Good Eats


Millie is a young woman fresh out of college with a new job, a new apartment, and no cooking skills.  Tired of take-out, she sees an ad in the newspaper for cooking classes and signs up.  She has no idea that these classes will provide much more than cooking...


Hey there fanfiction readers!  


I've written fanfiction before, but it's been a few years.  With newfound inspiration (thank you U-Kiss), I've decided to break out the pen again, so to speak. ;)  I always try to add humor in with my stories and make them slightly more realistic than the mushy-romance or genres.  I hope you enjoy my comeback into fanfiction! 


Oh!  And recipies will be posted at the end of every chapter, since I do love to cook myself.  Try them out!


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Chapter 1: I'll bite. ;) It sounds entertaining to say the least and the first chapter was definitely a good read. Proper tense use, engaging conversation and storyline and no major hangups with a decent length update and believable characters. Sounds like a good start to me. haha

Honestly, the only thing I can think of every time I see the name 'Millie' is the character from The Returner and that's entirely me but it makes me smile. Sort of reminds me of it too because the guy ends up making her pasta much like Ellison intends to cook for himself. hehe Enough of my rambling though.

I really like the dynamic you've established between AJ and Millie already with them sharing a platonic relationship thus far. I definitely laughed that he was able to answer her before she actually asked a question and her response was perfectly pitiful. lol I know they're not slated for romantic interests but they're absolutely adorable together. Maybe in more of that brother/sister sort of way and it works very well for them.

Millie herself is just cute as can be. And tall (for a girl)... Relatively speaking; considering she and Eli are almost the same height. O.o And their interactions are easy to picture. I find Millie to be an easy character to relate to and Eli is just too charming for his own good. Don't go blinding the poor thing already with your brilliant smile. :P

Maybe it's just me but the number exchange felt a little fast, unless he makes infrequent appearances at the cooking school and there's no guarantee they'll be seeing each other again anytime soon otherwise. The scene itself was still ridiculously amusing and I about fell out of my chair at Millie's reactions; both to her own cooking and Eli's. I also had way too much fun imagining Maangchi and may very well have to look into her too. haha

Thank you for the post and I look forward to the next one. ^_^