First meet

Winter Snow

Your POV


I look at my cellphone for the hundreds time but there's nothing to see. I see the street view from my comfortable outdoor seat on a cafe. I've been in LA for a couple of week. My manager set me up here for a fashion week.

Yoochun said he's going to meet me up today. Yeah he's in LA right now.

I don't want to believe this but his dream of becoming a singer has come true.

His become busy since he debut.

We see each other only on special occasion or I can just hear his voice on the phone.

Unfortunetly Hongki is not here. He's is Korea right now. He just release a comeback so he can't come here.

Thinking about them.

I do really miss them a lot. The fact that I know them like ever since I was born, I really know everything about them.

Since Yoochun is a lot older than me and Hongki, he really takes good care of us.

He still called me and Hongki even when he's busy.


"Hello sunshine"




I stand up and hugged him. I hug him really tight.


"Ah~ I missed you so much"


"Of course you do", he chuckled.


"So...when are you going back to Korea?"


"This friday, you?"




We both look at each other and laugh.


"Woah~ You became a really famous model huh, I'm proud"


"Ah you become a famous singer too since you can have your showcase in here"


He smiled and pat my head.


"Are you free tonigh? Let's do something fun"


"Hmm? I think I'm free, but I should be staying in the hotel actually"


"Ah I think you're big enough to go outside and have fun with your oppa. I also have to introduce you to my friends. I didn't get to introduce them to you propertly"


"Oh? Hm I think it's not a bad idea, I've seen one of your friend", "One of him is hot", I whispered.


"Yah you have to tell me which one is that when you meet them"


I just laugh at how he reacts.




I sneak out from the Hotel and meet with Yoochun.


"See? it's not so hard to sneak out?"


"Easy to say but I'm going to be dead if I didn't get back in time"


"Don't worry, let's parteyyyyy"


He drove off and we arrived on a club.






He soon get off the car and greet his friend.


I get off the car and walk slowly behind him.


"Is this...."


"Oh yeah, this is ______"


"Annyonghaseyo :D"


"Hey, my name's Junsu", I shook his hand. 


I look at Yoochun other friend and he looks familiar.






I shook his hand and I look at his eyes. Something felt different about him somehow.


He release his hand and I'm back focus from dazing him.


Oh hello there :)

what do you think of the 1 chapter?

Is this too fast? or too slow?

Ok for now :D

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Wah~... It's kinda sad ... T,T.. So, who is her boyfriend?? Please update soon...<br />