WTF Kibum?

Innocent Crush- Discontinued

I quickly ran through the hallways to get to my class. I had overslept and was borderline ten minutes late. Somehow I managed to convince the gatekeepper to let me in, and the student workers in the attendence office always give me a free pass...Now the last thing to do was sneak into class, unnoticed.

         "ZhouMi's gonna have my for this later..." I thought as I opened my classroom's door and tried to get to my seat without Mrs.Jung noticing.

         "Mr.Kim, do you have an actual reason for being late, or is this ike all those other 'accidents'?" Mrs.Jung questioned, not even looking up from the papers on her desk.

          I physically cringed and turned around to face her,"Sorry Mrs.Jung." I quickly bowed the sped over to my seat. ZhouMi was glaring at me the entire time.

         "Yes, nice of you to join us Yesung..."

          Soon enough, Mrs.Jung started class and suddenly my desk became very interesting. So interesting, in fact, that I could sleep on it, and so I did. However, I was rudely awakened by ZhouMi whom kicked my desk harshly. I jerked up and was about to give him an angry glare when I saw Mrs.Jung eyeing me from the front of the room. I sunk low into my seat and gave her a smile. She ignored me and continued with class, of course. Fifteen minutes later, the bell rung. Immeadiately, I grabbed my stuff and dragged ZhouMi out to the hall.

        "What the heck man!?"

       "Hey, I saved your ! If Mrs.Jung saw you sleeping in class that would be another detention and that means no band practice!" ZhouMi defended and sarted walking to our next class.

        "Whatever..." I grumbled as we pushed through the crowd of hormonal imbalances.

We had a 15 minute break between our 2nd and 3rd hour classes, so ZhouMi and I decided to hang by my locker, as usual. Soon enough the crowd of fangirls came screeching towards us. Our band had played only a few nights ago at a popular cafe, and the girls still couldn't get enough of us.


Kibum and Leeteuk tried to push their was through the fangirls.

"Hey, hyungs!" ZhouMi greeted and pushed away som of the fan girls.

"Wow, great show by the way. Amazing turnout too!" Kibum praised.

"How many came?" ZhouMi inquired.

"Over 100...maybe even 200. That place was pack full," Leeteuk answered.

"Yeah, it's the 2nd top post on my blog, hyung got some great pictures too." Kibum added.

"Second?" ZhouMi asked.

"Who's above us?" I questioned.

"Lee Sungmin," Kibum answered.

"Can we ever beat that kid?!" I sighed.

"Sounds like you're jealous," ZhouMi smirked.


The other three just laughed in response.

"Whatever," I grumbled," I'm going to class."

All the screaming pheromones had already left for class, so I strided away from my pack of friends only to run into someone.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed as I caught whoever I ran into by the waist.

It was a thin boy, younger than me by the looks of him. He had reddish-brown hair and bangs swept to the side that slightly covered the upper-rim of his wire glasses. He blushed as we stared at each other for a moment, before I realized that I was still holding him. I let him go and quickly helped him pick up the books he dropped in order to hide my own blush. After handing him his books he muttered a barely audible "Thankyou" before dashing his way out of the hallway.

I watched the spot where he had vanished and mumbled to myself," Who was that?"

"Kim Ryeowook," Kibum popped up behind me.

"WTF Kibum?!"

NOTE: THANKYOU TO ALL MY SUBBIES! I love you guys for sticking with me :) Also...I FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO GET THE SPACING RIGHT ON MY PHONE! yay! Now it wont take so long to update! I have to type <> with a p inside them to go down a line and press the space bar like 14 times to it doesnt work on my phone...but it does on the computer(the space bar thingy)...tedious...yes...but i will do it iif it makes you happy...

Thanks to:








and special thanks to hebteuk for actually commenting! Imaginary cookies for you all! plz comment and subscribe!


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Chapter 10: Do update soon!~
Chapter 10: update please~ i'm waiting for eunhae and zhoury... well, how come kai was just 'ok'? XD
Chapter 10: UPDATE~~~~
fishmonkey14 #4
hmm...poor author-nim having some kind writers block...anyhooooow...
how about put them like they met somewhere like after a practice dance?Also,just giving my opinion, it would be cool if Shindong and Nari were the first to be together, and then they were the one to help the others confess to their 'innocent crush' XD
Chapter 9: shindong and nari...? um... 0_0... I'm really not being able to think straight...
Chapter 8: waited so long for this~ ^-^~ thanks author-nim <3 thanks to misself too~ a nice chapter~ i get sibum feels... TvT.. Will wait patiently for ZhouRy and the rest~ update soon 0u0
Chapter 8: Update soon!!
PeekyDoll #8
Chapter 8: Haha, this is so funny XD
KyuMin <3 HanChul <3
kaykaygirl #9
Chapter 8: Yay!!! Update!!! Thank you for updating author nim, and to you as well @misself12. I reread the story! It is funny, and I am looking forward to more!:) I love Eunhyuk's question and Heechul's attitude by the way!
zuzuaikha #10
Chapter 8: If u need help , tell me . Maybe i can give u some ideas . Just don't discontinue! Update soon!