung, the candles are for you. Aren’t you supposed to blow it?”

SeungHo shook his head, before his hold on his girlfriend tightened. “I don't need candles. What more can I wish for when all my dreams already came true?” He said, throwing a glance at his girlfriend.

She smiled, her face glowing like a light bulb. He was so sweet! Her insides however, were squirming. What he said sounded strangely familiar... He couldn't have read what she wrote last night could he? She brushed off the uneasy feeling, deciding that there was no way he could’ve known what she did last night, and joined the rest in singing... He was simply being the sweet boyfriend that he was, that’s all...


“Baby, can you tell me what the lecturer wrote on the board?” SeungHo asked with a sigh as he focused on his lecture notes.

She peered at him. “Your eyesight is that bad? Oppa, I told you to get glasses right? Or contacts?”

“Why? I can see you just fine. Just make sure you stay close to me...”

Her right eye twitched, startled. That was another familiar statement.

#myboyfriendnotallowedto get glasses or contacts. Wtf you need better vision for? I’m always next to you!


“Oppa! What are you doing?” She asked in surprise when she caught him standing underneath the air-conditioner that was on full blast.

“I’m chilling.”

She raised her eyebrow at him. “Chilling?”

“Yup. I’m chilling with the air-conditioner. Since, you know, chilling with SoYeon or Gyuri on my birthday would be extremely disrespectful to you...” He grinned.

#myboyfriendnotallowedto ‘chill’ with other girls. You wanna chill? Go stand by the air conditioner.

“Err ok...” She said, her hand trembling. The day was becoming more surreal by the minute, it was scary. “Then, do you want to go outside? The weather’s nice today! We have another hour before class starts...”

“Ani. Gwaenchana. Let’s just stay here ok? Why do I need sunlight when you’re already brightening up my day by just standing there?”

She tapped her chin as she stared long and hard at him. There was something he was not telling her. But his face remained nonchalant, and he kept the goofy smile plastered on his face, so she decided to let it go... for now at least.

#myboyfriendnotallowedto go outside. I already brighten up your day. Wtf you need sunlight for?


“C’mon, oppa! Let’s go home! I’ll cook you dinner.” She said, holding onto his hand.

“What are you making?” He asked, interested.

“That’s a surprise. But we need to go do grocery first.” She replied, heading towards the nearby grocery store, SeungHo in tow.

She picked up the grocery bag once everything had been paid for. She huffed and puffed as she struggled with it. It was so heavy!

“Oppa! This is heavy! Aren’t you going to help me?” She cried out. He was a few steps ahead of her, whistling, when he stopped and turned.

“Help you? Isn’t it heavy?”

“Very! Help me please...” She whined.

She stared open mouthed at him when he shook his head.

“Shireo. I don't want to gain muscle. I don't want other girls touching me.” He said before he continued walking.

#myboyfriendnotallowedto help me w/grocery bags like w tf u trynna carry my lettuce for? Tryna gain muscle so some hoe can touch your biceps?

She was left speechless. That was a reference to another one of her tweets. This was getting weird! How did he know everything?!

“Oppa, your shoes...” She said once she reached home. Why were his shoes different than usual? He was already sitting on the sofa, waiting for her.


“You always wear sneakers...”

He shrugged, his eyes fixed on her. “Oh that? Nah, I decided not to wear shoes with laces anymore. I mean, I might trip and fall in love with someone else. I don't want that... I mean, I love you...”

#myboyfriendnotallowedto wear shoes with laces, he might trip and fall in love with someone else. He better wear them Sketcher slip ons.

“Ok that’s it! What’s going on?” She exclaimed, fearing the worst.

“What’s going on?” He asked, his eyes wide with innocence. “Nothing’s going on sweetheart! Did I say something wrong?”

“No! But it’s...”

“Baby, aren’t you gonna cook dinner?”

She made a ‘hmph’ sound, and picked up the grocery bag that was by her feet. “What are you going to do?”

“Can I watch you cook?”

“You know I don't like it when people watch me cook...” She stated. “Why don't you watch TV or something?”

“Watch TV? Nahh... Why watch TV when I can watch you cook dinner?” He grinned, wriggling his eyebrows.

