
I Wanna Be With You
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Hakyeon watched in amusement as the woman -- Hannah, as she had introduced herself -- scowled at her mistake in her steps. She wasn't that bad at dancing at all; in fact, she was better than most that he taught privately when they first began, and she definitely had potential to grow. Hannah didn't seem to think so, though, and as a result she was only getting more frustrated with her mistakes (which were probably caused by her nerves more than anything).

"Just relax. You're allowing yourself to get nervous, and that's why you're messing up," the red-head commented, leaning against the wall of the practice room. "Don't second guess yourself. You know what you're doing."

Hannah nodded before letting out a deep breath and beginning her steps once more, this time messing up but not as badly as before. This repetition of steps continued until Hakyeon deemed Hannah ready to move on to the next set of steps, easily performing the moves in front of the young woman despite his state.

Hakyeon was much more calm than he had been in the beginning, but his heart was still beating crazily fast; the fact that this "Hannah" could really be Jin Ae was a lot for him to handle. 

"Well, you certainly know the basics well. You came to me for help in partner dancing, though, right?" The red-head asked, stretching his arms as he did so.


A lop-sided grin made its way onto Hakyeon's lips. "What's with the reluctance to answer, hmm?"

Hannah seemed slightly startled by his observation, her eyes widening slightly as waved her hands. "N-nothing! I just-- Well..." She trailed off, dropping her head and playing with her hands-- yet another trait she shared with Jin Ae.

Hakyeon's grin slowly faded into a softer smile. "You don't have to worry; I'm a great partner, or so I've been told. I won't let you get hurt."

The young woman couldn't help but feel that his statement meant more than its obvious meaning.

"Alright! Let's get to that partnering."


Hannah sighed as she fought to think of the right words to describe her first dance class. "I don't know... It was just weird. The way he looked at me..."

"Who?" Taekwoon's voice, though soft as always, had a slight edge to it. Hannah smiled; he was cute when he got protective.

"My dance instructor, and don't get any ideas, Taekwoon-ah. He wasn't being creepy or anything, but he... It was like he recognized me, like he knew me," the young woman furrowed her brow, gazing up at the ceiling. "And the weirdest part is that I felt like I should know him, too. Not at first, but after a while, he just felt like a familiar person. I don't get that. I don't understand."

Her boyfriend was silent for a few moments before he spoke again. "Maybe he does know you. Maybe you know each other."

"But we've never met--"

"Aren't you near the area your parents found you in?"

Hannah immediately became silent, slowly sitting up on her bed and crossing her legs. It was true; the area she lived in with her parents now wasn't far from the area she was found in all that time ago. Still... She shook her head. "I understand what you mean, but there's no way. What are the odds that I meet someone that knew me when I was a kid the very first day I venture into the city?"

"It isn't impossible."

His words made her feel a rush of excitement and fear. At one point she wanted to run with the idea, ask Hakyeon if he did know her, but then she risked hurting her parents and maybe even herself. Hannah didn't want that.

"So how are things with the company?"

Taekwoon took the hint and allowed her to change the subject; she obviously wasn't quite ready to play with the idea. "I'm almost done with what I need to get done here, but my father keeps giving me extra assignments to keep me here longer, it seems. It might be another week before I get to leave."

"Ah, okay. I'm sure the time will pass quickly, so don't worry about making me wait, alright? I know how you can get." The man was notorious for feeling guilty when it came to troubling Hannah in any way.

A smile could be heard in Taekwoon's voice. "I'll see you soon, Hannah. Love you."

"Right back at you."

Hannah's heart continued to flutter even after she hung up, Taekwoon's words echoing in her mind. Love... Did she love Taekwoon? She felt that he had to be the one at times, so she had to, right? Why was it so hard for her to say that she loved him back? Maybe she was just scared. It was normal to be scared of that sort of thing, wasn't it?

"Hannah, dear, are you still up?" Elizabeth's voice could be heard through Hannah's door, causing the young woman to jump in surprise.

"Y-yeah! Just a sec," she stood and walked to her door, opening it to see her mother in a bath robe with her hair up in a towl, a mug of what suspiciously like hot chocolate in her hand. "Yes?"

The older woman smiled and lifted the mug. "I made hot chocolate if you're interested."

Hannah raised an eyebrow, laughing. "When am I not interested?"


The two women were sitting at the island in the kitchen, sipping on their hot chocolate and just thinking. Hannah was still thinking about whether or not she really loved Taekwoon, her mind eventually drifting to her dance teacher and from there to the thought that she needed to see what musicals and plays were currently being casted. Her mind wandered back to Taekwoon, though. Elizabeth was studying her adopted child and trying her best to figure out what was going on in her head. Hannah was usually so aware of her surroundings, and she usually tried to make sure silence was rare between them, but lately she seemed out of it. She thought at first that it just might be the new area, but then she mulled over it more. Was Hannah thinking about her life in South Korea befor

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There aren't any actual changes to the chapter save for what Ravi says when he speaks about Jin Ae's family (saying she has a sibling)


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Chapter 6: awww N </3

p.s. new reader here ^_^
Chapter 6: LOVED THE UPDATE! I'm so happy they finally met! YES HAKYEON IT'S HERRRRR! I can't wait to see how things work out for the two of them. GREAT JOB! Love love love it! <3 <3
Chapter 5: So, I was just looking up VIXX stories and came across this one. I LOVED the foreword so I started reading and of courseeee, I fell in love with the story! A quarter through it, I saw that you're the author and I freaked out! You're such a great supporter of You and Me, so I wanna support this amazing story too! I LOVE IT! And I think the story is very, very unique. I can't wait till your next update! Hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 5: New reader love the story so far :)x
klienchoung #5
Chapter 2: Interesting
Chapter 1: Wah~ this story seems exciting! Can't wait for more updates, author-nim~ ^^