Donghae the Glittering Mermaid


Donghae is a Mermaid and nothing much happens.


Okay before you read: THIS IS A JOKE.

I am not being serious about this. This is a joke between me and my main girl, Beck (SomedayDreamer).

She said I couldn't write a Mermaid-AU.

I beg to differ.



By the way, it's Z here, formerly known as Z of EunhaeMinwook.

I'm back with this pathetic excuse of an inside joke.


If you aren't Beck, you really shouldn't bother reading this, it'll only confuse your poor minds.




This is for you, Skeeze, because it CAN be done.


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Chapter 1: Hahahahahahahahaha! This was Awesome !!! Poor Hyuk thinking he how he is going to do it with a merman and he ends up making out with a piece of driftwood this was classic :) Love it<3
Chapter 1: this is epic!!!! XD is hyukjae that to a driftwood covered in seaweed???? or did he accidentally inhaled a seaweed???? (ok that was bad but meh i'm laughing too hard to care) XD love this!!!
Chapter 1: WHAT?! Oh, i wish donghae, the merman is real....
jewelsvalencia #4
Chapter 1: LOL driftwood you said? XD

Hyuk, you're really delusional oh my gosh~
He's really funny XD
MyeolchiHyuk #5
Chapter 1: haahaha... hyk euu were thinking how to mermaid? ahhaa..!!!

Chapter 1: Oh gosh. This is too funny! hahahahahaha