
Fine China [ D I S C O N T I N U E D ]

Hongbin led me down the stairs of an abandoned building. For a second, I could’ve sworn he was planning to kidnap me. Everything about the moment was really sketchy and I began to think that maybe the Hongbin I thought I knew wasn’t the real Hongbin I knew all along.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he opened a door for me. Hesitantly, I entered. It was dark and I had so many doubts cloud my mind.

He reached for the light switch and right before my eyes, I saw the one thing I least expected to see— a stage with a microphone standing in the middle.

How Hongbin knew that there was an abandoned theater below a building that hasn’t been used in years was beyond me.

Despite the dust and cobwebs, it was actually a breath taking sight.

I glanced over at Hongbin who stared straight ahead, lost in thought.

"This place.. It’s really nice…" I whispered.

He glanced at me, startled. It was as if he forgot I was even there with him.

"Y-yeah…" He finally said.

I looked at him carefully. He didn’t seem to be in the right state of mind anymore. I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of memories he had in this theater.

"Ken and I… We used to perform here with our close friends back when we were in high school." He answered my thoughts.

"I actually haven’t visited until… Now. " He added.

I couldn’t quite understand why he asked me to come with him to visit a place like this, especially if it held that kind of importance to him.

The same question kept repeating itself in my mind: Who is Hongbin really?

I kept seeing different sides of him, and quite frankly, it confused me.

"Why… Why did you take me here?" I finally asked.

He looked at me, confused. It was rather ironic.

"I don’t know." He answered with a straight face.

I grabbed his shoulder and looked straight into his eyes.

"Then maybe we should leave?" I questioned.

He looked at me and then back at the stage.

"N-No." He managed to stutter.

I looked at him, confused. This boy was really pushing his limits with me. I understood nothing about him and why he took me there.

"Can I sing you a song?" He blurted out.

"You can sing?" I asked, surprised.

"A little." He answered as he walked up the stage.

He picked up the mic and began to sing.

His voice struck me like lightning. I didn’t even have the ability to take a seat anymore. I just blankly stared at him as his voice filled the room. Never in my life would I have thought he had a voice like that. And I had to admit, he looked really attractive singing. I looked at him, shocked. At that very moment, I could feel the world stop turning. It felt as if we were the only two left on earth. My mouth hung open slightly in astonishment.

He noticed my sudden change in emotion and stopped singing, laughing at my reaction.

He finished laughing and gave me his signature smile, his dimple pushing in further than usual. He was so cute, I couldn’t help but smile too.

"HONGBIN OPPA JJANG!!" I screamed, in disbelief.

I heard my voice echo, and I got embarrassed and blushed.

Hongbin chuckled at my childish behavior.

He got off the stage and before I knew it, he was standing right in front of me.

"So how was I? I’m a little rusty, sorry." He asked, still smiling.

"You were fantastic!" I said, grinning.

He laughed, thankful that I enjoyed it.

"Now, let’s continue ‘Lee Hongbin’s tour of his personal favorite places’!" He said and grabbed my hand once again, leading me out of the building.

My mind said that this was just a fun outing, but my heart said otherwise.

This boy, who had so many different sides, made my heart beat faster.

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Sorry for not updating in a while you guys! I’ve been busy with summer homework. AP classes are a pain. (´;д;`)

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this update. I tried to make it somewhat fluffy omg i failed i am sorry.



Omg, i can’t with these Hongbin feels. I can kinda see the direction this story is taking already but… UGH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT LOL.

Can we just say that both Minji and Hongbin wear their hearts on their sleeves lol

It’s better this way.

Anyways, I love you guys for subscribing! ヽ(;▽;)ノ

PLEASE comment. I’d like to see some feedback. ❤


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I'll be updating soon ;w;


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estrellajob #1
Chapter 4: I already love this story and I'm so glad that you updated! Thank you very much ^^
rylleu #2
Chapter 2: I love your neat and clean writing skills. <3 I'm so glad you made Hongbin the lead in this fic because there aren't many fics with him as the main. T__T I love your story so far, fighting author!! :)