
See you...Again

A doctor came into my room and approach Jessica and Yuri-ssi. Why is he here ?

 - We're sorry we can't save her...

I know i'm mean to you but don't worry, she'll be fine someday..!?


Taeyeon POV
- We're sorry we couldn't save her...
YOU COULDN'T SAVE HER ??? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ? ARE YOU A REAL DOCTOR ???? I was very upset to him but inside, i feel like i want to cry as a baby TT.TT
- I didn't finish my sentence yet, and YES i'm a doctor. So I was saying that we couldn't save her FROM BLINDNESS !! Suddenly I felt relieved to know that she didn't die.
- She's blind now ? Is she alright after this ? 
- Don't worry cousin, my sister will be fine but she needs to rest for the whole month here.
- You're her brother ? I didn't know Chaerin-ah has a brother ?
She don't know either. She don't know I'm her brother because I had a fight with my parents the day of her birth and after I left the house and my sister too. I feel guilty for leaving her like this and for living a hell since that. 
Chaerin has a brother ? It explain why he seemed so familiar to me , but why can't I remember her,Chaerin, WHY ?
- Will you tell her that you're her brother ? If you don't then I'll do it ! Where is she now, I need to see her , she may answer all my troubles and questions.
- She's not awake yet and her state is stable but still a little weak. She'll wake up tomorrow if all is fine ! 
- I don't car, I'll go see her now even if she's ont awake, I want to be by her side just to look at her if I remember her !
- Good idea, follow me i'll show you her room . You too Yuri, you're the most close with her since THAT , I think she would like to see you first .
- Can I come too ? I want to see if she's fine now ?
- Yeah~ , why not ? You're Jessica right  ? CL always talk about you , how mean you are with her *laugh* ! I'm Choi Seung Hyeon.
- CL ? Is that the surname you gave to her ? It's pretty ! 
- Uhmm...ye-yeah ! Follow me , I'll guide you to her private room.
Private room, is she a V.I.P. here ? Why don't get I a private room for me too ? *pouts*
- Yeah , she come here often for her disease, she has a really rare and hard asthma if she don't come to her check up every month she can die. So now she has her own room with all her drawings
- You keep all of them ?
- She draws ???? O.O
- Yes and she's a genius in painting and drawing ! But she doesn't show her painting to anyone except Yuri and me.
- Yeah, she can even sale them for a lot of money ! She's very talented but did you keep this portrait ?
- Yes, but she doesn't want to see it ! It's amazing how this person looks like an angel... Now that I think of it , Taeyeon you look like that painting, that angel... I'm maybe wrong but you'll see this portrait one day if she really trust you hard ! 
I'm TOTALLY confused now... Did she paint me as an angel ? The doctor stop us in front of a room called "CL" , yeah her brother surname her like that.. Cute ! Ehhh???? What I am saying ??? Stay calm Tae, stay calm...
In the room "CL"
I slowly push the door and finally come in her room. There were a lot of drawings and paintings all over the walls . And there, on the bed, she's sleeping. This is it, I RECOGNIZE HER !!!!!!!
I sat down on the chair near her bed and watching her sleeping.
- We'll leave now, you can stay here if you want but don't forget to take your medicine .
- Yeah, thanks. I'll watch her now.  They already left the room. I take her hands in mine and decided to leave. But before I could do anything, I felt her hand move. SHE'S WAKING UP !!!
- Who's here ?
- It's me.
- FUNNY ! I can't see, I'm blind, so who are you and why are you here ?
- I'm Taeyeon. 
Suddenly, he eyes grew bigger, she froze in place .
- K-Kim Tae-Taeyeon ?
- Yes.
- Leave.
- Uhhh ???
- Leave this room and leave me alone, I shouldn't be weak, I shouldn't be there. Can you please help me to stand up and leave please ?
- NO , the doctor said you need someone and stay for a month there.
- Call Yuri please.
Why is she crying now ? Why do I want to hug her ?
- Okay, but only if you let me hug you
- BWOOOH ??? No way , you can't hug me, I'll fall for you again if you do it and I don't want to get hurt anymore so please don't do it.
She stand up but fall on her knees. Normal since she's still weak because of the operation. I quickly catch her and took her in my embrace. I'm hugging her, why do I feel so good now ? WHY?
- LEAVE ! LEAVE ME PLEASE ! but, just for a goodbye, can you please k-ki-kiss me on my cheeks ?
Uh ??? Who said i'll leave you ?
- It's not you who is leaving but me , and sorry for my request, It's okay if you don'- Before she could says anything I was kissing her... on her lips. WAIT ? ON HER LIPS ? WHY AM I DOING THIS?????????? 
She stayed a little bit shocked with the sudden action but she finnaly responded to my kiss and I FEEL SO RIGHT , SO GOOD, I want to kiss her more... but before I could even deepen the kiss , she pulled away and ran out of me.
- See you in heaven.  It was the last thing she said before going out of her room.
- Waiiiit , I'M SORRY, don't leave me ... not again.  I searched for her in the whole floor , I finnaly decided to give up and rest on the roof of the hospital. I was now on the roof , I was going to sit but I heard a sobbing sound , I quickly turned to find Chaerin, in front of me, crying all her heart...Why am I hurt too see her crying. She stood up and walked to the edge of the roof. 
- Goodbye Tae-tae. She was going to sit but I manage to catch her , don't ask me how because I don't know either, and hug her immediatly. 
I said that I won't left but I didn't say that you can go. How a blind person like you can go to the roof. You wanted to watch the sunset ?
- Are you mocking me now , first you kiss me then you hug me and now you're saying that you want me to stay ? 
I don't know what to say, I'll just leave tomorrow, I can't "see" you again, not after what I did to you, didn't you read the letter ? 
- Yes and even if I have amnesia my heart beats for you , I think I like you but I don't remember you neither why I like you but my heart say it.
- DON'T SAY THAHT, YOU'RE wrong, you don't like me, you're just happy because you remember me nothing else, please don't say that. And she ran away from me, again, I let her go until I remember that she's blind, I ran to her but when I wanted to catch her, I slipped and pushed her in the stairs -I didn't do it on purpose- . Now seh is falling down the stairs and I'm watching her, I just couldn't do anything. She stops downstairs and was bleeding seriously from her head...







I'm sorry , this chapter is so sad but the next will be a happy chapter so don't worry. Will Chaerin still be alive......................................................................................Y.E.S ! 

Thanks for reading and see you maybe tomorrow !


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GrumpyCats #1
Chapter 3: Fighting Author-nim ^^
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GrumpyCats #2
Chapter 3: Fighting Author-nim ^^
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