Chapter 7

Finally, A Happy Ever After

Chun Hua was having a nice sleep. She was rolling from side to side on the bed with no barrier to stop her moves with Mei Xin gone without her knowing.

“Mmm...” She hummed, smiling a little, still deep in sleep as she rolled once again from the opposite side of the bed. Her sleep wouldn’t have been disturbed if only she did not roll more than usual.

“Ack!” She exclaimed as she fell on the floor face up. “Aigoo...” She groaned, squinting her eyes from the bright light the sun is giving her while she rubbed her poor backside from the impact of her fall. She searched for the time located at the side table of the bed and read it as 9 am which made her groan more for being too early to wake up. It might not be early for most people but her normal time to wake up is usually at noon if not later. She slumped her head on the bed, not even bothering to get up from the floor to attempt of going back to sleep. But her mind simply would not go back to slumber. “Fine.” She said as she gave up with trying to go back to sleep and she then stood up from the floor to get out of the room, remembering that EXO are inside the house. Expecting to see them when she opens the door, she grinned in anticipation. When finally, she opened—there was no one.

“What the...” Chun Hua muttered. “Was everything a dream yesterday?” She asked herself but got no answer. She gave a one last scan of the living room and really found no one but a plate where there are pancakes towering over each other. She walked closer at it and saw a note barely hidden from the plate but it was enough to have the note to stay in place. She took the note and opened it to have her eyes widened in shock. “Chanyeol! The letter is from Chanyeol! Kyaa!” She shouted in excitement, very happy that she got a note from Chanyeol saying; “You should eat breakfast. It is the most important thing to eat everyday~! >) Nice to meet you!” and to top it off, the signature of Chanyeol could be found at the bottom left of the note.

Chun Hua grinned widely and happily did as she was told from the letter that Chanyeol gave her. I'm going to have this laminated. She thought as she chewed her food. Oh precious Chanyeol~! She brought the note closer to her heart as if she was hugging the real Chanyeol. After a while, Chun Hua returned back to herself and got online for a bit before deciding to visit her new med school. She only walked her way there using a map, knowing that it is near where she is staying at the moment. A random fact passed through her head and that is the fact that she is near SM Entertainment as well but she stopped herself to gain control and prioritized getting to know her new school as early as possible for her not to get lost when school finally starts in only a couple of days from now.

Her eyes went wide and more or less gawked when she finally found the school she is going to be studying in. It is so damn huge! She took a big gulp as she willed herself to walk and tour around the school. There were less people because school hasn’t started yet and to top it off, it's a few days away for school to start, so everyone would most likely reminisce every second of the vacation days that they have left. Once she finished touring most parts of the school, she decided to look around outside of it as well, to see what is in store for her whenever she doesn’t want to eat at the cafeteria inside the school.

She was walking at the sidewalk outside the school when she saw a galbi stand near. “Oooh! Chanyeol’s favourite!” She exclaimed happily as she walked near it with only pure interest all because of Chanyeol’s preferences.

“Do you want some Galbi miss?” the man in charge of the stall asked nicely. He was a middle aged man with a gruff voice but he didn’t seem bad at all. He had a short black hair but some of it is already going gray because of the age. His beard  had also grown of what Chun Hua could guess was only for overnight. So, ahjussi does shave but not this morning. She guessed. Seeing his eyes full of happiness on what he is doing, Chun Hua immediately felt comfortable with the man. Ahjushi must be happy, seeing those laugh lines near his eyes.

Chun Hua eagerly nodded sitting down on the seat provided for customers as she smiled widely at the man—wanting to taste Chanyeol’s favourite food ever since she learned about it from the internet.

As the man prepared her Galbi, another person sat beside her. Chun Hua turned her head to look at the person to see a stranger wearing a dark blue hoodie. “Ahjusshi~! Galbi for me too please.” The stranger said. And immediately, ahjushi replied with an okay. But something caught Chun Hua’s attention from the man beside her. His voice honestly reminded her of Chanyeol.

Chun Hua pushed that thought away since Chanyeol couldn’t be in such a public place like this and so, with that thought in mind, she waited eagerly for her galbi when the stranger reflexively glanced at her and recognized her. “Chun Hua-noona...?” the stranger cautiously asked, whispering the words—unsure if he’s right or not.

