
Prince Kibum

Tiffany's assumption was way wrong. It was indeed hard tracking down the Prince. It seemed no one in Tarantallegra knew about where he was, or they just didn't want Tiffany to know. The poor girl was lost now; she didn't know what to do. She's been in the city for about two weeks, wandering and waiting for something; anything.
At the moment, she was browsing through a chicken stand, trying to buy a couple of chickens to feed off of from (since it was forbidden to feed on humans) an old woman when two women about her age approached her.

"I can recognize that devil hair anywhere," one of them spoke, turning Tiffany roughly by the shoulder.

 "What in heaven's name do you think you are doing back here?" the other demands, crossing her arms. "You got some guts showing your face here again."

Tiffany smirks, "Hello Taeyeon, Seohyun, how do you do?" Taeyeon and Seohyun were old best friends of Tiffany before her family fled the village.

"Better than you, obviously." Seohyun sneers, baring her fangs to intimidate Tiffany.

Tiffany flings her hair to the side, "Is that what you think?" She responds in an "as-a-matter-of-fact" tone.

"T'is what I know!"

"You won't be much better than me when I become the princess of this very town."

The two girls laugh in her face.

"You foolish girl!" Taeyeon giggles. "What makes you think a fine man like Kim Kibum would ever wed you?"

"He saved me and my mother's life," she responds. "I didn't see him doing that for anyone else."

"It was simply pity. Nothing else." Taeyeon rolls her eyes. "The prince hasn't been in the city for a while now, so I have not a clue why you think you'll become his wife for such a small, unrealistic reason. The royal family will be damned before they welcome you into their home."

"Same to you." Tiffany mutters.

"What was that?!" Taeyeon snaps and in a swift moment she has Tiffany by the neck, squeezing it with effortless strength.

"Taeyeon, let's not make a scene here. People are starting to stare." Seohyun says, patting the elder on the shoulder in hopes to calm her down. Taeyeon complies and sets Tiffany down harshly.

Tiffany coughs as she struggles to catch wind. "W-What do you mean "the prince hasn't been in the city for weeks"? Where could he have gone?" she asks.

"As if we'd tell you." Seohyun scoffs but in reality the two girls had no clue. Nobody knew where the Queen and her son went off too. It was confidential information. "Taeyeon and I must be off now. We've wasted enough time talking to the likes of you." Tiffany scowls as she watches them saunter off and get mixed up in the crowd.

“Are you going to buy some chicken or not?!” the old woman snaps. “Because if you aren’t you need to get lost! You are scaring away customers!”

“Oh yes ma’am, I would like these two…” Tiffany quickly collects herself and grabs her wallet to pay the elder.

“You want them dead or alive?”

“Alive please, the blood is better then.”

The elderly woman huffs as she disappears for a couple of seconds to go fetch some chickens from their cages. She soon reappears with a brown knitted bag which was viciously squirming about.

“Thank you,” Tiffany says and quickly disappears from the market. She sighs, five minutes later, when she’s rested against a willow tree. Where on Earth could Prince Kibum be? She contemplates many locations on where she should check, not realizing that there was something lurking in the bushes behind her. By the time she hears a twig crack, it’s too late, two strong arms were wrapped around her neck tightly. She struggles, kicking her legs about, grabbing for the persons face, but it was all to no avail.

“Shh, don’t fight it,” the person murmurs into her ear and she immediately identifies it as a man. “In a matter of seconds, you’ll be asleep, darlin’,”



 > >



Minho doesn’t know what he hates more; Kibum or all the girls including Sulli following him around like he was a new born baby. Seriously, what was with those girls? Minho was sure that Kibum was capable of finding his classes and figuring out what was what on his own.


It is the middle of lunch and Minho is taking care of his business in the bathroom when Kibum walks in laughing at something. Minho finishes up and flushes the toilet.

"Oh, hey," Kibum says as Minho begins to wash his hands. "Are the girls here usually this friendly?"

Minho doesn't reply. He assumes the boy was just talking to himself by now. "Minho, right? We have homeroom together." He reaches to touch Minho on the shoulder but the taller boy maneuvers out of the way just in time.

"Don't touch me." He snaps, snatching paper towels from the machine. Minho stares him down aggressively as he dries his hands. How dare he? Minho demands to himself. Coming to this school and thinking he could steal Sulli away from him? Well… it wasn’t like she was his in the first place but of course you know where he's coming from.

Kibum blinks his golden eyes, puzzled. "I-I thought we were friends? What's with the hostility?"

Minho snickers. "Friends? You wish--" He stops himself. If he was friends with this kid then maybe - just maybe - he'd have excuses to talk to and be around Sulli. "Friends. You're right. I'm sorry." He says, forcing a smile. "You just… kind of startled me."