She thought his question didn't deserve an answer so she made her way towards the kitchen before he stopped her.

“Wait! Where’s my kit-kat?” He asked, walking over to her and searching the grocery bag in her hand. He smiled when he found it.

“But you don't like kit-kat.” She pointed out.

“Ahh... but I desperately need a break. Been so tired the whole day.” He replied before taking a bite.

#myboyfriendnotallowedto break up with me. Need a break? Have a kit-Kat.

“Ok that’s it!” She cried out, getting tired of all the references he was making towards her tweets. “Have you by any chance, been on twitter?”

“Twitter?” He said, tilting his head to the side. “Why would I go there? I don’t even have an account.”

“But you’ve been acting...”

“What? Like the best boyfriend in the world?” He grinned with a wink.

“I uhh... ugh, never mind. I’ll go cook us some dinner.” She said, deciding not to argue. What was the point? He was just going to deny everything anyway...

It wasn’t until later, while they were enjoying a tub of ice-cream on the couch together, that he finally said something.


“Hmm?” She her spoon.

“Miahn... today must’ve been really weird for you.” He said, looking intently at her.

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve been making references to your tweets the whole day...” He stated.

“I knew it!” She said, her eyes wide with realization, and she slapped his shoulder soundly. “Oppa! Why did you do that?!” She pouted.

He laughed before tugging a strand of her hair. “Miahn... I didn't mean to. But it was fun seeing your shocked expression and all...”

“Glad I was amusing.” She rolled her eyes. “ But wait a minute, how did you know? You don't have an account.”

“I don't. But Joon alter-ego does, and he followed you.”

“Joon? Alter-ego? What?” She asked in confusion.

“Lee Joo Na... Ring a bell?” SeungHo asked.

“No!” She said in shock. “That’s impossible! That person’s a girl!”

SeungHo chuckled and shook his head. “I hate to break it to you sweetheart but that’s Joon.”

“Oh God...” She moaned into her hands. “And he told you all about my tweets didn't he?”

“He did.” SeungHo laughed.

Quickly she looked up, and gazed at him. “Oppa, I didn't mean everything I wrote. It was just... for fun. I don't want you to think I’m crazy or anything...”

“Ani... You are crazy. You’re crazy for me. But that’s ok. Because I’m crazy for you too.” SeungHo winked.

She buried her face in the crook of his neck. “Aish... oppa, I’m so embarrassed.”

“I think... Joon was even more embarrassed when he told me.” He replied, running his fingers through her hair.

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, just basking in each other’s presence. She reached for her phone, a smile on her lips as she tweeted something. A few minutes later, she heard his phone vibrate, a sign that he had received a message.

She looked at him just as he put away his phone, a soft smile on his beautiful face. He was not very far from her, when he uttered his statement.

“I love you too...” His breath caressed her face and she grinned. She leaned in and kissed him, enjoying the feeling of his lips on hers. One thing was for sure, she could always count on Joon to gossip...

#myboyfriendnotallowedto my boyfriend can do whatever he wants. I trust him... because I love him... 

Chapter posted on: Jun. 14. 2013

The chapter is up! =D This is most probably my last one shot... Haha... I hope... I need to finish my other stories. ^^ Hope you guys like this one! Enjoy!!!! =D Ooooh! I gotta give all credits to all those on twitter for the tweets! A few are mine, but most are from twitter! Thanks a bunch! =D 


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ilabya50 #1
Chapter 1: This one shot freaking cute ^_^
Chapter 1: HAHAHA I LOVE IT! I couldn't stop laughing as I read the story :D
Chapter 1: sweet ending~
Chapter 1: bwhaha this one is really cute!!
and omg joon, seriously?!
been following seungho's gf.. and keeping tabs. XD
this was fun to read~
Chapter 1: This is so cuteeee !! I want a boyfriend like Seung Ho !!! :333
jokane #7
Chapter 1: very funny, i would have got my bf back for that one.
Chapter 1: ahahaha!this is nice :)
Chapter 1: that was a very creative idea. they areca cute couple. love it. please write some more one shots
SeungHodaebak #10
Chapter 1: awwwww. I grinned like an idiot when I read this.
Thank you.