Chun Hua cringed at the iness voice that surely belonged to Chanyeol. Her eyes widened, surprised that Chanyeol is here beside her. She was about to exclaim his name when he stopped her in time to cover with his hands.

“Shhh...” Chanyeol warned. “We are in a public place.”

Chun Hua nodded her head in understanding and that's when Chanyeol removed his hand from and smiled at her.

“Why are you here?” Chun Hua whispered.

“I often go here because the galbi here is very delicious.”Chanyeol grinned. “It is one of my favourite foods.”

Chun Hua nodded. “I know. But won't you get in trouble when you get found here? Of all places?”

Chanyeol shrugged it off seeming to not care. “I don’t know... I do this almost all the time and I don’t get caught.” He grinned, happy with himself.

Chun Hua shook her head slowly thinking that nobody can stop Chanyeol when it comes to this and so, she let the topic drop as the two of them now waited for their galbi when from a distance, they heard some whispers.

“Hey, isn’t that Chanyeol of EXO...? The guy resembles so much of him...” One passerby kept on observing the face of Chanyeol who was doing his best to hide his identity.

“Oh crap.” Chanyeol muttered. “We’re going to be in trouble.”

“What? Why?” Chun Hua asked, a bit alarmed.

“Shhh...” Chanyeol shushed her silently.

“Here are your galbi’s. The man who made the galbi announced.

“Thank you.” Chanyeol more or less whispered this time, for the passersby not to notice. He then payed the man for the two galbis.

“Hey.” Chun Hua whined. “I can pay for myself.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Chanyeol whispered through her ear. “We have to get out of here.” He then dragged Chun Hua with him, Galbi in hand.

“Aren't we going to eat it first? I’ve been dying to taste it since I was curious about your favourite food.” Chun Hua huffed, getting a little out of breath.

“Later. Let’s get into a safe place first.”

“Where?” Chun Hua asked curiously.

Chanyeol turned to meet her eyes. “To SM Entertainment.”

“Uwah!” Chun Hua exclaimed with sparkling eyes. “Really? It is possible?”

“Of course.” Chanyeol smirked. “But we have to dress you first.”

Chun Hua just followed him. They first went into a clothing store and his hands were quick to get a cap and some huge shirt that made her look like a boy. As for the pants, well, her pants were already fine in the first place. It was not really fit or anything and her shoes as well. She was wearing sneakers. After the quick shopping that they did, Chanyeol dragged her once again somewhere Chun Hua didn’t know of. After all, she’s very new to Seoul.

They stopped at a glass window where there is a small square metal box that requires a password to go in. “We’re here.” Chanyeol announced as he clicked some keys to enter the password.

Chun Hua’s eyes widened. “Woow.” She was amazed when the double door opened, separating from each other as the both of them stepped inside. Just by doing that, Chun Hua already felt very happy for being able to take one step inside the company that she had always adored for more than a couple of years.

Chanyeol grinned as he studied Chun Hua’s amazement. “Do you like it?”

Chun Hua nodded happily as she took a step trying to see if this is really real. “This is amazing...” She gasped. “I am inside SM Entertainment!” She exclaimed with much enthusiasm.

Chanyeol chuckled. “It's just the beginning.” He lent out his hand for Chun Hua to take it. “Come, noona. I’ll tour your around.” He grinned but it broke when he remembered something. “Oh, sorry... you didn’t want to be called ‘noona’, right?”

Chun Hua didn’t frown a bit for being called noona as she usually does from back then. She waived her hand in dismissal, not bothered at all. “You can call me that anytime~!” She grinned hopping, very much excited on touring the great building.

“Really? Thank you~” The other beamed in relief.

“Where do we start?”

“Hmm...” Chanyeol looked up in thought. “We can start with the main lobby...” He suggested.

“Okay~” Chun Hua immediately agreed as she took Chanyeol’s offering hand as he led her on their way to the main lobby. As they walked, Chun Hua couldn’t help but look from side to side to observe her surroundings. The content of the surroundings, its contents, everything. Her eyes widened at all the frames lined up by the wall. “Uwaa!!!” Her eyes sparkled. “These are incredible. I’ve never seen these before.” She dug for her phone and attempted to take a picture at it when Chanyeol’s firm hands stopped hers. She turned her head to look at him in confusion and met his eyes that were hard ones.

Chanyeol closed his eyes and opened them again but this time, with soft eyes. “I know that you really want this but please...” He murmured. “This is very confidential. Don't share it to the rest of the world.”

