
Who will it be

How in the world were you supposed to choose?! You picked up the phone and called your best friend. Within 10 minutes she was walking right through your door. You knew you looked miserable. Crying for hours and trying to make a life changing decision would do that to a person. She walked over to you and just gave you a hug and waited for you to explain.

“They both confessed” you never looked up from the ground as the tears still flowed from your eyes.

“They want me to choose” your voice waivered and you started sobbing even more.

She looked at you with understanding but still didn’t say anything. You were grateful for that.  You finally composed yourself enough to look up at her. “I don’t know what to do. I really do love them both”

“How did it happen” she asked you “I want to help” She smiled at you and you began your story.

“Well, Joon and I went to the movies” you began, “Just like we do every Friday. But this time we ran into Taeyang. He stopped me to say hi and what not, but Joon got super jealous for some reason. When the movie started Joon got really serious and barely said anything. He didn’t even react to the movie.” You looked over to your friend. She was just listening and thinking. You could tell by the crease between her eyebrows.

“On the car ride home he was still serious, when I asked him about it; he pulled over the car and confessed to me. I was too shocked to say anything then and he told me that he knew that Taeyang also liked me but in the end I would have to choose. When we got to my house, I told him that I would call him later and left the car. But as he pulled away I noticed Taeyang was on the porch. He had waited for me.” You teared up again and you had to remind yourself to take a few breaths before continuing your story.

“He told me that he really wanted to see me since Joon had pulled me away so quickly at the theatre. So he came to wait for me so that we could talk. He then told me about how he could tell Joon liked me just by the way he looked at me, but he couldn’t lose to Joon since he cared so much. He confessed too, but told me to take my time and figure out my feelings because I had started crying. Then I called you. I really don’t know what to do, they both mean so much to me, and I can’t bare the idea of losing either one of them.” you looked towards her for a response. She started slowly.

“Taeyang has always been your best friend; before I even knew you the two of you were friends. However when you met Joon, you seemed a lot happier. I know you feel strongly for both of these guys and I always knew that it would come to this at some point. You really have to think into yourself. I know you love one more than the other, but it’s up to you. Since they are both important to you, you have to choose carefully. Think about after, what will happen when you turn one down. Can you bear to do that to both of them. The one you can’t live without is the one for you.” she smiled sweetly and gave you a hug. You nodded and she walked out of your room to let you think.

You thought long and hard about both of the friendships you had and the possible consequences. After about an hour or two of internal conflict you had figured it out. You knew which one was the guy for you. His friendship made your heart flutter and you couldn’t help but smile when you were around him. Just knowing him made your life better. You knew in your heart that you had made the right decision, but when you had to call the other and turn him down it broke your heart. You had to cry your tears over him before you could give your heart to the right guy. You had to let out all the love you had for your friend. You needed to feel that hurt and know that you couldn’t be with him just to be able to pick up the phone and confess your love you someone else. 

You hung up with him and smiled. You knew that you had made the best choice. You cleaned yourself up. Wiped the makeup stains off of your face and waited. You waited for your future to show up. Finally the doorbell rang.  You ran to it, with a genuine smile on your face. You knew in your heart this was the right choice. You looked through the peep hole just to confirm your choice. He had a smile plastered on his face because you were about to become his girl. You took a deep breath and opened the door.

“Hello, Joon”





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2029 streak #1
Chapter 1: I just finished reading this oneshot. It was nice :)
jessicalm145 #2
Chapter 1: i would choose taeyang anyday!!! lol. So wrong for putting the video up there..lol
Thank you sweetie! It was cute, and thank God I chose Joon :)