I felt it


Jang Dongwoo was sitting on his bed with his back against the wall, writing in his journal. Not the fake journal that he let Sungkyu read, the real one that he had hidden underneath the miscellaneous clutter in his bookbag. No one had ever excavated his bag carefully enough to find it. Normally they just got bored after sifting through the materials on the surface. Also no one had ever gaged Dongwoo's cleverness accurately. He knew his bandmates very well, from their habits, both good and bad, to their unending curiousity, himself included. He knew that it was only a matter of time until some one had asked to read his journal, or tried to read it without his permission. So he wrote a fake one, one that recorded simply what he did and ate that day. Something so mundane that no one would ever want to read it again. Dongwoo was a genious.

Lately, Dongwoo's feelings had been...complex. He didn't really know how to describe it in one word. He needed to sort out his thoughts. 

I'm a 24 year-old man, and I miss my mom. I haven't been able to go home and just chill with my family in months. Sure, INFINITE is like a family, but it isn't. Family is something hard to replace. The members fill most of the void, but...

Dongwoo puts his pen to his lips and looks up towards the ceiling. What was  he trying to say? 

Family is more comfortable? People who are more like you, people who come from the same stock...I'm starting to feel lonely.

There were seven members in INFINITE, and they tended to pair up, which means every once in a while, some got left behind. It was a constant cycle for who that person was. Now it was Dongwoo's turn. And as a result, the longing for his family began to grow.

Dongwoo lifted his pen from the page again and shook his head. He then continued writing.

I really should stop complaining. I'm living my dream. And I'm never really alone.

He could here s shouting from the next room. He laughed.

I have the members. I have the Inspirits. This feeling will pass, eventually.

Hoya suddenly barged into the room. Dongwoo quickly hid the journal under his covers. Hoya furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you doing?"

"Ah, nothing," Dongwoo said nervously.

Hoya started to laugh. "I get it," he said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "Finish up whatever you're doing. Dinner's ready." He walked out of the room. Dong woo looked at the door with a blank stare, but as soon as he understood what Hoya meant, "Aish! What a dirty kid?" he said to himself. And he knew that later on Hoya will make some vague, snarky remark about Dongwoo being a "healthy" male. He couldn't blame his roommate; he probably would've done the same thing himself if the situation was reversed. Then he returned his attention to his journal, jotting down a few more words.

I hope that I can get over this "funk" soon. I will write again later. Now, I'm going to eat. kekeke. Bye! --Dongwoo

He shut the journal and hid it at the bottom of his bookbag. "Be safe," he called to it. Dongwoo then got up and exited out of the room. "Hey! Don't eat without me!"

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I was planning on posting these parts earlier, but I got distracted...by Infinite's comeback! Hehe. Infinite fighting!


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Chapter 8: I love this!! LOL I loved Drunk Myungsoo he was so cute XD
and finally she has a phone!!!
I wonder when is comming the "romance" part (y'know, there's that tag and it bugs me._.) please update soon!