Chun Hua was speechless, seeing Chanyeol like this and just resulted to slowly nodding her head. With this, Chanyeol let go of her hand and took a one step back to give her space. With a grin back on his face, Chanyeol said. “Aren't they good?”

Chun Hua snapped out of her world and nodded, back to her cheery way. “These are very good. Everyone is so handsome and beautiful.” She chimed, taking some pictures and staring at the results on her phone. “Thank you...” she murmured.

“Hmm?” Chanyeol leaned closer. “For what?”

“I’ll treasure these forever.” She showed the pictures that she took just now and smiled at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol smiled back. “Let’s go?”

Chun Hua nodded and they soon arrived at the main lobby when Chanyeol stopped and introduced it to her.

“This is the main lobby. This can be also the hangout area of the idols.” He grinned at Chun Hua and saw recognized some people. “Oh. Speaking of... “He murmured. “Yunho-sunbae! Key-Sunbae!” He called out to the two people sitting on the separate sofa’s, talking to each other now turning their heads to look at the person who called them.

“Ah~! Chanyeol-shii!” Yunho smiled and waved.

“Oh? Who is that?” Key questioned seeing Chun Hua standing beside Chanyeol.

“This is Chun Hua.” Chanyeol directed for Chun Hua to come closer to where Key and Yunho sat.

“Mm~ girlfriend?” Yunho teased.

Chun Hua immediately blushed. “No~ I'm just a friend...of a friend.” She grinned embarrassingly.

“Eh?” Key hummed.

“Anyway... Key-oppa~! I'm a fan! To Yunho-oppa too!!”

“Really? Want to take some selca then?” Key offered.

Chun Hua’s eyes sparkled. “Mm.” She nodded, smiling widely that it reached her eyes.

~After taking pictures~

“Hey, are you Korean? You don’t seem one though...” Key murmured in thought.

Chun Hua giggled. “That's because I'm not. I'm Chinese.”

Yunho’s eyes widened. “Really? But your Korean is good.”

“I learned it online, oppa.”

“Woow!” Chayeol was surprised. “That's really cool.”

“Isn't it?” Key smiled. “Nice to meet you, Chun Hua.” He reached for Chun Hua’s hand for a handshake.

“Same here oppa.” Chun Hua accepted the handshake. “I am glad that I finally got to see you. I've always admired you because you are very talented and the way you dance all the girl groups’ dances is just amazing.”

Key blushed. “Ah well... “He scratched the back of his head.

Yunho chuckled. “Haha. Our Kibum is embarrassed.” He teased poking on Key’s cheek.

Key immediately became defensive. “Wh-who wouldn’t.” He stuttered blushing even more.

Chun Hua grinned. “I'm glad I got to meet my bias in SHINee. My friend wanted to meet with hers as well.”

“Who’s her bias?” Key asked curiously.


“Eh~~” Key smiled. “Jonghyun will be really happy with that.”

“Who’s the friend, nonna?” Chanyeol tilted his head.

“It’s Mei Xin.” She answered turning to Chanyeol, smiling widely at him.

“Noona...?” Yunho repeated. “You are older than him?” His eyes widened not believing what he just heard.

“Mm.” Chun Hua and Chanyeol both nodded in response.

“You don’t look like one...”

Chun Hua chuckled. “Ah well. Even Koreans do not look like they are old when they really are, right?”

“eh? You're smart.” Key pointed out.

“Ah. Nonna!” Chanyeol barked. “Our food is going to be cold!”

“Huh? Oh. I forgot that we brought food in the first place.” Chu Hua scratched her head. “Well then, we’ll be going now~”

“Bye Yunho and Key-sunbaenims!” Chanyeol waved with a grin as he escorted Chun Hua.

“Where are we going?” Chun Hua whispered, wondering where they should eat the galbi that they brought.

“To our cafeteria.” He grinned, pushing her a little more gently for her not to stop walking. “We can eat there and get some drinks.”

“Okay~” Chun Hua chimed as she let Chanyeol guide her, internally hopping around, ecstatic about everything that is happening right now.

Chanyeol pushed open a door and Chun Hua peered in to see food stands everywhere. Her eyes widened at the beauty of it as she took a step inside what seems to be the cafeteria. “Wow... so many.”

Chanyeol smiled. “Right? This is one of the best places to be in.”

