A Fish Out Of Water

Fine China [ D I S C O N T I N U E D ]

"Please be careful with those sir, they're really fragile." I said to one of the movers that were bringing in a box full of my mother's fine china.

After my mother's death I had decided that it would be best if I moved into the city to start fresh. My father, hard at work overseas, thought it was a good idea as well and used his wealth and high position to enroll me into Seoul University. I knew it would take me a while to adjust, but something in the back of my head told me it was worth it.

After everything was unloaded into the apartment, the workers left.

"The city..." I said with a sigh as I pulled myself up to sit on the kitchen counter. There was no where else to sit at the time except on the boxes, so I opted for the counters.

"What was I thinking? I don't even know how to get to the closest market from here. Would I ever be able to call this place my home?" I thought aloud.

In return, I was answered with silence.

I had the sudden urge to call the movers once again to bring all of my stuff back to my old house. My fear of change was something I could never overcome. I didn't like change, especially if I was on my own.

I'm a small town girl. I loved living in modesty. The city was an environment that I never imagined myself to inhabit. Everything felt so strange, yet exciting. I didn't like it one bit. I wanted to go home. I wanted the calmness of familiarity to sooth me once again, just for old time's sake.

I snapped out of my selfish thoughts.
"... But mom would want this for me." I whispered, defeated.


Ken awoke from a peaceful slumber and quietly went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Hongbin and himself.

Hongbin was never a morning person, but he would wake up if he needed to. This was a trait of his that Ken appreciated the most.

Today was an important day for the both of them. It was their orientation day for Seoul University, the school of their dreams.

"KONG! Time to wake up, buddy! Today's the big day!" Ken yelled over the noise of the sizzling bacon he was cooking.

Without hesitation, Hongbin's eyes fluttered open and he jumped out of bed. He ran straight into the kitchen and sat down, fork and spoon at hand, ready to devour the delicious food that Ken had prepared for them.

"Woah slow down, I’m not done cooking yet!" Ken complained as he slaved over the hot stove.

He continued to nag as Hongbin read a text message from their landlord.

"Hyung, our landlord said we've got a new neighbor..." Hongbin muttered as he chewed on his fork.

"ASSA! Is it a lovely yeoja??" Ken spun around and winked at Hongbin.

"Ani, hyung, well... I don't know actually." Hongbin replied while scratching his head in frustration.

"I guess we'll just have to find out on our own then." Ken said with another wink.

"In the meantime, bon appetite!" Ken exclaimed while placing today's breakfast on the table.


I was running late. I left my apartment early to ensure that I would get to the university in time, but I managed to get lost on my way there. All the streets looked the same and I had no idea where I was anymore.

"So this is what it felt like to be that little girl who lost her mom in a crowded grocery store..." I said, giving up once and for all.

There were plenty of people around that I could ask for directions, but I was scared. These were city people. Men in suits, carrying coffee and briefcases in their hands, would surely never give me the time of day. I took one last look around to make sure. In my peripheral vision, I saw two males, whom appeared to be college students. Even if they weren't, they were the last of my quickly diminishing hope.

I slowly approached them, making sure I didn't do anything to scare them off. Everything would be fine, if I choose the right words to say. These are city people, I reminded myself.

"E-excuse me," I started.

I wanted to run away right then and there because they both turned to look at me at the same time. There was nothing wrong with it aside from the fact that they could be super models. The taller male— who only seemed to be taller by a centimeter— glared at me as if I had done something horrible.

"I'm lost, could you please give me directions to—"

"Look, we're late to a very important event. If you don't know how to get somewhere, you should have looked it up before you left your house, don't ya think?" The taller male said with a disgusted look as he turned to his friend who seemed too dumbstruck to back him up.


I came to the realization that the jerk's name was Lee Hongbin. I took a mental note of it for the future in case I ever ran into him again. But then again, I’m in the city now, and the odds of me ever seeing him again were one in a million.

"I'm terribly sorry about my friend,"

"where are you trying to get to?" The shorter one inquired.

"I need directions to Seoul University..." I said, embarrassed by the enormous amount of attention this stranger was giving me.

"What a coincidence! My friend and I are on our way there as well. You may walk with us if you please." He said

"Ah, thank you. I'm Minji by the way.." I said shyly as we began to walk there together.

"I'm Ken and the stick in the mud over here is Hongbin." Ken explained.

We walked in silence with the occasional small talk, but nothing more.

Once we reached the campus, we decided to go our separate ways.

Everyone was put into groups of 5. In those groups, we had a leader who was an upperclassman that showed us around campus. My group's leader was way too bubbly for me to handle. Despite that fact, I couldn't deny that he was cute. His name was Hakyeon.

After the tour, everyone left with great haste. I turned to leave as well, but I felt something slip into my hand.

It was paper.

Hakyeon slipped a piece of paper into my hand and casually walked away like I was nothing more than a potted plant. My breathing hitched because of the skin contact that was made in the process.

Slowly, I unfolded the paper to read its content. It was his number with a smiley face scribbled next to it.

I was happy about his friendly gesture. I was in need of friends and someone who was familiar with Seoul. It was a win-win situation for me.


"Dude, Hongbin, did you just see that?!" Ken exclaimed as he punched Hongbin's arm.

"What?!" Hongbin said, annoyed.

"The legendary Hakyeon of Seoul University just gave his digits to that Minji girl! This is scandalous! Legend has it, Hakyeon only dates models. Do you think he's really interested in her? Omo!" Ken exclaimed in disbelief.

"Hyung, you sound like those drama thirsty ahjummas from the restaurant we eat at all the time. It. Doesn't. Matter." Hongbin said with a sigh.

"It doesn't matter to you, but it matters to me!" Ken scoffed and started to walk away, pretending to be hurt.

"Hey, you can head home first; I’m going to go buy some groceries and stuff on the way!" Hongbin called after his roommate.

Ken nodded and kept walking.


I was exhausted, but content with what I accomplished. I figured this was an occasion for a drink so I stopped by the next outdoor restaurant I saw.

After a few bottles of soju, I found myself losing all my rationality. The sun had begun to set and I decided to head back.
I got up and began to walk back to my apartment. The problem was— I didn't know how to get there.

As the alcohol began to take over my body, I lost control of my actions. I've never felt so vulnerable in my life, yet I continued to let myself feel this way. Events of my life began to flash before my eyes, causing me to become an emotional wreck.

I have no home;
I reminded myself of this as I aimlessly wandered the streets.

After walking for what felt like an hour, I finally got a hold of myself. Feeling myself sober up, I felt relieved.

For the first time since I arrived in this wretched city, my mind was finally at peace. It was no longer cluttered and I began to accept my new life. I enjoyed this peaceful, blissful stroll until my dream took a turn for the worse.


"A girl like you shouldn't be out late in a place like this." A voice said from behind me, followed with a light chuckle.

I froze.


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Hello everyone! Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think  ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
okay so it's 2am kill me now. I don't know why I tend to write late at night  ಥ_ಥ

I actually had a lot of fun writing this because... I'm really hongbin biased at the moment and this is helping me cope with those feelings.

SIGHHH. So who do you think that voice belongs to?? A ?? KEN?? HONGBIN?? HAKYEON?? (◎_◎;)

You'll find out soon ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (●´ω`●)ゞ

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I'll be updating soon ;w;


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estrellajob #1
Chapter 4: I already love this story and I'm so glad that you updated! Thank you very much ^^
rylleu #2
Chapter 2: I love your neat and clean writing skills. <3 I'm so glad you made Hongbin the lead in this fic because there aren't many fics with him as the main. T__T I love your story so far, fighting author!! :)