"Deep in your thoughts or something?" Kibum questions as he begins to wash his own hands. Minho's eyes trail Kibum's features as he does so. Is that blonde hair natural? His skin is clear and so pale. And wow, his teeth are really white... "Usually when I'm deep in my thoughts I forget what I'm doing or where I am." He dries his hands. "Come on. You wanna sit with us?"

"Who's “us”?"

"Sulli, Luna, Hyoyeon and some other girls which their names slip my mind at the moment..." The two boys exit the bathroom and Kibum begins to lead the way to the table. "Remember when you first got here? And you said something about finding a princess...?" Kibum nods. "What was that all about? Were you serious?" Kibum laughs nervously and rubs at his neck; "I kind of realized that you don't say such things around here. Don't pay much mind to it. I say a lot of stupid things." He elbows Minho playfully in the rib and laughs. Once they arrive at the table, the conversation the ladies seemed to be having, came to a stopping point. Minho says hello (the girls already knew him so there was no point in an introduction) and squeezes himself in between Sulli and Kibum.

"Hi Minho," she giggles, causing Minho’s heart to beat rapidly. Her laugh was like music to his ears. "You excited for Friday's game?"

"I'm only going to be excited if you come and cheer me on." He smiles, flirtatiously, and gently caresses her hair in a subtle manner.

"What's on Friday?" Kibum pipes up. Hyoyeon held a pudding cup towards him but he crinkled his nose in disgust, pushing it away. (“Oh come on, Kibum, it’s delicious,” she says, but Kibum is to busy trying to listen to Sulli.)

"It’s the first soccer game of the season." Sulli explains. "Minho here is the captain of the team and has been for the last two years."

"That's pretty awesome." Kibum grins, his golden eyes twinkled. "I've never been to a soccer game before." The table silences as they all digest what the blonde just said.


Kibum nods slowly.

"You should come. They've never lost a game." Luna interjects.

"Alright. I'll think about it." Kibum speaks. Minho internally groans to himself (why, oh, why did she have to invite him?) just as the bell rings. Everyone rises from the table, gathering their trash. As everyone is busy collecting their rubbish, Minho notices Kibum pop something small and white into his mouth. He stares at him, confused, wondering what it was or could be, but Sulli tugs at his sleeve leading him into the hallway.

As the group found a spot in the hall and began to converse amongst one another Minho starts thinking back to lunch. He remembers that Kibum didn't even have his own lunch tray out in front of him and when Hyoyeon offered him something he didn't take that either. He usually never sees Kibum eating lunch anyway in the first place. And don’t ask how he knows that. He just likes watching Sulli as creepy as it sounds and would usually catch the boy in his peripherals. What if he's uh, anorexic? Boys can be that right? Minho shook his head. That’s a bit too much, Minho, don’t you think? Maybe he just can’t afford lunch…

"What're you thinking about, Minho?" Kibum questions, poking him in between his eyebrows. "Your big football game?"

"It's soccer," Minho corrects, swatting Kibum's hand out of the way. "And no. It’s not even a big game, it’s just the first – you know what? I have to get to class now. Bye."

"I’ll go with you, this crowd is making me a bit uncomfortable anyways…" Kibum says as he follows the taller male.

“Are you agoraphobic or something?” he questions.

“Ago-what? No, nah, I just- the smell kind of bothers me…”

 Minho doesn’t say more. The smell? Really? He takes a quick whiff of the air around him. Smells mostly like the cafeteria at the moment. Minho concludes that maybe Kibum just hates the school lunch. Something was off about him though… He was bizarre, like really uncanny. He spoke like he was some sort of King and his features were kind of super natural and whenever Minho looks into his eyes he feels exposed; like Kibum could just see into him. It was a bit freaky…




Posted: 1514
so I was finally came up with something for this. Woo no more writer’s block… for now haha.
happy new year you guys <3



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Happy New Year! Expect from this story soon!


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Chapter 4: I'm glad you updated! :D I love how already Minho is thinking so much about Key lol already he's interested~ I'm looking forward to seeing what happens when they get closer. great job <3
Chapter 3: hmm why does she want to find Kibum? I hope he's not going to get into danger >< can't wait for more! <333
Chapter 3: Ehhh so short~ what a beotch she is lol. More Minkey please~ or at least more adorable key~ XD
Chapter 2: great start to the story!
I think Minho's first impression of Key is quite wrong ;)
can't wait to see where it goes <333
Chapter 2: Omgggggg yaaaaay~
muchLove #6
Chapter 2: You did a great job with the first chapter and second chapter.
Minhoand Kibum finally met. Wonder what will happen next?
wheres-my-cookie #7
This sounds good! :) Can't wait for the first chapter! ^^
MinKeyMK #8
yeah it is interesting,well i cant wait for an update :D
hmmmm not bad ;)