Chun Hua nodded absently. “I can see why.”

“Excuse me...” A feminine voice murmured at the back which caused Chanyeol and Chun Hua to turn and see Boa and Victoria together.

“Ah! It's Boa and Victoria-sunbaenim!” Chanyeol exclaimed excitedly. “Are you guys going to eat as well?”

“Chanyeol. I knew it was you and yeah. I invited Victoria to eat with me.” Boa smiled patting Chanyeol’s back. “What are you doing here with...” She turned her head to look at Chun Hua. “Oh...”

“Boa and Victoria-sunbaenim. This is Chun Hua, a friend of mine~” Chanyeol introduced the stranger who seemed to have frozen in place.

Victoria smiled warmly. “Hello, nice to meet you.”

“Hi.” Boa greeted. “This is the first time that I saw you here. Is this your first time coming here..?”

Chanyeol waived one of his hands inches apart from Chun Hua’s face. “Noona?”

A couple more seconds passed and Chun Hua broke out of her reverie randomly. “Ah? Sorry.” She apologized, wide-eyed staring at Boa and Victoria who stood beside each other. “It's Boa and Victoria~” She called out their names excitedly. “I never thought of the day that I would get to meet many idols that this.”

Boa and Victoria who were looking at her curiously as to why she froze now had a warm smile on their faces.

“I’m really glad that I got to meet you, Boa and Victoria. I'm so happy that I get to meet you guys. Boa-unnie and Victoria-unnie are prettier in person.”

Victoria blushed. “Thank you. Are you guys here to eat?”

“Yeah. We bought Galbis!” Chanyeol happily answered.

“You miss it that much?” Boa smirked. “How many times do you eat that in a week?”

Chanyeol nodded at the first question and looked up in thought—mentally counting the times that he has eaten the said food in a week. “Hmmm.... about 4?”

“You like it that much? I have never tried this before...” Chun Hua murmured silently, looking down at the Galbi in hand.

Chanyeol glanced at Chun Hua and held her wrist. “Come on, let’s eat.” He smiled. “Would you like to join us?” He turned his head to Victoria and Boa.

Boa just shook her head smiling. “No...” She then hooked an arm around Victoria’s neck. “We have some catching up to do.”

Victoria grinned shyly as she nodded.

“Okay~ See ya.” Chanyeol then dragged Chun Hua inside the cafeteria as the latter hurriedly said her goodbyes to the two female idols.

“Hey, hey...” Chun Hua poked Chanyeol’s arm. “Do they perhaps have melon flavoured drinks here?”

“Hmm...” Chanyeol hummed. “I'm not sure. They barely have consistent menus around here...” He murmured and stared at Chun Hua. “Wanna see if there’s melon?”

“Mm.” Chun Hua nodded excitedly.

“Do you like melons?” Chanyeol asked curiously.

“Mhm. I've loved them since I was young.” Chun Hua explained.

Chanyeol didn’t reply after that for he was deep in thought.

“What is it?” Chun Hua asked curiously.

“Hm?” He tilted his head in question. “Oh... I was just wondering if the melon would be good for the galbi.”

“Eh? Why not?” Chun Hua nearly whined. “Melons are delicious~”

Chanyeol panicked a little because he sensed that Chun Hua misinterpreted him. “No... I mean...”

“Chanyeol!” A familiar voice exclaimed.

“Huh??” Chanyeol reflexively turned to see a smiling Jonghyun running his way to him.

“Sunbaenim~!” Chanyeol mirrored him and ran to him as well in which two men concluded their greeting with a hug.

“How are you?” Chanyeol asked. “Long time no see, hyung!”

“I'm fine. I'm fine.” Jonghyun flapped his hand unconsciously and caught the eye of Chun Hua. “Are? Who is this?” He pointed at her.

Chun Hua stood speechless. She just stared at Jonghyun’s eyes for a long moment. “Oh that is Chun Hua. A friend.” Chanyeol introduced tapping Chun Hua on her shoulder but turned his head to really look at her when he sensed her stiffness. Here he saw the girl, eyes wide and mouth agape.

Jonghyun, not sensing anything was just plainly happy to meet someone new. “Hello! I am Bling Bling Jonghyun from SHINee!” he happily introduced himself the way he usually does when he is working as he lent out his hand to grasp the hand of Chun Hua and shook it eagerly.

“Jonghyun...” Chun Hua murmured absently with Jonghyun still shaking her hand but with her not noticing it. “Jonghyun!” She then grabbed the boy both of his shoulders, frozen in shock. “I can't believe I am meeting you! Wait! Mei Xin is the one you should be meeting... not me...”

“Uh...what?” Jonghyun looked confused. “Who is Mei Xin.”

Chun Hua then remembered he doesn’t know who Mei Xin is yet because she is not here. “Oh... a friend of mine. You are (were) her bias in SHINee~!” She cooed, but on the inside, she was trying to convince herself that she is just doing a white lie because she didn’t want to hurt Jonghyun about the past tense that she said inside her mind as she said those words to him.

“Really? What does she look like?” Jonghyun asked excitedly, pure excitement in his eyes.

“Hmm... “ Chun Hua wondered how to describe the girl.

“Noona! Here is your melon.” Chanyeol cut in, making his way back towards them, melon shake in hand.

“Hmm?” Chun Hua turned her head absently half distracted with the word melon and half still thinking how to describe Mei Xin. “Oh~! There's melon!” She chimed happily seeing the drink. “Wait, when did you ever buy this drink?”

“I just thought of checking if they had any melons while you guys are talking and resulted to buying it because there was only one left.” Chanyeol said proudly.

“Ah. Thank you.” Chun Hua felt amazed at what Chanyeol just did for her.

Jonghyun smirked. “Chanyeol is really grown up now.” He pointed out as he jumped to hook one of his arms around the other’s neck which made the latter stoop down for his senior to be more comfortable. This action made him a bit tired but his smile was still intact. “Are you going on a date?” Jonghyun whispered by his ear.

“What? No, Hyung~!” He immediately answered but a slight blush was evident on his cheeks.

Chun Hua tilted her head in confusion but none of the two men noticed it or even bothered to include her in the conversation.

Jonghyun chuckled. “Okay okay. If you say so.” He then unhooked his hold on Chanyeol which he was thankful for. “I should be going now.” He stated, glancing at Chun Hua and gave her a wide smile. “Take care—the both of you.” He waived and walked off to where he was before.

Chanyeol and Chun Hua watched Jonghyun disappear before they went on to grab some seats. “What was it that he said that made you blush?”

“Huh?” Chanyeol was surprised by Chun Hua’s sudden question. “Did I blush?”

Chun Hua nodded, not breaking eye-contact with him.

Chanyeol was nervous by Chun Hua’s gaze. “Oh... umm... he was just teasing me a little.” He answered as honestly as he could, hoping that she would ask no more for that subject. He didn’t really want for Chun Hua and him to get awkward at any cost.

“Mmm...” She nodded understandingly but Chanyeol thought otherwise. “Do you have a close relationship with him?” She asked further but this question made Chanyeol relieved that she didn’t ask about the teasing part.

“Yes.” He grinned. “We have all close relationships with one another – more or less.”

Chun Hua nodded. “I understand.” She smiled.

Their discussion went by in a blur. Chanyeol was simply a very good company to be with and Chun Hua is very happy to be with him besides for the fact that he is her bias ever since they debuted. Chun Hua was very happy as well to have gotten to eat galbi and to top it all that, Chanyeol was the one who bought it for her. Galbi is very delicious and thought that it could be her next favourite Korean dish next to bulgogi.

“Where do we go next?” Chun Hua asked excitedly as they walked their way out of the cafeteria, feeling full and contented with galbi and melon shake inside her stomach.

“Hmmm...” Chanyeol hummed, walking beside Chun Hua and adjusting with her pace. “Where do you want? The practice room, the recording room...” He started enumerating but Chun Hua stopped him with her excitement when he said those two rooms.

“Both~!!” She piped in.

“Okay~.” Chanyeol agreed easily. “We’ll go to the recording room first?”


And so, the both of them headed their way to the recording room, leisurely walking as Chun Hua kept  on looking at her surroundings even if there are not much to see. But it was simply that the whole place feels very amazing for her and is very happy and wanted to take her time, wishing that the day would never end.

Chanyeol received a text and he excused himself for a minute to Chun Hua as he read it. Chun Hua on the other hand, even though Chanyeol told her to wait a bit, didn’t do as she was told and just kept on walking leisurely staring at her surroundings until she recognized three idols inside a room.

“Ah~!” She squeaked a little in surprise which caught the attention of the trio.

Sunny tilted her head in curiosity thinking that she had never saw the girl before... and thought she was a new recruit.

“Who are you?” Eunhyuk on the other hand bluntly asked the girl outside the door who seemed too shocked to answer but he asked anyway.

For what seemed like eternity, the girl finally introduced herself in a startled way. “Ah... Hello. I am Li Chun Hua.” She stepped inside the room and bowed in greeting.

“Hello~ Are you the new recruit?” Hyoyeon asked nicely, wondering the same thing Sunny did a few seconds ago.

“Recruit?” Chun Hua was confused which made the idols confused as well. But there was a booming call nearby.

“CHUN HUA~!” a guy’s voice called out, looking for the said girl.

“Isn't that Chanyeol?” Hyoyeon murmured aloud, moving her head near the wall in a fail attempt to see if Chanyeol would be seen near the door.

Chun Hua was quick to recognize and got out of the room to look for Chanyeol but she didn’t need to because the man had already thought of looking through the rooms and the both of them bumped each other’s heads for that matter.

Both groaned at the impact as Hyoyeon hurried towards the couple, surprised and worried at the same time for their sake. “You guys okay?” she asked.

“Hyoyeon-sunbaenim.” Chanyeol called out in a bit of shock, one hand on his hurt forehead. “You're here?”

Hyoyeon nodded. “Mm. So is Eunhyuk and Sunny.”

“Yeah~” Chun Hua agreed. “I found them.”

“Eh? But noona... I told you to wait for me.”

Chun Hua blushed. “Did you? I'm sorry...”

“It's okay noona. Want to go now then?” he invited.

Chun Hua was about to nod when Eunhyuk intervened. “Wait. Wait.” He held out both of his hands to attempt to stop them. “What are you doing with her, Chanyeol?”

“Huh?” Chanyeol asked.

“She is the new recruit, right?” Eunhyuk asked.

“New recruit?” Chanyeol repeated. “Nono. She is not the new recruit.” He denied. “Let me introduce to you, sunbaes. This is my friend—Chun Hua.”

“Ah... so she is not the new recruit...” Sunny nodded in understanding.

“But a friend.” Hyoyeon continued, having a mischievous smile playing on her face.

“Who is a girl.” Eunhyuk easily caught on.

Chanyeol backed off, knowing too well that with the three of them together, they will more or less create so much teasing. “Uh oh...” He murmured unconsciously as he instinctively reached out for the hand of Chun Hua. “Run for it.” He whispered and quickly ran out of the door with Chun Hua in hand, leaving Eunhyuk, Hyoyeon and Sunny behind in the room.

Chanyeol and Chun Hua stopped to catch their breath when Chanyeol thought it was a safe for them to be out of reach with the trio idols.

“What was that for?” Chun Hua huffed, still trying to catch her breath.

“Saving you and me from them. Those 3 are dangerous when they want to be, especially when they are together.”

“Why?” Chun Hua asked curiously.

“It's nothing...” He dismissed. “I'm even surprised that we keep on bumping into them wherever we go...” he murmured.

“Well... SM has many idols... it is one of the largest if not number one when it comes to the number of talented idols inside the company...” she pointed out.

Chanyeol sighed. “Yeah... you're right.” His smile returned. “Come on... let’s go to the recording room.” One of his hands was on Chun Hua’s back to her. Chanyeol never removed his hand on Chun Hua’s back for many reasons but one of them is to make sure that she wouldn’t wonder off once again out of his sight.

“Aaaand~~” He grinned excitedly as he hopped once to announce. “This is the recording room~!”

Chun Hua clapped in response as Chanyeol opened the room. “Here... there are rarely any people unless...”

“Areh?” A female voice met them at the other side of the door of the recording room.

“Chanyeol-ah~!” Sungmin  called in recognition as soon as the door opened.

“Ah~!” Chanyeol exclaimed in surprise. “Sunbaes~! Hello~!” he bowed in greeting.

“Hello~” Chun Hua followed. “My name is Li Chun Hua.”

Taeyeon moved her gaze to the girl. “Ah... you must be the new recruit?”

“Huh?” Chanyeol raised one of his eyebrows. “What new recruit?” He asked curiously. “And no, no... this is my friend Chun Hua...”

“Ah~! Sorry. Nice to meet you.” Taeyeon held out her hand for a handshake with Chun Hua in which the latter happily obliged.

“A pleasure to meet you, Taeyeon-unnie. I really admire your singing.” Chun Hua said as they shook. “And Sungmin-oppa as well.” She turned to the guy that Taeyeon was with to shake hands with him. “My cousin from the states really loves you.” She added.

“Ah...” Sungmin nodded. “Thank you. Thank you.” He curtly bowed a couple of times with a satisfied smile on his face.

“So what are you guys doing?” Taeyeon inquired.

“Chanyeol here is touring me.”

Chanyeol embarrassingly smiled. “Yeah. She wanted to see the recording room, can she?”

“Of course.” Taeyeon and Sungmin immediately nodded in unison as they stepped aside for the room to be seen. “There's not much to see though.” Sungmin murmured. “It's just the necessities needed for the recording.”

But nonetheless, Chun Hua was happy to see the Recording room. She walked through the hallway of rooms but never dared to go inside in one. She was scared because of the possibility that she might unplug a wire if ever she walked inside.

“It's so cool.” She murmured, staring at what’s inside of the room from the small glass window located at the upped part of the door.

Chanyeol grinned but he made a startled sound when his phone suddenly rang. Looking at the caller, he gulped first and answered the call.

Where are you? Practice is going to start soon! Get here, now! The caller exclaimed through the phone with Chanyeol wincing at the slight scolding tone of the caller.

“Okay. Okay, hyung. I’ll be there.” He assured and with a goodbye, the call was cut.

“Who was that?” Sungmin asked, one eyebrow raised in curiosity.

Chanyeol’s grin was back. “Nothing, hyung. I just need to go to the practice room immediately.” He exclaimed. “Like right now.” He squinted as he immediately grabbed Chun Hua’s hand and dragged her once again to somewhere. “See you~!” Chanyeol said his goodbyes to the two seniors as he ran as fast as he can with Chun Hua in tow. The latter, slowly getting used to being dragged by Chanyeol, was quick enough to waive her free hand to the two as well with a grin plastered on her face.

Chanyeol stopped in front of a white painted door that has a name of exo plastered on it with a cut bond paper.

“This...” Chanyeol stopped to catch his breath. “Is ... our practice room...” He huffed.

Chun Hua was speechless and for once, didn’t know how to respond for this and so, she just nodded in understanding.

Chanyeol grabbed the silver doorknob and twisted to open it, revealing Exo members themselves.

“About time~!” Baekhyun announced, expecting to see Chanyeol at the other side of the door but was surprised to see Chun Hua walk in.

“Hiii~” She greeted.

“Noona~!” Tao exclaimed in surprise in which he earned a glare from the only girl in the room.

“Ah... Sorry.” He smiled guiltily, scratching his head at his little failure.

“Chun Hua...” Luhan murmured a little surprised as well to see her. With that, he unconsciously glanced at the doorway as if expecting to see someone standing there besides Chun Hua and Chanyeol.

“Hi, oppa~!” Chun Hua bowed. “Mei Xin is not here...”

Luhan was taken aback at the girl’s statement. “I...I knew that...” He stuttered, not quite recovered from the shock yet.

“How did you get here?” Xiumin asked curiously, walking closer to her to pat her on the shoulder as a greeting.

“Eh? Um... actually, I don’t know...” Chun Hua scratched her head. “Everything happened so fast. I just went to school and then I bumped into Chanyeol in a galbi after that, we were here.” She exclaimed. “He toured me around a little.” She added after a few seconds.

“Ah!” Kris opened his mouth, walking casually to Chanyeol to hook his arm around the other’s neck. “So that's what you were doing.” He rubbed the younger member’s head a bit roughly, grinding his own knuckles to the head of the other.

“Ack! Sorry, hyung!”

“Doesn't matter.”Kris immediately released him. “Let’s get ready.”

“Get ready for what?” Chun Hua asked.

“We are going to practice.” Chanyeol tapped her head gently, massaging as well his own hurt head with his free hand.

“Ah... then... ummm... should I go?” She asked the question even though she would be dreading if ever the answer for that would be yes.

Kai chuckled while his head shook as a sign of a no. “Watch and learn, Chun Hua noo...” He was cut off with Chun Hua’s immediate okay as she found a place to sit comfortably and watched expectantly with them in front of her. Thus, the start of exo’s dance practice.

Yess~!!! So hello everyone~! I'm back~!!! And as you can see, this is not your/Mei Xin's chapter. This chapter mainly concentrates on Chun Hua (Mei Xin's best friend/mommy) adventure inside the SM building. But nonetheless, I hope you guys had fun reading this chapter. This really took me a while as I made this. OTL. I'm sorry for that >///< So anyway~ Have fun~ P.S. To those of you readers who are so damn good in english, I hope this won't be one of the worst. I did try my best to mind my grammar.


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fahea|| revising the posted chapters~ read them. it has more content now


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Chapter 18: O.O!!!!!!!!!!!!
This chapter.
Much love <3<3<3
Nyahahahaha I hate how I can finally relate to sleepless nights and eyebags on the fezz (since i'm starting med school now lols)
Anyway, back to the story... ASDFGHJKL LUHAN it is illegal to walk around the house with just boxers and a wifebeater. You mad bro? XD geez! I actually imagined whatever Chun Hua was imagining which didn't make things easier for me lolololol @///////@
Oho~ a doubledate, i see~ and poor Channie... Everyone rejected him. Even Kris?! Aigoo my KrisYeol heart... But ohwell.... There's Chun Hua now /bricked xDDDD
So sweeeeeeeet~ omooooo~ thr ants are everywhere! I can't help but smile reading that short bit on the beach as Channie was picking up random shells. Much love.
Oh! I can't believe you incorporated me fainting again xD but jf it makes for a good scene with Channie then it's worth it! Nyahahahahahahaha!
Good job yeobo! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
Chapter 17: LMAO HOORAH YOU UPDATED AT LAST (now go and update the other one /wink) XD
Omo omo, the tension. IT BURNS HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I might have to reread what happened in Hong Kong again but that'll be for another time. These girls... bwaha!
LOL Tao is so persuasive or is Mei Xin just so easily persuadable? Does the panda miss the girls or something? Must be hard living with guys 24/7 /bricked
(Didn't Chun Hua tell the dudes that she hates being called Noona?! Tao never learns! /throws bricks everywhere)
GEH. SOCCER. /wipes sweat/ XD Yehet THE NECK IS ALWAYS THERE! /twirls Omo omo, the description of Xiumin's /double bricked I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SOBS
Lewls. "My Chanyeol." Chun Hua gurrrrrrrrl. XDDD
Hahahaha wait wait that part where they realized the bit of the plot and Chun Hua was like, "You want to leave?" and Mei Xin was like, "No!" and then "Oh wait..." hahahaha SORRY BUT HAHAHAHAHA I LOLed SO HARD LIKE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA /nonsense
Well done author-nim <3 <3 <3
keep it up! FIGHTING!

Good on Kris for taking command of the situation! That's a Duizhang for you! :D

"You're the villain in my fantasy." BOOM SHA! :))))



eeeeeeeee what's going to happen next chapter? well, I kind of know what'll happen but the CONTENT will still surprise me!
Chapter 15: My character is so loud here, it reminds me of my other OC Kyungmi XDDD
HAHAHAHAHA I couldn't help but laugh when Mei Xin had to get out of work after recently returning to it. She has some pretty lax bosses, I believe.
Oh~ now our characters sound a lot like how they're supposed to sound after Luhan appeared XDDD
Teehee~ Luhan's being overprotective~ Ohohohoho! /squirms
Aha! A party with EXO! /fist pump/ Can't wait~! :D
Chapter 14: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH~~! That first part! "Good morning." And it's a good morning, indeed for Mei Xin :))) Hahahaha~ Luhan's so fluffy in this chapter, Idk. XD
Oh! Random bodyguard, okay. *shoo shoo* XD
This chapter was fuuun~ :D Good job! ^^b
Chapter 13: *screams* this was so sweet!!!!! I want Luhan to hug me too... :c jealous.......
Luhan's so sweet ;~; and that last scene with Mei Xin crying alone in her room and Luhan suddenly coming in there with his three cute reasons for being there~ *swoons* XD
Good job! I LOVE THIS! :D
Chapter 12: traumatized? why are you traumatized? O,O
LOL! It's all Chun Hua's fault! But oh wells, this gave Mei Xin and Luhan to be even closer~ so I guess... it's all good(?) *wiggles eyebrows*
rainbow_bananas #9
Chapter 9: So cute! Is Luhan gonna stay there overnight?? :)
Chapter 9: Awww... So cute